PACIFICA VOTER GUIDE**(NOTE: Staff is not allowed to suggest how to vote)
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and
click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'
Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).
Concerning the layoffs of Roy and Buzz (and elimination of ‘Something’s Happening!’ ) - the National Board voted to lay us off, by a majority of 1. Then 1 changed a vote so the count was to not lay off. So the board decided to wait for another vote - estimate for one month. In the meantime there is a fund drive. We will not lie or cheat the subscribers so we are emphasizing ‘sustainer donations’ which give the subscriber more control over their donations. We are also asking for letters to the Interim Executive Director and to the National Board with your point of view over the layoffs and importance of ‘’Something’s Happening!’’ (or lack thereof).
To: Interim Executive Director:
To: National Board Members:
They have reportedly received hundreds of letters. Also at this stage of the fund drive, “Something’s Happening!’’ Is the top fundraiser. (the layoffs are being made to cut back our budget)
“The Fourth Way”
All Info:
Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
12-1:30 Danny Sheehan
The Role of the Public Intellectual
Santa Cruz Free University, Fall 2014
‘’Creating a New Ultimate Enemy’’ – Nov 10, 2014
Background and Motivation for “The Role of the Public Intellectual”: Constrained by their State Boards of Regents, State Colleges & Universities of Western Culture impose requirements upon their Professors that compel them to promote beliefs that support both the objectives and ideologies of the Nation State of which they are a part of. Private Colleges of Western Culture are similarly constrained by their Private Boards of Overseers to promote beliefs that support the private financial interests of contributors who personally finance those private Institutions. In Western Culture, these beliefs include: the primacy of the economic system of State Capitalism; the ideologies of Caucasian Racial Superiority and Female Inferiority; the belief in Scientific Logical Positivism and Materialism (these beliefs are often masked as the development of a superior capacity to function intellectually in order to achieve long range goals rather than functioning emotionally to indulge short term personal satisfactions); and the indoctrination of their students in the dual doctrines of Nationalism and The Legitimization of the Resort to the Use of Military Violence to Achieve the Selfish Economic Goals The Elite of their Nation State.
Just as Political Public Office-Holders in State and Federal Governments feel “constrained” from speaking the truth that they have learned in their positions until after they have“retired from public office, College & University Professors inside State and Private Colleges & Universities oft-times feel constrained from sharing with their students their true conclusions about the academic subjects that they have spent a lifetime teaching until after they have achieved Emeritus status – at which time it is often too late to reach a student audience.
It is the goal of SANTA CRUZ COLLEGE to bring these truths to College & University students while they are still in the midst of their undergraduate and graduate school learning experience. This Course, “REALITY 101”: The Secret Science – The Relationship Between Consciousness and Political Action, brings you crusading Harvard Constitutional Litigation Expert and U.C. Santa Cruz Visiting Lecturer Daniel Sheehan outside of the constraints of the public
courtroom and of the State University classroom, to share with you, as active and aggressively-seeking students, the truths that he has not been allowed to share with his audiences in America’s courtrooms or in College & University classrooms pertaining to the secret relationship between “Consciousness” and “Political Action” in Western Civilization.
Danny’s Websites: (For videos click on ‘classes’)
1:30—2:30 Rolling Thunder #2.
‘Guardians of the Land’.
Part 2 of an 8 part series on the Cherokee Medicine Man in talks, recorded, interviews (with Amanda Folger), and readings from the book “Rolling Thunder” by Doug Boyd read by Mitchell Harding. Called “RT” he presents histories, battles for survival, nature, healing, magic, adventures and his home at the time called Meta Tantay, among the Shoshone in Nevada. Produced in 1979 by Roy.
Archive #KZ0789.1 to .8
2:30-3:30 Scholars’ Circle
After mass atrocities and crimes against humanity, how can societies reconcile? How is justice performed and how should we recognize these crimes? And what of the clash between international interests and local needs when dealing with the punishment and acknowledgment of atrocities? Hosted by Doug Becker.
Elazar Barkan is Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and Director of Columbia’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. He is founding Director of the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation (IHJR) in The Hague. He is the author of Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices and co-author of Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation.
Mark Drumbl is Professor at Washington and Lee University, School of Law, and Director of the University’s Transnational Law Institute. He is the author of Reimagining Child Soldiers In International Law and Policy and Atrocity, Punishment, and International Law.
Jeremy Sarkin is Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law and member of CEDIS at Nova University Law School in Lisbon, Portugal. He is the author of The Global Impact and Legacy of Truth Commissions, Reparations for Colonial Genocides and co-editor of Africa’s Role and Contribution to International Criminal Justice.
This program is produced by Ankine Aghassian, Doug Becker, Melissa Chiprin and Sudd Dongre.
All info & Downloads:
3:40 - 6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
12-1 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Children's Health Defense
The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It's free.
“TRUTH” (April 22)
‘Robert Kennedy and Alex Berenson on Censorship and the Death of Journalism’
Alex Berenson thinks the push to vaccinate millions of people with experimental vaccines has been carried out in a “crazy way.”
What’s even crazier, he asks? Censoring the debate on COVID vaccine safety.
The former New York Times reporter and author of 12 novels and two nonfiction books was interviewed by Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the RFK Jr The Defender Podcast.
Berenson, subject of a hit piece in The Atlantic which called him out over his questioning of COVID vaccines, says he doesn’t agree with Kennedy on everything, including childhood vaccines.
But the two agree on this: Corporate media not only isn’t doing its job when it comes to reporting all the facts about COVID vaccines — it’s going out of its way, with help from government agencies, to silence anyone who questions the pharma-government narrative.
Berenson says:
“They know what these questions are. Why aren’t they asking? And if the answer is, you know, there’s a slight advantage to the vaccine or actually no, the unvaccinated population had slightly fewer deaths, whatever it might be, let’s get the answer. Let’s ask the question.”
Kennedy wrapped up the interview with this observation:
“You know, we need debate and discussion. It’s the sunlight, it’s the oxygen for democracy, and the fact that it’s being choked off is killing our democracy
VIDEO PODCAST on Children’s Health Defense
If that URL is blocked, go to:
Listening to Gary’s Show on the Phone:
To listen to program from the archives anytime, 24/7: 701-719-9976
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific: 774-337-6068
Call in: (888) 874-4888
Luanne Pennesi: (903) 881-7008
1-2 The Gary Null Show
It is Time to Dismantle the World Health Organization
Richard Gale & Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, April 19, 2021
The ultimate international authority for infectious diseases is the World Health Organization (WHO). Due to its widespread acceptance by the world’s national governments, it has been extremely successful in assuming the helm to monitor regional and global infectious diseases and dictate medical intervention policies to international health agencies. The organization has become the final word to rule whether the spread of a serious pathogen is a pandemic or not. For the majority of the medical community, the media and the average person, the WHO is the front line command post for medical prevention (i.e., vaccination) and treatment. Consequently its rulings are often regarded as the gold standard. On matters of global health, the WHO holds dominance.
For approximately a year the WHO has propagated the belief that the first line of defense for curtailing the COVID-19 pandemic is self-isolation, distancing, masks and, ultimately, vaccination. Although it approved Ivermectin as a cost-effective treatment against SARS-CoV-2 infections, it disapproved hydroxychloroquine in favor of Gilead Bioscience’s and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease’s (NIAID) Anthony Fauci’s novel and costly drug Remdesivir. Much of it’s funding efforts have been reserved for mass-vaccination with the new generation of experimental vaccines. Throughout these efforts, the WHO has allied itself with the US’s and UK’s national health systems, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and his Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) initiative.
Most people wrongly assume the WHO acts independently from private commercial and national government interests for the welfare of the world’s population. The legitimacy of the WHO as a gold standard of health is dubious. The organization has frequently been accused of conflicts of interests with private pharmaceutical companies and mega-philanthropic organizations such as the Gates’ Foundation, as well as being riddled with political alliances, ideologies, and profiteering motives. Despite it’s mega-pharmaceutical interests and consultants representing private vaccine interests, in the past the WHO has had the audacity to ridicule the pharmaceutical industry of corruption.
“Corruption in the pharmaceutical sector occurs throughout all stages of the medicine chain, from research and development to dispensing and promotion…. A lack of transparency and accountability within the medicines chain can also contribute to unethical practices and corruption.”…
Free Download of Full Text & Audio:
2-3 The Gary Null Show – 04.20.21
Study strengthens links between red meat and heart disease
Queen Mary University (UK), 15 April 2021
More Fruits and Veggies Improves Sleep for Young Adults
University of Michigan, April 15, 2021
Multivits, omega-3, probiotics, vitamin D may lessen risk of positive COVID-19 test
British Medical Journal, April 20, 2021
Vitamin D deficiency may impair muscle function
Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Australia), April 16, 2021Psychedelic experience may not be required for psilocybin’s antidepressant-like benefits
So-called ‘magic mushroom’ drug seems to work through multiple brain mechanisms for its different effects
University of Maryland School of Medicine, April 16, 2021
Tea compound promotes formation of osteoblasts under inflammatory environment and increases bone mass
First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University (China), April 7, 2021
Patients who are overweight or obese at risk of more severe COVID-19
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and University of Queensland, April 16, 2021
Neuroprotective Herbs for the Management of Alzheimer’s Disease.
University of Central Florida and University of California, Los Angeles
Talk by 80+ year old woman on social conditions and her experience in 1938 Austria during rise of Hitler. Unemployment, strikes, factory closings, no jobs, hunger with media describing the high living standard in Germany.
Led to election of ‘’Nazi Socialism’’ by 98 percent. Arrival of national ID cards. Free radios with nationalized stations and death penalty for listening to foreign stations. etc. Guaranteed equal income, taxes up to 70 percent, school indoctrination, nationalized health and banks. More current health news and Covid news. (eviction bans cut infection rate).
Open phones.
Free Audio and Partial Text Download:
3-4 The Progressive Commentary Hour – Part 2: Bright Green Environmental Lies – How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way
Derrick Jensen has become one of the nation’s leading voices of cultural and environmental dissent, who writes about civilization’s devastating impact upon the environment and the natural world, and our society’s denial of that fact. Utne Reader listed Derrick among the 50 visionaries changing the world. In sharp contrast to environmental optimists who believe working within the corporate system will offset the tenuous planetary balance threatened by climate change, for many years Derrick has advocated for “dismantling of civilization” which can include radical dissent as well as imparting wisdom to our children. Derrick has written many influential books. His recently released “Bright Green Lies: How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do About It” is perhaps the most important publication to date the exposes the shortcomings, fallacies, and self deceit among the leading green voices and organizations who dominate the public lectern preaching about climate change and
placing faith in technological solutions and new habits of green consumerism. A new documentary film with the same title and based upon Derrick’s and his co-authors’ book will premier on Earth Day – April 22. Derrick also hosts a weekly radio program, Resistance Radio, on the Progressive Radio Network every Sunday evening at 6:00 pm Eastern time. He holds a degree in mineral engineering physics from the Colorado School of Mines and a masters in creative writing from Eastern Washington University. Derrick’s websites are and
Free Program Download:
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom'swebsite.
12-1 Dave Emory, For the Record #1173: ‘The Missing Chapter #3’’
In numerous programs and lectures, we have discussed the important, devastatingly successively mind control programs engaged in by the military and CIA. Those programs were developed in reaction to downed American airmen who–after captivity–gave testimony that they had been involved in biological warfare attacks against China and North Korea during the war.
A superb book about Unit 731–the Japanese biological warfare unit during World War II–had a chapter in the British edition that was omitted in the American edition. (Sadly, the books is out of print, although both the British and American editions are available through used-book services. Mr. Emory heartily encourages listeners to obtain the book. Even the American edition–missing this key chapter–is worthwhile. Hopefully, a publisher will obtain the rights to the book and re-issue it. If so, we will enthusiastically promote the work.)
The chapter in the UK edition chronicles the investigation into the allegations of American BW use during the Korean War, including circumstantial evidence that Unit 731 veterans and methodology may well have been used in the alleged campaign. That chapter is altogether objective, avoiding ideological bias toward either side in the conflict.
Because of that, we found the omission of this chapter from the U.S. edition to be significant. As the brilliant Peter Dale Scott noted: “The cover-up obviates the conspiracy.” It is a matter of public record that Unit 731’s files were incorporated into the U.S. biological warfare program, and veterans of the Unit bequeathed their expertise to the Americans in exchange from immunity from prosecution for war crimes.
It is a matter of public record that Unit 731’s files were incorporated into the U.S. biological warfare program, and veterans of the Unit bequeathed their expertise to the Americans in exchange from immunity from prosecution for war crimes.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis
1.–FTR#1172 begins with presentation of the scientific credentials of the International Scientific Commission investigating the allegations of biological warfare. ” . . . . Dr. Andrea Andreen, director of the Central Laboratory of the Hospitals Board of the City of Stockholm; Jean Malterre, Ingenieur-Agricole, director of the Central Laboratory of Animal Physiology, National College of Agriculture, Grignon, France; Dr. Oliviero Olivo, professor of Human Anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bologna, Italy; Dr. Samuel Pessoa, professor of Parasitology at the University of Sao Paolo and formerly director of public Health for the State of Sao Paolo; Dr. Nicolai Zhukov-Verezhnikov, professor of Bacteriology at, and Vice-President of, the Soviet Academy of Medicine and formerly chief medical expert at the Khabarovsk trial, and finally, Dr. Joseph Needham, FRS, Sir William Dunn Reader in Biochemistry, Cambridge University, formerly scientific counsellor, Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy, Chungking and later director of the Department of Natural Sciences, UNESCO, (He became in 1966, the Master of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and is currently writing a history of science and civilization in China.) . . . .”
2.–The second program then takes up the findings of the ISC, resuming from the where we left off in FTR #1172. Note that Dr. Wen-kwei Chen had investigated some of Unit 731’s plague attacks during the Second World War, working for the Nationalist Chinese.
3.–Presenting the scientific evidence examined by the ISC, the authors note that numerous anomalies in epidemics and associated insect and mammalian vectors led the scientists to conclude that BW was the source of the pathologies.
4.–Apparent insect vectors appeared in unseasonably cold environments, some as cold as ‑10 degrees centigrade.
5.–Apparent mammalian vectors were also anomalous, with fully developed adults appearing exclusively, when immature rodents would be expected.
6.–By the same token, apparent insect vectors were anomalous, with fully developed adults, many ready to lay eggs appeared.
7.–Many of the insect and mammalian vectors appeared at times of the year that were not consistent with natural events.
8.–Infectious microorganisms were also anomalous, with types of bacteria appearing at times of the year and areas not consistent with observed natural patterns.
9.–Species of infectious organisms were anomalous, as well, with some never having occurred in the areas that were affected.
The introduction of FTR#1173 consists of reading and analysis of Tom O’Neill’s presentation of the career of one of the CIA’s most important MK-Ultra mind control operatives, which occurred in the immediate aftermath of the Korean War–1954.
Key Points of Discussion and analysis include:….
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).
Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):
Dave's website:
1-2 The South, Slavery & the Lost Cause
Program #ROBI001. Recorded in Seattle, WA on August 24, 2017.
The Lost Cause is rooted in the South’s search for justification and the need to find a substitute for victory in the Civil War. In attempting to deal with defeat, the South created an image of the war as a noble epic fought by brave men. The war, the mythology goes, wasn’t about preserving slavery it was about Southern values. Monuments to Confederate soldiers and the naming of military bases not only glorifies militarism but are everyday reminders of white supremacy and the subordination of slaves. Slavery, free labor for centuries, created huge wealth for the plantation master class. To heal and repair we need an honest accounting of history. Some monuments have come down and military bases may be renamed. We can’t continue to mythologize the past.
Jeffery Robinson is a deputy legal director and the director of the ACLU Trone Center for Justice and Equality.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,
2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Originally heard Sundays, 9:30am
2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Sunday's at noon.
All info and free downloads. http://www.ralphnaderradiohour.comRalph's
3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s website.
12-1 Alan Watts “The Future of Politics” Part 1 of 4
“Will politics, as we now know them, become irrelevant, and will the state, as Marx imagined, fade away? What are the prospects for individual liberty, civil rights, law and the corts, the police and penology? If nature abhors a vacuum, into what will ‘drop-outs’ drop in?’’ (AW)
All Info:
1-2 Insights at the Edge
Terri Cole: ‘’Becoming a Boundary Boss’’
Terri Cole, MSW, LCSW, is a licensed psychotherapist and global leading expert in personal empowerment. For two decades, she has worked with some of the world’s most well-known personalities, from international pop stars to Fortune 500 CEOs. She has a gift for making complex psychological concepts accessible and then actionable. With Sounds True, Terri Cole is the author of Boundary Boss: The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free. In this podcast, Sounds True founder Tami Simon speaks with Terri about how absolutely critical it is to have good boundaries. Terri shares the personal journey that brought her into this work, explores where our boundary blueprints come from, and gives us her five keys for self-mastery. Together Tami and Terri discuss why having healthy boundaries might very well be the apex of how humans can learn to put truth and truth-telling at the very center of our lives.
Terri has a gift for making complex psychological concepts accessible and then actionable, so that clients and students achieve sustainable change—that is, true transformation. She empowers over 250,000 people weekly through her blog; social media platform; signature courses, Real Love Revolution™ and Boundary Bootcamp™; and popular podcast, The Terri Cole Show. Learn more about her work at
Free download of audio and/or transcript:
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:" Rebroadcast
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, books, quotations, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's
That's All Folks!
Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,
North Hollywood, CA 91604