Sunday, September 3, 2017

September 4-7


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on ‘Listen Live.’ Times are Pacific Time. Program times for “Something’s Happening!” are approximate but close and “Monday night” is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide – guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on ‘what happened?’ Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.

AUDIO ARCHIVES (under repair and reconstruction)
“Something’s Happening!” is posted for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. The programs are (normally) described on the archives so you can spot the program you are interested in. “Something’s Happening!” is not downloadable because many of the programs I play do not belong to me nor to Pacifica, but you can listen any time day or night, weekends and holidays, for 60 days. Just go to Be sure to

Whew! Thank you! As of Friday morning, it looked as if we'd make goal of $300,000.00. Special thanks to Buzz who filmed popular thank-you gifts, took phone calls all night as administrator, helped pitch and will soon be making copies of DVDs and mailing them. Also to John B. and my partner Diane who worked with me on air and has developed her own group of fans.

(Strangely enough, this was accomplished against the constant and intense opposition of the privatizers and ideologues who have sought to destroy listener-sponsored radio during their former years in the majority. -RT)

Sept 3, 8-8:30am, "Introduction to Buddhism"


12-3 Bobb Lynes & Barbara Sunday, “Don’t Touch That Dial”
We'll play a short Larry Clinton & His Orchestra remote in honor of vocalist Bea Wain who passed away on the 19th and then 'Jack Benny,' 'Our Miss Brooks,' 'The Shadow,' and 'Town Hall Tonight' starring Fred Allen.
Email Bobb: <mailto: > Email Barbara: <mailto: >

3-4 Lux Radio Theater, "Dulcy" (Oct. 28, 1935)
With Zasu Pitts and Gene Lockhart. "A dizzy young woman arranges to turn her inventor-boyfriend's vacation into a chance meeting with a possible investor who happens to be her brother's future father-in-law. And Wacky stuff happens." (from IMBD) Beginning a broadcast series of all Lux Radio Theaters (Including 'Hollywood Radio Theater' after Lux was a sponsor) in order of date of broadcast, from 1935-1955. Right now there are 744 shows in existence, and as we broadcast one per month on old radio night, it will take us to the year 2079. (although there are bound to be some shows with audio too poor for broadcast but I haven't checked all of the shows yet.)

4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom is taking Labor Day off so we will have a combination of recent not broadcast segments and some 'Conversations With Great Minds" series. But no 'breaking news.'
Thom's Website:
For details click on 'radio' and 'Sue's Daily Stacks.'

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has a printed copy at hand - 9am-5pm (818) 985-2711 ext. 0 (for operator)


12-12:30 Vaccine Update

12:30-1:30 "Self-Healilng: An Interview with Norman Cousins"
One of the important, perennial films shown at the Cancer Control Society Conventions. With the release of his book "Anatomy of an Illness," the highly respected editor of the Saturday Review revealed how he cured himself of a debilitating disease through mental and emotional means. This rocked the medical establishment which held that this was not possible (i.e. quackery) any more than the use of food to heal the body. Cousins later accepted a position as Adjunct Professor at the UCLA Medical Center to continue his research.
From Malibu Video, (818) 880-4599. email:

1:30-2:40 Henry Grayson "Your Self Healing Power"
Henry Grayson, PhD, is a psychotherapist, public speaker, and the author of such books as 'Changing Approaches to the Psychotherapies' and 'The New Physics of Love.' With Sounds True, he has published his newest book, 'Your Power to Heal: Resolving Psychological Barriers to Your Physical Health.' In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon talks with Henry about how our beliefs and cultural conditioning may affect our long-term health. Henry discusses how identifying our subconscious limiting narratives can help us embrace our own self-healing capabilities. Tami and Henry also speak on methods of pulling ourselves out of entrenched conditioning and seven steps for identifying what might be underlying physical symptoms. Finally, Henry shares a practice for approaching and eventually getting clear of a limiting personal belief.
Free download of audio and/or text:

2:40-3:40 Amy Kurtz "Kicking Sick"
Amy Kurtz is a health coach and Pilates instructor whose painful, multi-decade struggle with chronic illness made her decide to stand up and take better charge of her life. Now much healthier and happier, Amy describes her nightmarish journey through modern medicine—and how you too can take the reins of your health issues—in the new Sounds True book 'Kicking Sick: Your Go-To Guide for Thriving with Chronic Health Conditions.' In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Amy discuss her approach to whole health. They talk about the need for an "A-Team" of expert support during the healing process and how only you can intuitively know what your body needs. Finally, Amy describes becoming what she calls a "glow warrior" and what it takes to truly stand tall in the face of chronic illness.
Free download of audio and/or text:

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For details click on 'radio' and 'Sue's Daily Stacks.'

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has a printed copy at hand - 9am-5pm (818) 985-2711 ext. 0 (for operator)


12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #968 - Summoning the Demon: Technocratic Fascism and Artificial Intelligence"

The title of this program comes from pronouncements by tech titan Elon Musk, who warned that, by developing artificial intelligence, we were “summoning the demon.” In this program, we analyze the potential vector running from the use of AI to control society in a fascistic manner to the evolution of the very technology used for that control.

The ultimate result of this evolution may well prove catastrophic, as forecast by Mr. Emory at the end of L-2 (recorded in January of 1995.)

We begin by reviewing key aspects of the political context in which artificial intelligence is being developed. Note that, at the time of this writing and recording, these technologies are being crafted and put online in the context of the anti-regulatory ethic of the GOP/Trump administration.

At the SXSW event, Microsoft researcher Kate Crawford gave a speech about her work titled “Dark Days: AI and the Rise of Fascism,” the presentation highlighted the social impact of machine learning and large-scale data systems. The take home message? By delegating powers to Bid Data-driven AIs, those AIs could become fascist’s dream: Incredible power over the lives of others with minimal accountability: ” . . . .’This is a fascist’s dream,’ she said. ‘Power without accountability.’ . . . .”

Taking a look at the future of fascism in the context of AI, Tay, a “bot” created by Microsoft to respond to users of Twitter was taken offline after users taught it to–in effect–become a Nazi bot. It is noteworthy that Tay can only respond on the basis of what she is taught. In the future, technologically accomplished and willful people like the brilliant, Ukraine-based Nazi hacker and Glenn Greenwald associate Andrew Auerenheimer, aka “weev” may be able to do more. Inevitably, Underground Reich elements will craft a Nazi AI that will be able to do MUCH, MUCH more!

As one Twitter user noted, employing sarcasm: “Tay went from “humans are super cool” to full nazi in <24 hrs and I’m not at all concerned about the future of AI.”

As noted in a Popular Mechanics article: ” . . . When the next pow­er­ful AI comes along, it will see its first look at the world by look­ing at our faces. And if we stare it in the eyes and shout “we’re AWFUL lol,” the lol might be the one part it doesn’t understand. . . .”

According to some recent research, the AI’s of the future might not need a bunch of 4chan to fill the AI with human bigotries. The AIs’ analysis of real-world human language usage will do that automatically.

When you read about people like Elon Musk equating artificial intelligence with “summoning the demon”, that demon is us, at least in part. ” . . . . However, as machines are getting closer to acquiring human-like language abilities, they are also absorbing the deeply ingrained biases concealed within the patterns of language use, the latest research reveals. Joanna Bryson, a computer scientist at the University of Bath and a co-author, said: ‘A lot of people are saying this is showing that AI is prejudiced. No. This is showing we’re prejudiced and that AI is learning it.’ . . .”

Cambridge Analytica, and its parent company SCL, specialize in using AI and Big Data psychometric analysis on hundreds of millions of Americans in order to model individual behavior. SCL develops strategies to use that information, and manipulate search engine results to change public opinion (the Trump campaign was apparently very big into AI and Big Data during the campaign).

Individual social media users receive messages crafted to influence them, generated by the (in effect) Nazi AI at the core of this media engine, using Big Data to target the individual user!

As the article notes, not only are Cambridge Analytica/SCL are using their propaganda techniques to shape US public opinion in a fascist direction, but they are achieving this by utilizing their propaganda machine to characterize all news outlets to the left of Brietbart as “fake news” that can’t be trusted.

In short, the secretive far-right billionaire (Robert Mercer), joined at the hip with Steve Bannon, is running multiple firms specializing in mass psychometric profiling based on data collected from Facebook and other social media. Mercer/Bannon/Cambridge Analytica/SCL are using Nazified AI and Big Data to develop mass propaganda campaigns to turn the public against everything that isn’t Brietbartian by convincing the public that all non-Brietbartian media outlets are conspiring to lie to the public.

This is the ultimate Serpent’s Walk scenario–a Nazified Artificial Intelligence drawing on Big Data gleaned from the world’s internet and social media operations to shape public opinion, target individual users, shape search engine results and even feedback to Trump while he is giving press conferences!

We note that SCL, the parent company of Cambridge Analytica, has been deeply involved with “psyops” in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now, Cambridge Analytica, their Big Data and AI components, Mercer money and Bannon political savvy are applying that to contemporary society...

The program concludes with Mr. Emory’s prognostications about AI, preceding Stephen Hawking’s warning by twenty years.

In L-2 (recorded in January of 1995) Mr. Emory warned about the dangers of AI, combined with DNA-based memory systems. Mr. Emory warned that, at some point in the future, AI’s would replace us, deciding that THEY, not US, are the “fittest” who should survive.

For a detailed, annotated description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts–an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:
Dave's website:

1-2 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
John Nichols discusses his new book "Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse: A Field Guide to the Most Dangerous People in America"
Plus opposition to Iran Nuclear Deal by Republicans endangers peace.
Initially heard on KPFK Saturdays, 10am

2-3 Thomas Frank "The Country that Voted for Trump"
Program #FRAT006. Recorded in Seattle, WA on April 18, 2017.

The election of Donald Trump was a stunning political upset. His victory defied the predictions of almost every pundit and pollster. Though he received about 3 million fewer votes than his opponent, the antiquarian Electoral College system in the U.S. gave him the presidency. The New York real estate mogul, TV celebrity and billionaire ran as a self-proclaimed outsider against what he portrayed as entrenched and corrupt political elites. He would “drain the swamp” in Washington. Despite a well-documented list of jaw dropping gaffes and serial prevarications he was able to convince enough working class people that he would reverse the neoliberal economic policies that had so adversely affected them. And the Democrats? Well, what can you say? Facing one of the weakest candidates in history, they lost not only the White House but also most of the state houses.

Thomas Frank is a prominent political commentator and the founding editor of The Baffler magazine. He is the author of many books including 'One Market Under God,' 'What's the Matter with Kansas?' 'The Wrecking Crew,' 'Pity the Billionaire' and 'Listen, Liberal.' From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,

3-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For details click on 'radio' and 'Sue's Daily Stacks.'

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has a printed copy at hand - 9am-5pm (818) 985-2711 ext. 0 (for operator)


12-1 Alan Watts, "Ecological Awareness" Part 2
'An alteration of the term 'mystical experience' into the more acceptable term, 'ecological awareness' - ecology being the science studying the relationship of organisms and their environment.
All info: (Sign up for new newsletter)

1-2:00 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"
“Taoism” Part 2 of 15.

2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

3-3:30 Science Fiction Break

3:30 - 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For details click on 'radio' and 'Sue's Daily Stacks.'

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has a printed copy at hand - 9am-5pm (818) 985-2711 ext. 0 (for operator)

That's All Folks!
Roy rtuckman (at)


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Dear KPFK Listeners, It's been six months since Roy Tuckman left our world on April 20, 2023. Many listeners feel a tremendous loss and ...