KPFK can be heard streaming live online at http://www.kpfk.org/ and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at http://www.somethingshappening.com and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to www.kpfk.org and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.
Our next fund drive begins next week, July 23 for 2 or 3 weeks. We have to make up our missed goal from last time.
I may be on jury duty (don't ask) in which case 'Buzz' and Diane will run things, though I will still produce.
“Bus or Tram”
Searching for the basis of ethical behavior, on world suicide and the need to be right.
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230, www.pacificaradioarchives.org
Archive #BB0528.20
Daniel Sheehan will be speaking at 12345 Moorpark Blvd. in Studio City on July 16th. Concerning the issue of the potential of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
It is at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Show up at 7pm to chat with other truth seekers !
MUFON OC presents:
Beyond Belief!
The Quest For The Answer to The Cosmic Questions Now Posed By The Confirmation That UFOs Are Real
Wednesday, July 17th @7:40pm
Costa Mesa Senior Center
695 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa 92627
General Admission: $15
MUFON OC Members, 1st time attendees & Students with ID: $10.00
12-3 Dan Sheehan, “The Trajectory of Justice in America” (2019)
Classes at UC Santa Cruz
(Danny is letting his Teaching Assistant, Dr. Jon Conway, deliver these 2 classes concentrating on ‘climate change.’ (Videos: www.danielpsheehan.com ) Danny will return next week.
12-1:30 Tuesday, April 9th (Lecture by Dr. Jon Conway): Climate Change – What is it and how do we know we’re causing it?
In this pair of lectures, we will be diving into exactly what climate change is, how we know it is happening (and that we’re to blame), and finally what all of this means for the planet we live on — the only life-bearing planet we know of in the universe. The goal is to teach students the scientific facts about our current period of rapid climate change to put future discussions of climate policy in a fuller context.
The physicochemical basis of anthropogenic climate change:
Climate change is an inevitable consequence of rapidly-increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) levels
Examples of GHGs (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), halogenated gases, water vapor (H2O), ozone (O3))
Sources of GHGs
What makes a GHG?
Infrared radiation absorption
GHG cycling
Sources, sinks, lifespans, relevant fluxes
Introduction to feedback loops
Evidence for climate change
Rise in atmospheric GHGs
Keeling curve and atmospheric GHG reconstructions
Tracking GHG sources through isotopic ratios
Spatiotemporal distribution
IR band saturation limits have not been reached
Basic chemistry (hydrocarbons + energy = more energy + H2O + CO2)
Ocean acidification
Global warming
Unequal distribution of heat across planet and through atmospheric layers
Natural climate forcings are inadequate to explain current warming trend
Solar brightness, volcanic activity, continental arrangement, oceanic currents, planetary albedo, Milankovitch cycles, etc etc etc…
Video of classes and additional resources - www.danielpsheehan.com (clilck on ‘classes)
1:30-3 Thursday, April 11th (Lecture by Dr. Jon Conway): The environmental impacts of climate change; feedbacks, tipping points, and lessons from deep time
From the tops of the highest mountains to the deepest depths of the ocean, nearly every ecosystem on Earth is or will be impacted by anthropogenic climate change. This lecture will address the predicted impacts of increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations on weather systems, ocean physicochemistry/currents, population distributions/extinctions, and more. The goal of this lecture is to establish the severity of the consequences of inaction and provide motivation for understanding the root causes and finding solutions.
Current environmental impacts of climate change
California’s droughts, bark beetle infestations, and record-breaking wildfires
Amplification of “boom-bust” precipitation patterns means more droughts, more flooding and mudslides, and less water for human and ecosystem use
Longer hurricane seasons affecting larger regions
Hurricane Ophelia hit Ireland in October 2017, killing three and breaking the record for easternmost Atlantic hurricane
Video and additional resources: : www.danielpsheehan.com (click on ‘classes’)
3-3:40 Last Segment of Thom Hartmann's Friday Show
How Trump Got Trade Wrong
- Lori Wallach, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
Article: "North American Free Trade Agreement" (NAFTA) by Wikipedia
"Analysis of the NAFTA 2.0 Text Relative to the Essential Changes We Have Demanded to Stop NAFTA's Ongoing Damage" by Public Citizen.
Article: "New U.S. Policy Raises Risk of Deportation for Immigrant Victims of Trafficking" by Martin De Bourmont.
Time We Have a 'For the People' Agenda in the Senate
- Senator Jeff Merkley,
Bill: "H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2019" by Rep. Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD-3].
Bill: "S.949 - For the People Act of 2019" by Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM].
State of Maine
- David Sullivan, Grand Lodge Rep for the Eastern Territory of the International Machinist's Union - Maine to DC
Site: New England Loggers Cooperative.
Immigrant political participation
- Sayu Bhojwani, Founder and President of New American Leaders & Author, People Like Us: Knocking at Democracy's Door
Video: Sayu Bhojwani: Immigrant voices make democracy stronger.
3:40- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program (Monday's broadcast)
Thom's Website: http://www.thomhartmann.com
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
Gary Null, PhD, is one of America's leading health-and-fitness advocates. His one-hour radio show, "The Gary Null Health and Nutrition Program," is syndicated weekly to more than 100 markets nationwide. He is the author of more than 50 books, including "The Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Healings: Healing your Body Naturally," "The Couples' Guide to Sensible Eating," and the recent "Get Healthy Now with Gary Null." Null is a research fellow of the Institute of Applied Biology; nutrition research division director for the National Hypoglycemia Association; researcher of agricultural sciences at the Fertile Earth Farm Project; nutrition director for the Nutrition Institute of America; and founder of the National Health Resources Council. He has received numerous awards as a producer of video documentaries on various health subjects. (WebMD.com)
12-1 The Gary Null Show - Wikipedia’s Vaccine Propaganda Regime
During the past year there has been a deliberate assault on medical sanity by the Silicon Valley’s internet giants and popular social media platforms to abolish and censor voices and websites challenging the orthodoxy of the CDC’s vaccination policies. Last March, the American Medical Association’s CEO James Madara sent personal letters to the heads of Amazon, Facebook Google, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube “to do your part to ensure that users have access to scientifically valid information on vaccinations, so they can make informed decisions about their families’ health. We also urge you to make public your plans to ensure that users have access to accurate, timely, scientifically sound information on vaccines.” For the AMA, “valid information” simply means that vaccines are completely safe and effective and the only means at civilization’s disposal for combating infectious diseases…
Free Download of audio and/or text: https://thegarynullshow.podbean.com
1-2 The Gary Null Show – Monsanto in Puerto Rico & Heart Blockage
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Rare access inside Monsanto's Puerto Rico operation, where they get huge tax breaks to test and grow GMO seeds. Meanwhile, thousands of plaintiffs across the U.S. are suing the corporation, claiming that its weedkiller Roundup has caused cancer. In Puerto Rico, locals are blaming Monsanto for getting them sick.
Free Download of audio and/or text https://thegarynullshow.podbean.com
2-3 The Gary Null Show - A Slow Death by 5G Wireless Technology & Jeffrey Epstein, the British VIP Pedophile Ring
During the past year, Senate hearings leading up to the roll out of 5G wireless technology have made it quite clear that the race to capture first prize in the Internet of Things has little do to with popular consumer demands for improved internet access. Being called the fourth industrial revolution, the hype is that 5G will provide internet speeds up to one hundred times faster than 4G. Yet aside from the idealized and perhaps hyperbolic benefits of faster internet connections and downloads, 5G is best understood within the context of the US’ competitive race against China to establish global wireless dominance. The Obama administration’s FCC, under the influence of the telecommunication industry’s insider Tom Wheeler, who served as the chair of the agency, launched the Spectrum Frontiers rules to mandate the 5G rollout as a “national priority.” Therefore, rather than the fundamental incentive to improve the lives of citizens, more important is 5G’s role to reinforce American global economic expansionism and military hegemony. For past presidents, and Trump in particular, economic figures hold all-consuming importance. One estimate claims 5G will bring over $12 trillion into the global economy, about $3.5 trillion in the US while providing 22 million new jobs. While 5G surely holds the promise of a huge windfall for the economy, these benefits will be eventually be neutralized by medical and environmental catastrophes…
Read More / Audio Download: https://thegarynullshow.podbean.com
3-4 The Gary Null Show The Quake to Make Los Angeles a Radioactive Dead Zone
By Harvey Wasserman, Reader Supported News
06 July 19
We are THIS CLOSE to an unimaginable apocalyptic horror:
Had Friday’s 7.1 earthquake and other ongoing seismic shocks hit less than 200 miles northwest of Ridgecrest/China Lake, ten million people in Los Angeles would now be under an apocalyptic cloud, their lives and those of the state and nation in radioactive ruin.
The likely human death toll would be in the millions. The likely property loss would be in the trillions. The forever damage to our species’ food supply, ecological support systems, and longterm economy would be very far beyond any meaningful calculation. The threat to the ability of the human race to survive on this planet would be extremely significant.
The two cracked, embrittled, under-maintained, unregulated, uninsured, and un-inspected atomic reactors at Diablo Canyon, near San Luis Obispo, would be a seething radioactive ruin.
Their cores would be melting into the ground. Hydrogen explosions would be blasting the site to deadly dust. One or both melted cores would have burned into the earth and hit ground or ocean water, causing massive steam explosions with physical impacts in the range of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The huge clouds would send murderous radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere that would permanently poison the land, the oceans, the air … and circle the globe again and again, and yet again, filling the lungs of billions of living things with the most potent poisons humans have ever created.
In 2010, badly maintained gas pipes run by Pacific Gas & Electric blew up a neighborhood in San Bruno, killing eight people. PG&E’s badly maintained power lines have helped torch much of northern California, killing 80 people and incinerating more than 10,000 structures.
Now in bankruptcy, with its third president in two years, PG&E is utterly unqualified to run two large, old, obsolete, crumbling atomic reactors which are surrounded by earthquake faults. At least a dozen faults have been identified within a small radius around the reactors. The reactor cores are less than fifty miles from the San Andreas fault, less than half the distance that Fukushima Daiichi was from the epicenter that destroyed four reactors there.
Diablo cannot withstand an earthquake of the magnitude now hitting less than 200 miles away. In 2014, the Associated Press reported that Dr. Michael Peck, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s site inspector at Diablo, had warned that the two reactors should be shut because they can’t withstand a seismic shock like the one that has just hit so close. The NRC tried to bury Peck’s report. They attacked his findings, then shipped him to Tennessee. He’s no longer with the Commission.
All major reactor disasters have come with early warnings. A 1978 accident at Ohio’s Davis-Besse reactor presaged the 1979 disaster at Three Mile Island. The realities were hidden, and TMI spewed radiation that killed local people and animals in droves.
Soviet officials knew the emergency shut-down mechanism at Chernobyl could cause an explosion — but kept it secret. Unit Four exploded the instant the rods meant to shut it down were deployed.
Decades before disaster struck at Fukushima Daiichi, millions of Japanese citizens marched to demand atomic reactors NOT be built in a zone riddled by fault lines, washed by tsunamis.
In California, ten thousand citizens were arrested demanding the same. Diablo’s owners hid the existence of the Hosgri Fault just three miles from the site. A dozen more nearby fault lines have since been found, capable in tandem of delivering shocks like the ones shaking Ridgecrest. No significant structural improvements have been made to deal with the newfound fault lines.
The truly horrifying HBO series on Chernobyl currently topping all historic viewership charts shows just a small sample of the ghastly death and destruction that can be caused by official corruption and neglect.
Like Soviet apparatchiks, the state of California has refused to conduct independent investigations on the physical status of the two Diablo reactors. It has refused to hold public hearings on Dr. Peck’s warnings that they can’t withstand seismic shocks like the ones now being experienced so dangerously nearby. If there are realistic plans to evacuate Los Angeles and other downwind areas during reactor melt-downs/explosions, hearings on them have yet to be held.
In the wake of the 2011 explosions at Fukushima, the NRC staff compiled critical reforms for American reactors, including Diablo. But the Commission killed the proposed regulations. So nothing significant has been done to improve safety at two coastal reactors upwind of ten million people that are surrounded by earthquake faults in a tsunami zone like the one where the four Fukushima reactors have already exploded.
There are no excuses. These seismic shocks will never stop. Diablo is scheduled to shut in 2024 and 2025. But massive advances in wind, solar, batteries and efficiency have already rendered the nukes’ power unnecessary. A petition demanding Governor Newsom and the state independently investigate Diablo’s ability to operate safely is at www.solartopia.org.
That petition began circulating before these latest quakes. The continued operation of these two reactors has now gone to a whole new level of apocalyptic insanity.
PETITION: www.solartopia.org
Free Program Download: https://thegarynullshow.podbean.com
4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website: http://www.thomhartmann.com
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1073 - FTR #1073 Azov on Our Mind: Ukrainian Fascism Extends Its Tentacles (Return of the Prodigal “Black Sun”)
We have covered the origin, activities and expansion of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion in numerous programs. Part of the Ukrainain armed forces, this Nazi unit:
1.-Has spawned a civil militia which achieved police powers in many Ukrainian cities. ". . . . But Ukraine observers and rights groups are sounding the alarm, because this was not a typical commencement, and the men are not police officers. They are far-right ultranationalists from the Azov movement, a controversial group with a military wing that has openly accepted self-avowed neo-Nazis, and a civil and political faction that has demonstrated intolerance toward minority groups. . . ."
2.--Has as its spokesman Roman Zvarych. In the 1980's, Zvarych was the personal secretary to Jaroslav Stetzko, the wartime head of the Nazi collaborationist government in Ukraine. Stetzko implemented Nazi ethnic cleansing in Ukraine during World War II.
3.--Wields influence with in the Ministry of the Interior through Vadim Troyan, the former deputy commander of Azov who is now deputy minister of the interior. " . . . . The deputy minister of the Interior—which controls the National Police—is Vadim Troyan, a veteran of Azov and Patriot of Ukraine. . . . Today, he’s deputy of the department running US-trained law enforcement in the entire nation. Earlier this month, RFE reported on National Police leadership admiring Stepan Bandera—a Nazi collaborator and Fascist whose troops participated in the Holocaust—on social media. The fact that Ukraine’s police is peppered with far-right supporters explains why neo-Nazis operate with impunity on the streets. . . ."
3.--Gets arms and training from the U.S., despite official restrictions on such activity. " . . . . The research group Bellingcat proved that Azov had already received access to American grenade launchers, while a Daily Beast investigation showed that US trainers are unable to prevent aid from reaching white supremacists. And Azov itself had proudly posted a video of the unit welcoming NATO representatives. . . ."
4.--Is fulfilling their strategy of networking with Nazi and fascist elements abroad, including the U.S. " . . . . FBI Special Agent Scott Bierwirth, in the criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday, noted that Right Brand Clothing’s Instagram page contained a photo of RAM members meeting with Olena Semenyaka, a leading figure within the fascist, neo-Nazi scene in Eastern Europe. In Ukraine, Semenyaka is an important voice within the Militant Zone and National Corps organizations and the Pan-European Reconquista movement, all of which have ties to the notorious Azov Battalion. Bierwirth said Azov Battalion, now a piece of the Ukrainian National Guard, is known for neo-Nazi symbolism and ideology and has participated in training and radicalizing U.S.-based white supremacist organizations. . . . ."
5.--Is networking with members of a group called RAM, some of whom were arrested by the FBI upon their return from Europe. violence.
6.--Is utilizing Ukraine's visa-free status with the EU to network with other European fascist groups. " . . . . 'Their English has gotten better,' Hrytsenko said, referring to Azov members behind the group’s Western outreach. . . . . Another thing that has helped, Hrytsenko noted, is that Ukraine’s break from Russia and move toward the European Union has allowed Ukrainians visa-free travel, making Azov’s outreach easier logistically. . . . ."
7.--Is looking to connect with more "respectable" European right-wing groups than they have in the past, this as a possible vehicle for Ukraine's entry into the EU. " . . . . Skillt, the Swedish national who fought as a sniper in the Azov Battalion, is one of them [critics]. 'I don’t mind [Azov] reaching out, but the ones they reach out to… Jesus,' he told RFE/RL, in an allusion to RAM. He added that he had recently distanced himself from Azov because of that association and others with far-right groups in Europe. Skillt, who runs a private intelligence agency in Kyiv and said his clients 'really don’t enjoy bad company,' argued that the group has made a mistake by not reaching out more to right-wing conservatives who could help with 'influential contacts in Europe [so] you don’t get branded a neo-Nazi.' But Semenyaka described praise of Azov from foreign ultranationalist groups who are increasingly welcoming it as evidence that the organization is taking the right path. And she said it isn’t about to let up. Next, she said, Azov hopes to win over larger, more mainstream far-right and populist Western political forces who 'can be our potential sympathizers.' 'If crises like Brexit and the refugee problem continue, in this case, partnerships with nationalist groups in Europe can be a kind of platform for our entry into the European Union.' . . . "
8.--Was awarded the job of election monitoring by the Ukrainian government in their recent elections. " . . . . They are the ultranationalist National Militia, street vigilantes with roots in the battle-tested Azov Battalion that emerged to defend Ukraine against Russia-backed separatists but was also accused of possible war crimes and neo-Nazi sympathies. Yet despite the controversy surrounding it, the National Militia was granted permission by the Central Election Commission to officially monitor Ukraine’s presidential election on March 31. . . ."
Supplementing discussion about the Azov milieu networking with foreign fascists, we note that alleged Christchurch, New Zealand, shooter Brent Tarrant had apparently networked with Azov during a visit to Ukraine:
1.--Brent Tarrant, allege Christchurch, New Zealand, Mosque shooter, had apparently visited Ukraine. " . . . . His manifesto alludes to visits to Poland, Ukraine, Iceland and Argentina as well. . . ."
2.--Tarrant may have been a beneficiary of the aforementioned visa-free travel that EU association has for Ukraine. ". . . . Three quarters of them say the country is headed in the wrong direction, despite the fact that Ukraine has moved closer to Europe (it now has visa-free travel to the EU, for instance). . . ."
3.--Even "The New York Times" noted the possible contact between Azov and Tarrant. ". . . . The Ukrainian far right also appears to have ties in other countries. Australian Brenton Tarrant, accused of slaughtering 50 people at two mosques in the city of Christchurch in New Zealand, mentioned a visit to Ukraine in his manifesto, and some reports alleged that he had contacts with the ultra-right. The Soufan Center, a research group specializing on security, has recently alleged possible links between Tarrant and the Azov Battalion. . . ."
4.--A private intelligence group--the Soufan Center--has linked Tarrant to the Azov Battalion. " . . . . .In the wake of the New Zealand mosque attacks, links have emerged between the shooter, Brent Tarrant, and a Ukrainian ultra-nationalist, white supremacist paramilitary organization called the Azov Battalion. Tarrant’s manifesto alleges that he visited the country during his many travels abroad, and the flak jacket that Tarrant wore during the assault featured a symbol commonly used by the Azov Battalion. . . ."
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself -- http://feeds.feedburner.com/SpitfireListComments
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link: http://www.kfjc.org/donate/index.php
Dave's website: http://www.spitfirelist.com
1-2 Todd Chretien, “Red October: The Russian Revolution”
The upheaval and regime change in Russia in 1917 “shook the world” in the words of journalist John Reed. In place of the feudal czarist monarchy came radical revolutionaries. A civil war ensued pitting former regime elements against the communists. In addition, a number of countries, including the U.S., Britain and France didn’t like what they saw and heard from Lenin, Trotsky and the other Bolshevik leaders. They invaded Russia in an attempt to destroy the revolution and bring back the old order. Churchill said the Russian Revolution must be “strangled in its cradle.” They didn’t succeed. A few years after Lenin’s death in 1924, Stalin takes over the country. His rivals are sent into exile, jailed or killed. The dictatorship calcifies. In 1991 the Soviet Union ends. The centenary of the revolution has sparked renewed interest in its history.
Todd Chretien is a member of the International Socialist Organization and is a frequent contributor to Socialist Worker and the International Socialist Review. He is the editor of Eyewitnesses to the Russian Revolution.
2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Originally heard Sundays, 12:30pm
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLagVUKF7CUTRiG64CklL1AN0mbmNaETfp
2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website: http://www.thomhartmann.com
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Alan Watts, "Self and Other" Part 3 of 4
'A study of the inseparable unity between the experience of oneself and of something other, the voluntary and the involuntary, the controlled and the uncontrolled, the individual and the world, and of the synthesis of these 'opposites' in mystical vision" (AW)
All info: http://www.alanwatts.org
1-2:00 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website: http://www.coyotenetworknews.com
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website: http://www.thomhartmann.com
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!
Roy rtuckman (at) kpfk.org
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