KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" areapproximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and
click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'
Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).
The National Board met last Thursday. They decided to put off further discussion of the layoffs of Buzz and me and others for the time being - estimate that it will come back in a month. The vote had been about 50/50 but letters have poured in!! Some long, some succinct — all great and meaningful. Remember that 4/5 of the Board are from the other Pacifica stations and my program and me are just words — to members who had never heard of either. The letter writers filled in some blanks, overcoming the remark by someone that I am old, prejudiced, and know nothing. I also sent them a Program Guide. I was frankly overcome by some of the heartfelt remarks and Diane got printouts which she will save for the ages. I can’t thank you enough. THERE IS STILL TIME to send an email to the National Board and the Interim Executive Director at
If you don’t have a computer, you can send a written letter to Comments, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West, No. Hollywood, CA 91604.
“The Study of Asia”
All Info:
Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
12-1:30 Danny Sheehan
‘’On Politics and Worldviews. ‘’ (11/7/14)
Background and Motivation for “The Role of the Public Intellectual”: Constrained by their State Boards of Regents, State Colleges & Universities of Western Culture impose requirements upon their Professors that compel them to promote beliefs that support both the objectives and ideologies of the Nation State of which they are a part of. Private Colleges of Western Culture are similarly constrained by their Private Boards of Overseers to promote beliefs that support the private financial interests of contributors who personally finance those private Institutions. In Western Culture, these beliefs include: the primacy of the economic system of State Capitalism; the ideologies of Caucasian Racial Superiority and Female Inferiority; the belief in Scientific Logical Positivism and Materialism (these beliefs are often masked as the development of a superior capacity to function intellectually in order to achieve long range goals rather than functioning emotionally to indulge short term personal satisfactions); and the indoctrination of their students in the dual doctrines of Nationalism and The Legitimization of the Resort to the Use of Military Violence to Achieve the Selfish Economic Goals The Elite of their Nation State.
Just as Political Public Office-Holders in State and Federal Governments feel “constrained” from speaking the truth that they have learned in their positions until after they have“retired from public office, College & University Professors inside State and Private Colleges & Universities oft-times feel constrained from sharing with their students their true conclusions about the academic subjects that they have spent a lifetime teaching until after they have achieved Emeritus status – at which time it is often too late to reach a student audience.
It is the goal of SANTA CRUZ COLLEGE to bring these truths to College & University students while they are still in the midst of their undergraduate and graduate school learning experience. This Course, “REALITY 101”: The Secret Science – The Relationship Between Consciousness and Political Action, brings you crusading Harvard Constitutional Litigation Expert and U.C. Santa Cruz Visiting Lecturer Daniel Sheehan outside of the constraints of the public
courtroom and of the State University classroom, to share with you, as active and aggressively-seeking students, the truths that he has not been allowed to share with his audiences in America’s courtrooms or in College & University classrooms pertaining to the secret relationship between “Consciousness” and “Political Action” in Western Civilization.
Danny's Websites: (for class video click on ‘classes’)
Danny’s Book: “The People’s Advocate”. (autobiographical & historical)
1:30-2:30 “Rolling Thunder”. Part 1: ‘Return to the Land’
Part 1 of an 8 part series on the Cherokee Medicine Man in speeches recording, interviews (with Amanda Folger), and readings from the book “Rolling Thunder” by Doug Boyd read by Mitchell Harding. Called “RT” he presents histories, battles for survival, nature, healing, magic, adventures and his home at the time called Meta Tantay, among the Shoshone in Nevada. Produced in 1979 by Roy.
Archive #KZ0789.1 to .8
2:30-3 “Tribes from California. to Australia are Fighting Wildfirewith Fire”
By MariaMarch 30, 2021Newest Podcasts
For over 100 years, it has been illegal for Indigenous tribes in California to practice traditional burning to prevent catastrophic wildfires. Now, the Karuk Tribe in Humboldt and Siskiyou counties is bringing fire back.
Julia Muldavin’s 11 minute film is entitled: This California Tribe Is Fighting Wildfires With Fire. Karuk spokespeople include Herman Albers, and Chook Chook Hillman, Karuk Department of Natural Resources. The film was posted on YouTube in October 2019.
Sadly the message and cultural fire practice did not spread fast enough to lessen the catastrophic impact of the 2020 record-setting California wildfire season. It burned 4 1/4 million Acres.
In an extraordinary case of symmetry that shows that cultural intentional burning is a shared practice among indigenous peoples – the next segment of this program takes you to Australia. For decades now Aborigine elders and their young students have campaigned to bring back the practice of cultural burning. And they warned if nothing was done to protect the forests, bush and grass lands there would be devastating wildfires across Australia.
The world watched in horror and grief when 46 million acres burned in the 2019/2020 fire season and over 1 1/4 billion wild animals perished.
ABC, the Australian public broadcast service, produced a moving film entitled: How Indigenous Fire Management Practices Could Protect Bushland. It was posted in the aftermath of the fires in April 2020. This radio program contains excerpts.
The guide through the film is Victor Steffensen, author of the 2020 book: Fire Country: How Indigenous Fire Management Could Help Save Australia. The film opens with him setting a humble fire with one match. Victor Steffensen is connected to Aboriginal culture through his mother and two elders who taught him: Tommy George and George Musgrave.
In a decade of workshops across a range of different ecosystems, Steffensen advocates for a return to cultural burning and indigenous-led fire and country management.
Download From TUC Radio:
3 - 6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
12-1 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Children's Health Defense
‘TRUTH’ With RFK, Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Shadowy Alliance Between Big Pharma and Big Tech. (4/12/21)
CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola discuss how the narrative perpetuated by Big Pharma and Big Tech — that “vaccines are the only way to restore normalcy” — is leading to the destruction of our Constitutional rights.
Children's Health Defense Team
The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to say in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It's free.
In the latest episode of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Kennedy interviews Dr. Joseph Mercola on the fear-driven COVID-19 narrative, ongoing efforts to resist government restrictions and the loss of freedom seen around the world.
Highlights from their wide-ranging discussion include:
Notes about the soon-to-be-released book “The Truth About COVID-19,” by Mercola and Ronnie Cummins. Kennedy, who wrote the forward to the book, says the pandemic is being used to shift wealth upwards, abolish civil rights and destroy democracy. The official release of the book is April 29.
The massive effort from the get-go to sell the idea that the only possible way to control COVID was through masks and lockdowns.
How the public was largely conditioned to believe the world needed to wait on a vaccine for any meaningful intervention against COVID.
How government officials and the media suppressed information about potential treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
How personal data collected by Google over the past nearly two decades is being used to manipulate public behavior.
How Google searches steer people away from anything that goes against Pharma’s narrative including natural health, chiropractors and nutrition.
Listening to Gary’s Show on the Phone:
To listen to program from the archives anytime, 24/7: 701-719-9976
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific: 774-337-6068
Call in: (862) 800-6805
Luanne Pennesi: (903) 881-7008
1-2 The Progressive Commentary Hour – 04.14.21
Legal challenges against covid vaccine mandates, death statistics and testing and an ongoing state of emergency
Ana Garner is an attorney who has been practicing law in New Mexico for 40 years. She holds a degree in biology from the University of New Mexico and received a law JD from the University of Mexico’s Law School. Later her experience in medical litigation earned her a position at the university’s law school. She is now leading the state’s Stand Up mission to challenge the government’s overreaching programs that have been depriving Americans of their liberties and contributing to untold physical, mental and economic hardships. Following graduation Ana pursued a law practice in medical malpractice and injuries. Last December, she and three other attorneys filed a case against New Mexico’s governor and state public health officials on the handling of Covid pandemic. She is also party for a similar lawsuit filed in Ohio that includes the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services for misreporting deaths as Covid. Her group’s website is
2-3 The Gary Null Show – 04.15.21
1. This is why we can’t have nice things. – This video is about stuff: light bulbs, printers, phones and why they aren’t better
2. Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness – Simon Sinek: Simon Sinek explains how the millennial generation became so entitled. A combination of failed parenting strategies, technology, impatience and environment have created a wave of young people who can’t hack it in the real world.
Audio Download:
3-4 The Gary Null Show 4.16.21
Dark predictions of one ruling party controlled by corporate interests in America.
Alpha Lipoic Acid vital anti-oxidant. Creatine & muscle regeneration. Musically trained children benefit. Trees prevent disease.
‘’Empathy’’ best speech of all time by Simon Sinek.
Sweet Uncle Billy.
Aldous Huxley and prediction of ‘Soma’ and dictatorial super state in ‘’Brave New World’’.
Open phone calls.
”Audio Download:
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’swebsite.
12-1 Dave Emory, For the Record #1172: The Missing Chapter #2
In numerous programs and lectures, we have discussed the important, devastatingly successively mind control programs engaged in by the military and CIA. Those programs were developed in reaction to downed American airmen who–after captivity–gave testimony that they had been involved in biological warfare attacks against China and North Korea during the war.
A superb book about Unit 731–the Japanese biological warfare unit during World War II–had a chapter in the British edition that was omitted in the American edition. (Sadly, the books is out of print, although both the British and American editions are available through used-book services. Mr. Emory heartily encourages listeners to obtain the book. Even the American edition–missing this key chapter–is worthwhile. Hopefully, a publisher will obtain the rights to the book and re-issue it. If so, we will enthusiastically promote the work.)
The chapter in the UK edition chronicles the investigation into the allegations of American BW use during the Korean War, including circumstantial evidence that Unit 731 veterans and methodology may well have been used in the alleged campaign. That chapter is altogether objective, avoiding ideological bias toward either side in the conflict.
Because of that, we found the omission of this chapter from the U.S. edition to be significant. As the brilliant Peter Dale Scott noted: “The cover-up obviates the conspiracy.” It is a matter of public record that Unit 731’s files were incorporated into the U.S. biological warfare program, and veterans of the Unit bequeathed their expertise to the Americans in exchange from immunity from prosecution for war crimes.
It is a matter of public record that Unit 731’s files were incorporated into the U.S. biological warfare program, and veterans of the Unit bequeathed their expertise to the Americans in exchange from immunity from prosecution for war crimes…
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).
Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):
Dave's website:
1-2 Bruce Gagnon, “Is Russia Truly Our Enemy?” (4/12/21)
Peace movement leader Bruce Gagnon talks about his trips to Russia and addresses the demonization of Russia. He is the coordinator and co-founder of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in. Space
2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Originally heard Sundays, 9:30am
2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Sunday's at noon.
All info and free downloads. http://www.ralphnaderradiohour.comRalph's
3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom'swebsite.
12-1 Alan Watts "Zen and the Art of Controlled Accidents" Part 4 of 4
''Although Zen Buddhism is to some extent the art of
'letting things happen,' this is by no means to be confused with merely
capricious behavior. The difference is illustrated with examples from
Far Eastern painting, calligraphy, and ceramics." (AW)
All Info:
1-2 Insights At The Edge:
Spencer Sherman. “The Inner Mastery of Money”
Spencer Sherman was named one of the top wealth advisors in the United States, has an MBA from Wharton School, and is the founder of a sustainable financial firm with Buddhist values. With Sounds True, Spencer is the coauthor of The Money and Spirit Workshop. He also is bringing his work on the inner mastery of money to the Inner MBA program, a nine-month training program Sounds True is producing in partnership with LinkedIn, Wisdom 2.0, and MindfulNYU. In this podcast, Sounds True founder Tami Simon speaks with Spencer about how we can shift from having a neurotic, confused, or highly charged relationship with money to enjoying a wise, healthy, and uncharged relationship. Spencer introduces the iceberg metaphor, sharing how our financial literacy doesn’t actually drive our money behaviors as much as our fixed, unconscious beliefs and emotions do. Tami and Spencer also discuss the connections between money and Buddhism, exploring self-worth, fear, generosity, equanimity, and more.
Spencer Sherman, MBA, who was named one of the top wealth advisors in the US, is cofounder of Abacus Wealth Partners. He is a workshop leader, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of The Cure for Money Madness.
A graduate of the Wharton School, Spencer has appeared on CNN, CNBC, and in The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. He is the cocreator of the Financial Intimacy workshops and practiced meditation since 1980. Spencer lives with his family in the San Francisco Bay area.
For Free audio and transcript downloads:
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:" Rebroadcast
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, books, quotations, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's
That's All Folks!
Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,
North Hollywood, CA 91604
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