Monday, January 31, 2022
January 31-February 3
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and
click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'
Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).
Fund drive starts in February!!
“Fund Drive Schedule” means we might change or cancel scheduled programs.
"Spiritual Authority" Part 1 of 2
All Info:
MONDAY NIGHT, January 31
In the fall 2013 quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Daniel Sheehan taught a class on the theories of the JFK assassination, one of the first courses of its kind ever taught. Starting with the Warren commission report and the official government position, Sheehan outlines in extensive detail the nine major theories as to who was really behind the assassination.
Online reference and syllabus materials can be found below the videos
12-2 Daniel Sheehan “JFK Assassination” #18.
“Opening to the Rules of the Realm Series”. ‘Comparing Theories’ click on ‘classes’ for videos
2-3 Scholars’ Circle, Climate Change
Climate Change is an existential threat that demands bold action and a transformation of how humanity uses its resources. Concepts like “net zero” and “carbon offset” have done little toward decreasing the amount of greenhouse gases we emit into the atmosphere. Is the current legal and voluntary structure adequate to meet the challenge of climate change? Are we up to the challenge?
William Moomaw is Emeritus Professor of international environmental policy and founding director of the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy at The Fletcher School, Tufts University. He is the co-founder and current co-director of the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts. Professor Moomaw has been a lead author of five Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports. He is the author of Intact Forests in the United States: Proforestation Mitigates Climate Change and Serves the Greatest Good and Scientist Diplomats or Diplomat Scientists: Who Makes Science Diplomacy Effective?
LeRoy Westerling is Professor of Management of Complex Systems at Ernest and Julio Gallo Management Program at the University of California, Merced. He is the co-author of Greater Temperature and Precipitation Extremes Intensify Western U.S. Droughts, Wildfire Severity, and Sierra Nevada Tree Mortality.
Christopher Wright is Professor of Organisational Studies at the University of Sydney Business School. He is the co-author of Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-Destruction.
Prue Taylor is the Deputy Director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law. She is Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland. She is the author of Opportunity within Failure: Can the Global Pact for the Environment Learn from Responsibility to Protect? and a book chapter on Responsibility for the Ecological Integrity of the High Seas: The Role of Natural Law.
3-4 Angela Davis, “What Will You Say in 2030?”
Program #DAVA008. Recorded in Boulder, CO on February 23, 2000.
Imagine it is 2030. A youngster asks you, What was is like back then at the turn of the century? What will you say about capital punishment, the drug war, guns or why more money was spent on prisons than education? What will you say about racism, the criminal justice system and the vast discrepancies in sentencing? What will you say about gender and class bias and the huge income and wealth gap between the rich and the poor? What will you say?
Recorded at the Boulder Theater.
Angela Davis is one of the iconic figures of this era. Acquitted on conspiracy charges in 1970, after one of the most famous trials in U.S. history, she went on to become an internationally renowned writer, scholar, and lecturer. She is professor emerita at the University of California at Santa Cruz. She has been in the forefront of the movement focusing on the prison industrial complex and its intersection with race, class and gender. She is the author of many books including Women, Race and Class, Blues Legacies and Black Feminism, Abolition Democracy, and Freedom is a Constant Struggle.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,
4 - 6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
INTRO: Robert Kennedy's
Statement of Purpose
12-1 Robert Kennedy Jr. “The Defender Show” Episode 21
Guest Alex Berenson. Reporter and author, formerly with the N,Y. Times.
January 27
1-2 Dr. Paul Thomas MD “Against the Wind” Episode 34, (January 26)
Science and medicine are at a crossroad and courageous health practitioners are standing up to ensure that humanity and integrity aren’t left behind in the name of “progress”. Dr. Paul Thomas is one of those leading the way and amplifying the voice of brave scientists and health care practitioners who are willing to put their careers on the line to make sure “health” and “care” are restored to health care.
This Video:
This week Dr. Paul interviews with Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director Association American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS) and Managing Editor of AAPS Journal, who discusses the importance of the patient-physician relationship and what is currently at stake when it comes to informed consent. She also gives her perspective on the C19 shot and emphasizes the necessity of finding and supporting independent physicians who are willing to exercise their own discretion, do their own research and stand up for patients’ rights. To learn more, visit .
Next, Greg Glaser, J.D., Va))ine Rights Attorney and Lead Council for the Control Group, returns to share helpful advice for employees facing mandates and where to go for religious exemption support. He also provides an update on current legal actions taking place in the country that include his current control group litigation case and a breakdown of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Greg has never been more optimistic about the future of health freedom and says we are ultimately winning this battle! To follow his control group case, visit, and for exemption-related questions, go to .
Finally, in this week’s Be the News segment, Bernadette Pajer, Public Policy Director of Informed Choice WA, provides information on a new tool that enables people to track and follow medical freedom bills by state. Bernadette encourages us to stay positive, stay active and stay vigilant because we have only just begun this medical freedom fight! To dive in, visit
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific:
NEW Archive: 1-631-359-9463
Voicemail: (862) 800-6805
Order Number: 877-627-5065
Luanne Pennesi: (903) 881-7008
2-3 Gary Null Show 1.28.22
Study finds vitamin D supplements with or without Omega-3s decreased risk of autoimmune diseases. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, January 27 2022. Blueberry extract outperforms radiation in killing cervical cancer cells, study reveals. University of Missouri, January 27, 2022. Physical activity protects against type 2 diabetes by modifying metabolism. University of Eastern Finland, January 26, 2022. Regular physical activity significantly changes the body’s metabolite profile, and many of these changes are associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows… In addition, the study showed that increased physical activity improves insulin secretion.
Food as medicine. Mayo Clinic, January 26 2022. The oft-heard adage “Let food be thy medicine” appears to be valid advice according to the results of a first of its kind study published on January 26, 2022 in the Journal of Nutrition. “Based on the outcomes seen in our study, using this type of food as medicine approach expands the options for medical professionals and patients,” first author Stephen Kopecky, MD, FACC, of the Mayo Clinic commented. “Many patients who are unwilling or unable to take statin drugs may be able to help manage their high cholesterol, or hyperlipidemia with a realistic food-based intervention.” Maternal consumption of soft drinks may be linked to ADHD symptoms in offspring. University of Bergen (Norway), January 27, 2022. Norwegian, Swedish and Dutch researchers examining a large Norwegian population-based cohort recently reported in European Journal of Nutrition that daily maternal intake of sweetened carbonated beverages (SCB) in pregnancy was associated with an increase in ADHD symptoms among offspring at eight years of age.
1. Barrister Una McGurk (Ireland) on pandemic and cancel culture – 6 minutes
3-4 Gary Null “Progressive Commentary Hour. (1.18.22)
Glenn Greenwald, best known for his series in "The Guardian" detailing classified information about global surveillance programs based on top-secret documents provided by Edward Snowden, spoke at the University of Utah on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.
1/28/22. (Not on Air)
Dafna Techover Esq. & Del Bigtree
Why 5G Is Dangerous for Planes — and People
On the latest episode of Del Bigtree’s “The HighWire,” Dafna Tachover, attorney and founder of We Are The Evidence, explained how 5G technology could have catastrophic impacts on airplane safety equipment and why it’s so harmful to human health.
By Jeremy Loffredo
Tachover explained how 5G differs from other versions of wireless technology. “1G was calls, 2G was calls and text, 3G was calls, texts and some data, 4G was calls, texts and a lot of data,” she said.
Tachover said 5G is a concept, not just a technology. “It’s a concept of infrastructure that’s supposed to allow the Internet of Things, driverless cars and anything and everything else moving forward,” she explained.
Tachover said:
“We’re going to interconnect tens of billions of devices. Everything in our house and our environment is going to communicate and intercommunicate … Your laptop will talk to your refrigerator, your laundry machine to your tea kettle.”
Tachover told Bigtree even the most mundane objects will be connected to the internet, even diapers — a small sensor and antenna sends an alert to the mother’s smartphone every time a baby poops.
“So all of these devices will be interconnected and for that we need a much more intense infrastructure of antennas … and that is what 5G is,” she said.
In the beginning, telecommunication giants thought they would run 5G off of millimeter-wave networks, Tachover said. But the industry ran into a problem. The millimeter-wave networks are easily obstructed by different environmental factors, such as trees, houses and walls — so they fail to reach medium to long distances.
“So you would need to put many more antennas in very close proximity in order to have this network function,” Tachover said.
So the telecom industry moved to buy lower frequencies, known as the C band frequencies, from the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) for their so-called “next-generation wireless networks.”
The C band frequencies travel faster and further than the frequencies on which the telecom industry originally planned to build the 5G network.
Before telecom industry giants purchased the C band frequencies in 2021, the frequencies were used primarily by the military, Tachover said.
“The purchase forced the military to change the frequency used by their communication equipment to make way for Verizon, AT&T and their Internet of Things,” she said.
The only problem, said Tachover, is that commercial airlines also use these C band frequencies for their safety communication equipment — a fact no one considered until very recently.
“So the military got off of the [C band] because it was being sold, but no one talked to the airlines?” asked Bigtree.
“Correct,” said Tachover. And the risk is that the antennas and technology that commercial airplanes use to measure and communicate altitudes and weather systems is the same frequency that the telecom industry plans to put its network on.
“When you have two antennas that use the same frequency there’s going to be interference,” she said. “That is clearly a huge risk,” she said.
Tachover said the Federal Aviation Administration ordered a halt to the 5G implementation, but at only 50 airports, out of 5,217 public airports in the U.S.
“What about all of the other ones?” she said. “And it’s not even the main airports.”
Tachover explained:
“It seems the telecommunications industry has so much power, they’re allowed to endanger planes, air traffic and people in order to bring download speeds from 10 seconds to 2 seconds. How can that be more important than safety? … It’s outrageous.”
Tachover said wireless technology regulations are outdated, especially when it comes to the impact of the technology on human health.
She said:
“The FCC adopted health guidelines on radio frequency or wireless technology in 1996, and since 1996, the FCC has not updated its guidelines despite thousands of studies, including government studies, showing clear evidence [of harm].”
In 2013, a federal court forced the FCC to open an online public forum, asking whether or not the commission should review the outdated guidelines.
According to Tachover, thousands of comments and studies were submitted, yet the FCC decided there was no need to review the guidelines.
“Basically the whole thing was a fraud,” said Tachover.
She was one of the attorneys who sued the FCC and subsequently won. She said the judges were “in shock” over what the FCC had done.
“The court ruled the FCC did not conduct reasoned decision-making” regarding the risks of wireless harm and safety.
There are “many many studies” documenting clear evidence of how wireless technology damages DNA, damages sperm and contributes to ADHA and cancer.
“There’s a 50% reduction in the quality of sperm in males … it’s not ‘maybe evidence’, it’s clear evidence,” Tachover said.
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s website.
12-1 Dave Emory, For the Record #1214 - For the Record #1214 - The Narco-Fascism of Chiang Kai-Shek and he Kuomintang, Part 21”
Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ November 16, 2021 ⋅ Post a comment
This program concludes the series.Introducing the expansion of American experience with Chiang and his Kuomintang fascists into U.S. Cold War policy in Asia, we present Sterling Seagrave’s rumination about Stanley Hornbeck, a State Department flack who became: “. . . . the doyen of State’s Far Eastern Division. . . .”
Hornbeck “ . . . . had only the most abbreviated and stilted knowledge of China, and had been out of touch personally for many years. . . . He withheld cables from the Secretary of State that were critical of Chiang, and once stated that ‘the United States Far Eastern policy is like a train running on a railroad track. It has been clearly laid out and where it is going is plain to all.’ It was in fact bound for Saigon in 1975, with whistle stops along the way at Peking, Quemoy, Matsu, and the Yalu River. . . .”
Next, the program highlights key aspects of the career of Ching-Ling Soong, aka Mme. Sun Yat-sen.
Sister of Ai-Ling (aka Mme. H.H. Kung), Mae-ling (aka Mme. Chiang Kai-shek) and T.V., T.A. and T.L. Soong, she had a long and remarkable career.
For the purposes of this description, we re-print material from FTR#1202…
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).
The latest list has all programs up to #1215!
Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):
Dave's website:
1-2 The Scholars’ Circle: “Attacks on Courts”
The attacks on the legitimacy and independence of courts in the United States is increasing. What are these attacks? Where are they coming from? And what might be the effect on justice in America? [ dur: 58mins. ]
This webinar was organized by UC Berkeley’s Civil Justice Research Initiative. It is part of the Berkeley Boostsprogram.
Alicia Bannon is the Managing Director of the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice. She is the co-author of the report State Supreme Court Diversity, Legislative Assault on the State Courts – December 21 Update, and The Power of State Courts in Securing Abortion Access: ‘It’s Time to Give Them Center Stage’.
James Brosnahan is Lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. He is Senior Trial Counsel at Morrison & Foerster in San Francisco. He is the author of Defending Clients, Not Movements and a contributor to the book Trial Evidence in the Federal Courts: Problems and Solutions.
Erwin Chemerinsky is the Dean and Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. His many publications include, most recently, Presumed Guilty: How the Supreme Court Empowered the Police and Subverted Civil Rights, and The Religion Clauses: The Case for Separating Church and State (with Howard Gillman).
Denyse F. Clancy is a partner in the Oakland, CA law firm of Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood. She is a nationally recognized appellate and trial lawyer with prominent experience in asbestos and talc litigation and other toxic torts. She is the author of Fraud Claims Under Sections 11 and 12(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933: Should Pleading with Particularity be Required? and The Deductibility of the Costs of Aircraft Maintenance.
We would like to thank the University of California, Berkeley’s Civil Justice Research Initiative and Berkeley Law Executive Education for making this recording available.
2:30-3 Richard Wolff, "Economic Update”
‘The Socialism Issue”
Initially heard on KPFK Sundays, 9am.
3-4 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
“Corporatism is the Problem”.
Initially heard on KPFK Sunday's at noon.
All info and free downloads
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s website.
12-1 Alan Watts, "Learning the Human Game" Part. 4 of 4
This seminar was conducted for a group of Psychologists at the University of Michigan. 'Randomness' and 'control' are explored in dept, hoping to arrive at an undeceived attitude toward life and death." (AW)
All Info:
1-2:30 Thich Nhat Hanh, "Body and Mind are One" #1 of 6
A Training in Mindfulness
When your body and mind work together at once, you are fully and naturally present in the moment, This is the essence of mindfulness practice - allowing us to touch the wonders of life in the here and now. "Body. and Mind are One" is at once a practical teaching series covering fundamental Buddhist principles for a joyful life and a living transmission of insight from beloved Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, who had practiced, shared, and lived this profound wisdom for over 8 decades.
Thich Nhat Hanh was a Zen master in the Vietnamese tradition and a scholar, poet, and peace activist. He was the founder of the Van Hanh Buddhist University in Saigon and has taught at Columbia University and the Sorbonne. Thich Nhat Hanh is the author of the national bestseller 'Living Buddha, Living Christ' and over 60 other books. He was nominated for the 1967 Nobel Peace Prize by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. He died on January 22, 2022.
Session 1 of 6: Introduction. Connecting with our suffering. Avalockite-shivara chant. Bringing the mind home to the body. Mindfulness, concentration and insight, Guided Meditation: Enjoying the breath. Offering your presence. Mantras to bring happiness.
From Sounds True, 1 (800) 333-9185, (855) 879-4261.
2:30-3:30 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:" Rebroadcast
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3:30-4 Science Fiction Break
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, books, quotations, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's
That's All Folks!
Saturday, January 22, 2022
January 24-27
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and
click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'
Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).
Pacifica has a new Executive Director - all I recall is her first name is Stephanie. We have high hopes!! Our next fund drive will be in February. We are still in a crucial situation financially. The court case of the new vs old Pacifica is happening but the law is slow.
"Swimming Headless" Part 2 of 2
All Info:
12-3 Danny Sheehan “JFK Assassination”
In the fall 2013 quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Daniel Sheehan taught a class on the theories of the JFK assassination, one of the first courses of its kind ever taught. Starting with the Warren commission report and the official government position, Sheehan outlines in extensive detail the nine major theories as to who was really behind the assassination.
Online reference and syllabus materials can be found below the videos.
Nov. 21 - JFK #17: ‘’Theory #9- ‘7 Days in May’ - Joint Chiefs of Staff Coup’’
(Nov. 21, 2013, one day before the 50th anniversary)
Danny's Websites: (for video of classes click on ‘classes’)
3-4 Dave Emory “For the Record 1216 - The Dealey Plaza Blues”
Revisiting the event that propelled Mr. Emory into this field of endeavor, this program reflects on the assassination of President Kennedy on the 58th anniversary of his killing.
One source of Mr. Emory’s “Dealey Plaza Blues” is a depressing piece in Rolling Stone magazine from 11/22/2021.
In addition to the minor stylistic sin of ending a sentence with a preposition, Tim Weiner tars those who have grasped the documentary truth of the JFK assassination as victims of Soviet/Russian propaganda.
In the midst of the red-baiting, Weiner does offer one unintentionally ironic, true statement: “ . . . . Our body politic is being poisoned by lies. . . .”
Ironic article selection by The New York Times featured a multi-page story on the Chinese purchase of a Freeport McMoRan cobalt mine in the Congo.
This story, too, was published by Times on the anniversary of the assassination.
Presenting the predictable ideological framing of the purchase as part of China’s grab of minerals that are key to the development of “Green” technologies, the article comprises a synopsized, slanted Cold War recapitulation of U.S. mineral development in the Congo, with particular emphasis on the reign of Joseph Mobutu.
(What does not occur to U.S. media outlets, is that China’s proprietary advances in this area are an altogether comprehensible strategy for continued industrial expansion in the century to come, while moving to reduce greenhouse gases and pollution in keeping with the international legal and diplomatic targets for environmental sustainability.)
Below, we present information featured in FTR#‘s 1054, 1055 and 1056.
The article has historical resonance on this 58th anniversary of JFK’s assassination in several respects:
1.–Freeport Sulphur (part of the company involved with the Congo) was one of the institutions in which Clay Shaw and David Ferrie’s maneuvering permitted Jim Garrison to connect them with the milieu of the JFK assassination.
2.–Freeport also benefitted enormously from JFK’s assassination. The events of 11/22/1963 reversed JFK’s policy of engagement with Indonesia’s Sukarno. The bloody 1965 coup–highlighted in FTR#1212–permitted Freeport to benefit enormously by developing Indonesia’s mineral resources.
3.–Kennedy’s killing dramatically altered U.S. policy vis a vis what was the Belgian Congo at the time. Following the assassination, the U.S. threw its weight behind the forces promoting Joseph Mobutu and Moise Tshombe in the Congo. Ironically, Tshombe characterized the unrest in the Congo as “Chinese inspired.” (In the Congo, as in so many countries, the World War II Allies reneging on their initial pledge to grant independence to European colonial territories that had been occupied by Axis countries, propelled colonial properties into the Cold War meat-grinder in an attempt to gain independence.)
Perspective on this unhappy anniversary comes from The New York Times’ use of a Third Reich alumnus named Paul Hofmann as a foreign correspondent, beginning with the Gray Lady’s coverage of the CIA’s participation in the overthrow of Patrice Lumumba.
” . . . . During the war, he served in Rome as a top aide to the notorious Nazi general Kurt Malzer, who was later convicted of the mass murder of Italian partisans. At some point, Hofmann became an informer for the Allies, and after the war he became closely associated with Jim Angleton. . . .”
The Times published the historical fiction enshrined as the Warren Report.
Next, the program highlights parts of the HSCA’s investigation that support Garrison’s thesis.
” . . . . On September 1, 1977, staff counsel Jonathan Blackmer, authored a 15-page memorandum addressed to Blakey, as well as staff members, Gary Cornwell, Ken Klein, and Cliff Fenton. Blackmer was the lead counsel for team 3, the HSCA team responsible for the New Orleans and Cuban angles of the investigation. After an investigative trip to New Orleans, Blackmer concluded in his memo: ‘We have reason to believe Shaw was heavily involved in the anti-Castro efforts in New Orleans in the 1960’s and [was] possibly one of the high level planners or ‘cut out’ to the planners of the assassination.’ . . . .”
The excerpt comes from another magnificent book on the Garrison investigation–Let Justice Be Done by Bill Davy. The book was the focus of FTR#190.
The latter portion of the broadcast highlights the CIA’s intense interest in the Garrison investigation. This interest was manifested through an agency conclave informally named “The Garrison Group.”
” . . . . [CIA Director Richard] Helms wanted the group to ‘consider the possible implications for the Agency’ of what Garrison was doing in ‘New Orleans before, during, and after the trial of Clay Shaw.’. . . [CIA official Ray] Rocca then said something quite ominous. He said that he felt ‘that Garrison would indeed obtain a conviction of Shaw for conspiring to assassinate President Kennedy.’ This must have had some impact on the meeting. Since everyone must have known that Rocca had developed, by bar, the largest database on Garrison’s inquiry at CIA. . . .”
We conclude with a story that gauges the degree of psychological dysfunction gripping much of this society becomes more ironic as the date November 22nd approaches–this is another generating force behind “The Dealey Plaza Blues.”
The QAnon milieu is embracing the notion the JFK, Jr. will re-appear in Dealey Plaza and all sorts of things will then transpire.
For a nation that has chosen to ignore what is perhaps the decisive event in American history–the assassination of JFK (Sr.) in Dallas, Texas–the gothic fantasy driving a disturbingly significant number of people is, perhaps, a fascist after-dinner drink.
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).
The latest list has all programs up to #1215!
Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):
Dave's website:
4 - 6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
Robert Kennedy's
12-1 “Doctors and Scientists”. (12/2/21 Show)
Hosted by Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD. Guest Dr. Pierre Kory MD MPA. (12/2/21)
Got Science? Are you sure?
Dr. Brian Hooker invites some of the leading voices in science and medicine to break down the studies and weigh in on the controversies so the rest of us have an opportunity to understand the science that drives public health policy and medical progress.
Interview with Dr. Pierre Kory MD, MPA. ( FLCCC.NET. )
Dr. Pierre Kory, founder and president of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance appeared on CHD.TV’s “Doctors and Scientists” where he and host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., unveiled why cost-effective successful therapeutics are being censored.
Children's Health Defense Team
Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free.
Dr. Pierre Kory, founder and president of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), appeared on CHD.TV’s “Doctors and Scientists” where he and host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., unveiled why cost-effective successful therapeutics are being censored and asked why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention refuses to make public critical data.
The two also discussed the importance of early treatment for COVID, and how Dr. Anthony Fauci and Big Pharma suppressed information and science about treatment options.
Kory, former chief of critical care service and director of the Trauma and Life Support Center in Madison, Wisconsin, described his frustration with the repression of “good science” on repurposing low-cost medications, such asivermectin, to treat COVID patients.
He also criticized what he called “nonsensical” mass vaccination and the censorship of ethical medical practices.
Kory said he and other doctors working on the frontlines during the initial wave of COVID infections were shocked by the unethical “stand-by-and-do-nothing” directives handed down by medical agencies.
Morally bound by the Hippocratic Oath and their desire to help their patients, Kory and a handful of world-renowned medical colleagues established the FLCCC Alliance. They developed three protocols using a combination of repurposed therapeutics to fight COVID.
Kory described his personal experience of being undermined by higher medical organizations and the scientific journal, Frontiers in Pharmacology.
He said medical agencies demonized doctors like him for using safe, cost-effective therapeutics while they pushed dangerous and costly patented vaccines and drugs that have not completed standardized clinical trials.
Hooker pointed out the irony of doctors being persecuted for advocating for safe and effective treatment for COVID during a time when no other treatment was available.
“This Week” with Mary and Polly. (Jan. 19):
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific:
NEW Archive: 1-631-359-9463
Voicemail: (862) 800-6805
Order Number: 877-627-5065
Luanne Pennesi: (903) 881-7008
1-2 The Gary Null Show: 01.19.22
5G’s Crimes Against Humanity
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, January 19, 2022
The roll out of the new C-Band 5G service by AT&T and Verizon scheduled for January 19, has raised alarms for major airline executives who have warned that it will create “catastrophic” interference with flight navigation systems and pilot safety during take off and landing. The risks will be greater during bad weather. Among the warnings are major disruptions in commerce and supply chain, the overriding of aircrafts’ electronic safety systems and radio altimeters, and the grounding of flights that will leave “tens of thousands of Americans grounded.” According to CNN, the airlines estimate that upwards to 1,000 flights will be disrupted daily. The 5G threat is particularly heightened in low-visibility conditions. Chief executives from American Airlines, United, Delta, Southwest and Jet Blue have demanded that 5G be blocked within a two-mile radius of major US airports. FedEx and UPS have also joined the airlines’ complaints. Foreign airlines such as Dubai’s Emirates, Air India, Japan Air, Lufthansa and British Airways have already changed or canceled flights to the US. Two of the world’s largest plane manufacturers, Airbus and Boeing, have also issued warnings.
This has become an ongoing battle between the Federal Aviation Administration and the private telecomm industry and its Washington lobbyists. The FAA has been warning about 5G interruption of planes’ navigation systems for quite some time. The telecomm industry’s unwillingness to budge is most disturbing because the Biden administration has already permitted 90 percent of wireless tower deployment to roll out as scheduled. It is only in the vicinity of major airports where the FAA and airlines demand restrictions due to safety concerns. However, as we have reported for the past several years, the telecomm giants, notably AT&T and Verizon, and its leading media spokespersons at CNN and the New York Times, have undermined and denied 5G’s risks, especially to human health and the environment, ever since wireless technologies were first commercialized.
5G is destined to be a permanent fixture across the nation. There is barely a chance to prevent it. The thousands of medical and environmental studies confirming high EMF’s dangers and the petitions signed by thousands of international scientists to halt its deployment are unequivocally ignored or worse ostracized and canceled. It is estimated that there are over 10,000 peer-reviewed clinical studies mentioning serious molecular biological injury and defects to organs, neurons, cells and cellular function, and DNA damage to plants, animals and humans alike. Between August 2016 and September 2018 alone, over 400 new studies on electromagnetic radiation risks were compiled by public health Professor Joel Moskowitz at the University of California at Berkeley.
Despite the pandemic, lockdowns and social distancing have not hindered 5G’s progress to connect every American into its spider’s web. In December 2019, T-Mobile reached its goal of nationwide 5G coverage of over 1.3 million square miles (34 percent of the US) and AT&T reached its milestone to reach 179 million people. The 5G roll out is also crucial for international globalists to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The World Economic Forum’s presentation, “Why is 5G Important for the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” outlines the multi-trillion dollar impact advanced connectivity will have on manufacturing, wholesale and resale, smart cities and homes, public services, transportation, real time banking, finance and insurance, agriculture and forestry, micro chip surveillance, real estate, education, mining, health and medicine.
We must not hold any false hopes that the Biden administration will ultimately side with the airlines’ safety concerns. During the 2020 election, the Biden campaign received $97 million from the Communications/Tech sector versus Trump’s $18 million. Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, AT&T and Comcast overwhelmingly contributed to Biden’s war chest.
The American public is being bamboozled with blatant falsehoods to embrace 5G as a necessary and innovative technology that will benefit and improve our lives. But the real truth is the exact opposite.
The following information has been abbreviated from scientific literature that is fully validated and has been stated by international experts such as Drs. Devra Davis and Martin Pall about EMF's adverse effects to government leaders and national legislators repeatedly. This outline was presented by Dr. Martin Pall, a Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Medical Sciences at Washington State University to the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Pall is recognized worldwide as an expert in EMF and 5G's detrimental effects on biological systems and the diseases associated with wireless technologies.
Lower Fertility: Alters the structure of the testes and ovaries, lowers sperm count and the number of egg follicles, increases spontaneous abortion and lowers the levels of three sex hormones.
Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Effects: There has been a dramatic increase in the following conditions since the advent of mobile phones, the internet, and wireless technologies: insomnia, fatigue, depression, headaches and cognitive dysfunction, anxiety, and loss of memory. Animal studies have shown that EMFs produce major changes in brain structure, which is likely happening to everyone who has extensive daily exposure to EMFs
Cellular DNA Damage: There are three types of DNA damage observed in EMF exposure: single and double DNA breaks and oxidized DNA bases. These can cause cancer and mutations in the sexual germ lines.
Apoptosis: EMFs contribute to programmed cell death that in turn leads to reproductive and neurodegenerative disorders.
Oxidative Stress: Free radical damage that has been associated with numerous health conditions including cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, myocardial infarction, stroke, chronic inflammation, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, cellular death and aging
Endocrine Effects: According Dr. Pall, every hormonal system in the body is adversely affected by EMF exposure.
Excessive Intracellular Calcium: Ca2+ is critical for cellular activity
Cancer: There are 35 separate scientific reviews of the body of peer-reviewed literature providing evidence that EMFs increase carcinogenesis, promote and progress tumor development and contribute to metastasis.
There are also other medical conditions that have been shown to be associated likely with EMF exposure:
Cardiac Effects. EMFs interfere with the electrical control of the heart that can produce tachycardia, bradycadia, arrhythmia and abnormal heart palpitations.
Early Onset of Alzheimer's and Dementia: In recent years and in parallel with increased EMF exposure, signs of symptoms associated with Alzheimer's are being observed in people age 30 and younger. Dr. Pall has called this "digital dementias."
ADHD and Autism: The epidemic in ADHD and autism witnessed in each younger generation may be caused by late prenatal and early post-natal EMF exposure. Each of these neurological conditions is associated with the increase of calcium over-penetrating cell linings due to EMF pulsations and disrupting synapse formations.
Everyone will be affected by 5G’s radiation. But it will not require three decades to observe its injurious effects. Unlike cigarettes, nobody has a choice whether you wish to be exposed to 5G or not. 5G’s EMF radiation is all-pervasive.
The mainstream media, in particular the New York Times, which has a collaborative agreement with the leading 5G provider Verizon, have no intention to warn the public about any of the scientific findings mentioned above. There is a growing consensus in the scientific and medical community that 5G will usher an epidemic of disease never before witnessed in human history. It is too difficult to make forecasts. Nevertheless, if the past and current research on EMF's adverse effects on health and the environment during the past 50 years are any indication, we are entering a new epoch of disease and neurological disorders that humanity is completely unprepared to handle.
This is a consequence of what happens when an entire nation is trapped into carelessly trusting elected presidents and legislators whose campaigns are bankrolled by the Telecomm giants and Silicon Valley, and a media empire ruled by serial liars and masters of disinformation campaigns for private corporate interests. This is vulture capitalism at is worse.
Also a criticism of ”The Great Reset” — a reality, not a conspiracy theory, by the World Economic Form to restructure the world economy.
2-3 The Gary Null Show 01.20.22
Magnesium is essential for the immune system, including in the fight against cancer.
University of Basel (Switzerland), January 19, 2022 More lycopene linked to longer lives for people with metabolic syndrome. University of Nebraska Medical Center, January 16, 2022.Too much sugar during adolescence may alter brain’s reward circuits European Journal of Neuroscience, January 19, 2022. Unveiled the epigenetic mechanism by which vitamin D modulates the tolerance of the immune system. Joseph Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (Germany), January 19, 2022, Study links poor sleep in seniors to more severe arteriosclerosis. University of Toronto, January 19, 2022. America’s New Class War. Part 2 of ‘The Great Reset”. Reversal of autism. Dr. Robert Malone (developer of technology of mRNA vaccine - statement ‘Before You Inject Your Child”. Download:
3-4. Th= Gary Null Show 1.21.22
Drinking beetroot juice reduces high blood pressure, trial shows. Queen Mary University (UK), January 20, 2022. Researchers recommend clinical trials for CBD to prevent COVID-19 based on promising animal data. University of Chicago Medical Center, January 20 2022. Mediterranean diet associated with a lower risk of mortality in older adults. University of Barcelona (Spain), January 20, 2022. The best way to fix a sad mood: Whatever you think works best. Ohio State University, January 20, 2022. Tomato Juice Reduces Inflammation and Waist Size In Women. Tufts and Boston universities, January 20, 2022. Does coffee help protect against endometrial cancer? Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, January 20, 2022.
To the Victims of Wikipedia’s Libel:
You are by now fully aware that the online encyclopedia Wikipedia has been exceedingly antagonistic against your careers and your personal stances on many issues that directly affect the principles of democracy, freedom of speech, medical choice and personal well-being. In particular, medical professionals and advocates for natural health have been categorically ridiculed, libeled and their careers canceled. This disturbing trend continues to worsen….
Article in PubMed in the National Institute of Health on possible 5G and Corona Virus Disease relationship evidence in peer reviewed scientific literature. Many articles mentioned. Open Phones,
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
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12-1 Dave Emory, For the Record #1213 - The Narco-Fascism of Chang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang - Part 20”
This program undertakes a speculative look at the life and family history of Barack Obama, analyzed in the context of the American Deep State.
It was under Obama that the “pivot to Asia” took place, with his then Vice-President Joe Biden now pursuing the anti-China policy with a consuming vigor.
(We note, also, Avril Haines, who was Obama’s Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, then worked as a paid consultant for Peter Thiel’s Palantir firm, was a key participant in Event 201, served as a key member of Biden’s transition team and, ultimately, became Director of National Intelligence, a position from which she helped initiate the momentum to legitimize the “Lab-Leak Theory” of the origin of Covid.)
The central element in our analysis is the professional and political circumstances surrounding the Obama family’s involvement in Indonesia in the immediate aftermath of the slaughter.
The available information suggests that the benign interpretation of the Obama family’s circumstances is not accurate.
Those circumstances are encapsulated: Key Points of Discussion nd Analysis Include: Lolo Soetoro’s work as a civilian employee of the Indonesian Army at the East-West Institute in Hawaii (headed up at the time by Howard Jones, for years U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia); Soetoro’s meeting of (Stanley) Ann Dunham at the East-West Institute; Soetoro’s return to Indonesia in 1966; Soetoro’s work for the Indonesian army following the coup; Soetoro’s work for Unocal and Mobil, two of the key oil companies in Indonesia that faced possible nationalization by Sukarno; Ann Dunham’s work for USAID and Ford Foundation in Indonesia (both common covers for CIA work abroad); Soetoro’s account of having seen a man killed in “bloody” fashion; the dubious nature of claims by the Obama clan that Ms. Dunham learned of the slaughter that had just taken place through quiet asides and innuendo (numerous press accounts available through U.S. media outlets had reported the massacre); Ann Dunham’s subsequent work for the Ford Foundation in Indonesia, under Peter Geithner (whose son Timothy Geithner became Obama’s Secretary of the Treasury); Barack Obama’s work for the Business International Corporation between college and graduate school (the company has, in the past, served as a “corporate cover” for CIA employees); Obama’s biological father’s meeting of Ann Dunham in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in 1960, after entering the U.S. under a joint CIA-State Department program initiated under the auspices of Tom Mboya in Kenya (later assassinated because of his perceived/alleged links to CIA).
We are of the opinion that Obama is part of a Deep State, trans-generational intelligence network and his stewardship of the “pivot to Asia,” Avril Haines key position in the events surrounding the full-court press against China, and “Delaware Joe” [Biden]‘s pursuit of a vigorous anti-China policy are part of the straight railway line of Asian policy described by Stanley Hornbeck: “. . . . the doyen of State’s Far Eastern Division. . . . [Hornbeck] had only the most abbreviated and stilted knowledge of China, and had been out of touch personally for many years. . . . He withheld cables from the Secretary of State that were critical of Chiang, and once stated that ‘the United States Far Eastern policy is like a train running on a railroad track. It has been clearly laid out and where it is going is plain to all.’ It was in fact bound for Saigon in 1975, with whistle stops along the way at Peking, Quemoy, Matsu, and the Yalu River. . . .”
The program begins with discussion of the formation of the World Anti-Communist League in Taiwan under Chiang Kai-shek.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang and their support for the Indonesian coup, including staging attacks on the Chinese embassy in Jakarta; Taiwan as the site for the merging of the Asian People’s Anti-Communist League with the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations to form the World Anti-Communist League; the role of Adrian Zenz in the fabrication of the Uighur genocide meme; Zenz’s association with the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a derivative of the Captive Nations Committee, a subsidiary of the OUN/B and deeply involved with the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations; the role of elements of the Azov Battalion and Pravy Sektor in the “pro-democracy” movement in Hong Kong; the adoption by the “pro-Democracy movement” of a permutation of the “Glory to Ukraine, Glory to The Heroes” salute of the OUN/B; review of the networking between Ruzy Nazar and the Pan-Turkist and Nazi deep political forces at work in Xinjiang province; review of Nazar’s representation of the ABN at WACL’s conference in Dallas, Texas.
Following discussion of the formation of WACL, the program highlights the importance of the Indonesian oil companies to the U.S. and their Indonesian satraps.
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself — SpitfireListComments. .
Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).
The latest list has all programs up to #1215!
Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):
Dave's website:
1-2 Intellectuals, Ideology & the State
Program #AHME011. Recorded in Cambridge, MA on October 16, 1998.
What role do intellectuals play in society? Are they apparatchiks, yes men and women or do they challenge the half-truths, mendacities and fabrications of the rich and powerful? Noam Chomsky explored these themes in his famous essay, “The Responsibility of Intellectuals.” published in The New York Review of Books during the height of U.S. aggression in Indochina. Chomsky unambiguously declared, “It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies.” He called them the “new mandarins” who are subservient to the ruling class and use their privileged position to advance their careers. They provide the cover for the crimes of state, articulating the underpinning and embedded ideology. For their services, they are well rewarded with endowed chairs at the best universities, frequent media appearances and fat book contracts. In this program, Eqbal Ahmad examines the work of intellectuals such as Chomsky, Antonio Gramsci, Edward Said, I.F. Stone, Rabindranath Tagore and others and the relationship of knowledge to power.
Recorded at MIT.
Eqbal Ahmad was Professor Emeritus of International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. He had an extraordinary life. He was born in Irki, Bihar to an Indian Muslim landowning family. His father was murdered because he was parceling out land to peasants. Upon the partition of India in 1947 he went to Pakistan. He came to the U.S. to attend Princeton. He was in Algeria during the revolt against French rule. For many years he was managing editor of Race and Class. His articles and essays appeared in The Nation and other journals throughout the world. He wrote a weekly column for Dawn, Pakistan’s oldest English newspaper. He was one of the most original and influential anti-imperialist thinkers of his era. He was a leading figure in the anti-Vietnam War movement. He was a remarkable and persuasive orator. As a teacher, he was mentor and inspiration to many. He was a close ally of Edward Said, Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn. Edward Said called him “an intellectual unintimidated by power or authority.” Confronting Empire and Terrorism Theirs & Ours are the two books he did with David Barsamian. Eqbal Ahmad died in Islamabad on May 11, 1999.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977.
2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact”. (1/21/22)
Corporate Assault on U.S. Postal Service with Christopher Shaw
Originally heard Sundays, 9:30am
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the created assault against the U.S. Postal Service with the author Christopher W. Shaw.
The corporate seizure of public utilities and privatization of schools is part of a broad assault to turn government assets into assets that will swell corporate profit, The United States post office has been a coveted target for decades. Corporations such as FedEx and UPS have used their lobbyists and campaign contributions to cripple the government postal service in an effort to destroy it and take it over…
Christopher Shaw is the author of First Class: The U.S. Postal Service, Democracy, and the Corporate Threat”
2:30-3 Richard Wolff. “Economic Update”
“The End of the Megamachine”
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about the sharp reduction in US population growth; how "lockdowns" are the anti-Covid policy everywhere, ,some gov't run and focused while others are private, haphazard, and unfocused. In the second half of the show, Prof. Wolff is joined by Fabian Scheidler, author of The End of the Megamachine: A Brief History of a Failing Civilization.’’
Originally heard on KPFK Sundays 9am
3-4 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
‘Apple’s Hollow $3T Valuation’
Ralph welcomes econ professor William Lazonick, to let us know how Apple reached its record 3 trillion-dollar valuation and how what they and other large corporations are doing to enrich themselves is killing the middle class. Plus, Ralph answers more of your questions.
William Lazonick is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He’s written extensively on the perils of shareholder capitalism, criticism of stock buybacks, and sustainable prosperity. He is also co-author (with Jang-Sup Shin) of the recent book Predatory Value Extraction: How the Looting of the Business Corporation Became the US Norm and How Sustainable Prosperity Can Be Restored.
Initially heard on KPFK Sundays at noon.
All info and free downloads.
Ralph's Website:
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s. website.
12-1 Alan Watts, "Learning the Human Game" Part 3 of 4
This seminar was conducted for a group of Psychologists at the University of Michigan. 'Randomness' and 'control' are explored in dept, hoping to arrive at an undeceived attitude toward life and death." (AW)
All Info:
1-2 Insights from the Edge: ‘Finding Meaning in our Grief”.
In this podcast, Sounds True founder Tami Simon speaks with David Kessler about his new book, including how our relationships transcend death and how we can all continue to love and cherish those we’ve lost. They also discuss David’s friendship and work with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross; misconceptions about the five stages of grief; finding meaning as the sixth stage of grief; why all grief does not have trauma, but all trauma has grief; making the decision to participate in life after loss; the importance of telling our stories, and why our grief must be witnessed in order to be healed; creating a grief-literate society; why “what we avoid pursues us, what we face transforms us”; how our lost loved ones can move forward with us in life; being with and there for someone in grief; our “continuing bonds” with those we’ve lost, and how death can never end our relationships; and more.
David Kessler is widely considered the world’s foremost expert on grief and loss. He is the author of six books, including the new bestseller Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief, and the founder of, which has more than five million visits annually from people in almost 170 countries. David has taught physicians, nurses, counselors, police, and first responders about the end of life, trauma, and grief. He facilitates talks, workshops, and retreats for those experiencing grief, and his experience with thousands of people on the edge of life and death has taught him secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life, even after tragedy/
Free download of audio and transcript:
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:" Rebroadcast
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-4 Science Fiction Break
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
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That's All Folks!
Sunday, January 16, 2022
January 17-20
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
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click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'
Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).
No news that I know of.
"Swimming Headless" Part 1 of 2
All Info:
In the fall 2013 quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Daniel Sheehan taught a class on the theories of the JFK assassination, one of the first courses of its kind ever taught. Starting with the Warren commission report and the official government position, Sheehan outlines in extensive detail the nine major theories as to who was really behind the assassination.
Online reference and syllabus materials can be found below the videos.
12-2. Danny Sheehan "Assassination of JFK". (2013)
Nov. 19, 2013: ‘The C.I.A. As an Institution Did It’
Danny's Websites: (for video of classes click on 'class
2-2:30 William Pepper “The Execution of Martin Luther King (Part 1 of 2).
By MariaNewest Catalog Items
Bill Pepper became James Earl Ray’s lawyer when he found out that Ray was not the murderer. His friendship with King and his family goes back to 1967. Pepper had gone to Vietnam and taken photos of children burned by napalm. King asked to meet with him and they worked closely together during the anti-Vietnam war phase of King’s life. In this recording Pepper explains why he became convinced of Ray’s innocence and, during 25 years of investigative work, pieced together the plot to kill King. The extraordinary story has implications for history, civil rights, justice and democracy. (Feb. 2003)
William Pepper is an acclaimed lawyer who practices international law in London. His book by Verso is: AN ACT OF STATE, The Execution of Martin Luther King. For more information:
From TUC Radio,
2:30-3 William Pepper, “The Execution of Martin Luther King (Part 2).
updated archival program
In Part ONE: Bill Pepper became James Earl Ray’s lawyer when he found out that Ray was not the murderer. His friendship with King and his family goes back to 1967. Pepper had gone to Vietnam and taken photos of children burned by napalm. King asked to meet with him and they worked closely together during the anti-Vietnam war phase of King’s life.
After the failure of all his efforts to get James Earl Ray a new trial, William Pepper recommended one more option to the King family. In this Part TWO Pepper explains why he recommended a wrongful death suit against Loyd Jowers and other known and unknown conspirators. For the first time under oath in any assignation case there is the complete picture of how Martin Luther King was killed. It took the jury 59 minutes to come back with a verdict against Loyd Jowers and an award for the family.
There is a summary of the outcome – as well as 4,000 pages of transcripts posted on the King Center web site. Here is what Coretta Scott King said about the case: “After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a unanimous verdict on December 8, 1999 after about an hour of deliberations that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. In a press statement held the following day in Atlanta, Mrs. Coretta Scott King welcomed the verdict, saying , “There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court’s unanimous verdict has validated our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their deliberations. This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America. It is a great victory for truth itself.
… The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband.
The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame. I want to make it clear that my family has no interest in retribution. Instead, our sole concern has been that the full truth of the assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law… My husband once said, “The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” To-day, almost 32 years after my husband and the father of my four children was assassinated, I feel that the jury’s verdict clearly affirms this principle. With this faith, we can begin the 21st century and the new millennium with a new spirit of hope and healing.”
William Pepper is an acclaimed lawyer who practices international law in London. His book by Verso is: ‘’AN ACT OF STATE, The Execution of Martin Luther King’’ For more information:
From TUC Radio,
3-4 MICHAEL ERIC DYSON, ‘’Chaos or Community?’’
Program #DYSM005. Recorded in Nashville, TN on January 22, 2021.
In his 1967 book Where Do We Go From Here? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr wrote these prophetic words: “A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth. The oceans of history are made turbulent by the ever-rising tides of hate. We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. This may well be mankind’s last chance to choose between chaos or community.” More than five decades later the chaos is all too apparent: When we look around we are faced with a raging pandemic with its mounting death toll, acute economic distress, a climate in peril and the fury of the January 6th insurrection and all that was behind it. We are at a proverbial crossroads. Collective action can address these problems. We can choose. Will it be chaos or community?
Michael Eric Dyson, a globally renowned scholar of race, religion and contemporary culture, is the Centennial Chair and University Distinguished Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies at Vanderbilt University. A dynamic speaker, he lectures widely. Among his many books are April 4, 1968: Martin Luther King’s Death and How it Changed America, Tears We Cannot Stop, Holler If You Hear Me: Searching for Tupac Shakur, and Jay-Z: Made in America.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
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Robert Kennedy's
12-1 “This Week” with Mary and Polly. (Recorded January 12)
Current events with an eye on the undercurrent. Mary Holland and Polly Tommey dive below the surface of the news landscape to provide a deeper understanding of what lurks beneath the headlines.
Video Download:
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1-2 The Gary Null Show. 01.11.22
The Government Assault Against Ivermectin and other Safe SARS-2 Treatments
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, September 1, 2021— (document date)
Latest health information from respected, peer-reviewed sources.
Had the FDA and Anthony Fauci’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID) started approving existing clinically-proven and inexpensive drugs for treating malaria, parasites and other pathogens at the start of the pandemic, millions of people would have been saved from experiencing serious infections or dying from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Why federal health officials never followed this strategy is a question the mainstream media refuses to ask.
Another question that the medical establishment, let alone our compliant media, is why have they failed to ask whether there are reliable studies in the peer-reviewed literature and testimonies from thousands of day-to-day clinical physicians worldwide who treat Covid-19 patients with these drugs, in particular hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin. We may also point out the many different natural remedies, such as nigella sativa, curcumin, vitamin D, melatonin, etc, which have been shown to be effective against SARS-2 infections. In most nations, there has been enormous success in treating Covid patients at the early and moderate stages of infection. However, in the US, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the FDA and our federal medical officials have categorically denied their use. In fact during the past couple weeks, there has been an aggressive and concerted effort to erect obstacles to prevent the employment of these more effective drugs. More recently a widespread campaign is underway to denigrate them altogether.
For example, the TOGETHER trial is now touted by the mainstream media as a flagship study showing that ivermectin is ineffective and even dangerous to prescribe. The study was conducted by professor Edward Mills at McMaster University in Ontario. If we are to believe the New York Times, the trial, which enrolled 1,300 patients, was discontinued because Mills claimed the drug was no better than a placebo. However, there is strong reason to believe this entire trial was nothing less than a staged theatrical performance. When asked, Mills denied having any conflict of interests. However, Mills happens to be employed as a clinical trial advisor for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation was also the trial’s principal funder. It may be noted that various organizations and agencies in other nations, such as the Health Products Regulatory Authority in South Africa, which have banned ivermectin, are often funded by Gates. It is naïve to believe that Gates has any philanthropic intentions whatsoever to see a highly effective treatment for SARS-2 infections reach worldwide approval. These drugs are in direct competition to his enormous investments and unwavering commitment to the Covid-19 vaccines.
In the meantime, Americans only have monoclonal antibody therapy and the controversial and ineffective drug Remdesivir at their disposal. Remdesivir’s average effectiveness for late stage treatment is only 22 percent. A Chinese study published in The Lancet found no statistically significant benefit in the drug and 12 percent of participants taking the drug had to discontinue treatment due to serious adverse effects, especially liver and kidney damage.
When questions are posited as a general argument for advocating expedient measures to protect public health during this pandemic, would it not have been wise to have prioritized for emergency use HCQ, Ivermectin, and other remedies with a record of curtailing Covid, such as the antibiotic azithromycin, zinc, selenium, Vitamins C and D, and melatonin as a first line of defense? There was absolutely no need to have waited for experimental vaccines or experimental drugs such as Remdesivir before the pandemic became uncontrollable. But this is what Fauci and Trump, and now Biden, permitted to happen.
If this strategy of medical intervention had been followed, would it have been successful? The answer is likely an unequivocal “yes”. Both HCQ and, even better, Ivermectin have been prophylactically prescribed by physicians working on pandemic’s front lines with enormous success. Yet those American physicians struggling to get this urgent message out to federal health officials are being marginalized and ridiculed en masse. Only in the US, the UK, France, South Africa and several other developed nations has there been a stubborn hubris to deny their effectiveness. The World Health Organization recommends Ivermectin for Covid-19 so why not the US and these other nations? Under oath, multiple physicians and professors at American medical schools have testified before Congress to present the scientific evidence supporting HCQ and Ivermectin. These are otherwise medical professionals at the very heart of treating Covid-19 patients.
Today, American journalism is in shambles. In fact, it is a disgrace. The American public is losing trust in the media. Whether it is CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the liberal tabloid Daily Beast, NPR or PBS, each has unlimited resources to properly investigate the federal and institutional machinery behind the government health policies being thrust upon us. Yet no mainstream journalist has found the moral compass to bring this truth to the public.
In the meantime, we are allowing millions to die, and countless others to be seriously affected from a severe infection because of professional medical neglect and a healthcare system favoring the pharmaceutical industry’s frantic rush to develop expensive novel drugs and experimental vaccines. The incentive by the drug makers is to take every advantage available within the FDA’s emergency use loopholes to get their products approved as quickly as possible. The primary advantage is that these novel drugs and vaccines can then leap over regulatory hurdles, which otherwise would require them to conduct lengthy and thorough clinical trials to prove their efficacy and safety. The consequence is that none of the new pharmaceutical Covid-19 interventions have been adequately reviewed.
On the other hand, HCQ and Ivermectin have an established legacy of prior research and have been on the market for decades. Worldwide, it is not unreasonable to claim that billions of people have been treated with these drugs.
Below is a breakdown of the studies conducted so far for HCQ, Ivermectin and Vitamin D specifically for combatting the SARS-CoV-2 virus
344 studies, 250 peer-reviewed have been conducted specifically for Covid-19
281 have been clinical trials that involved 4,583 scientists and over 407,627 patients
64% improvement in 31 early treatment trials
75% improvement in 13 early stage infection treatment mortality results
21% improvement in 190 late stage infection treatment trials (patients in serious condition)
23% improvement in 44 randomized controlled trials
Full list of HCQ studies and details:
131 studies, 52 peer-reviewed have been conducted specifically for Covid-19
63 have been clinical trials that involved 613 scientists and over 26,398 patients
58% improvement in 31 randomized controlled trials
86% improvement in 14 prophylaxis trials
72% improvement in 27 early stage infection treatment trials
40% improvement in 22 late stage infection treatment trials
58% improvement in 25 mortality results
Full list of Ivermectin studies and details:
Other inexpensive repurposed drugs for treating SARS-2
88% improvement in early treatment
29% improvement in late stage treatment
63% improvement in all 7 peer-reviewed studies
Vitamin D
101 studies conducted by over 875 scientists
63 sufficiency studies with 34,863 patients
33 treatment trials with 46,860 patients
42% improvement in 33 treatment trials
56% improvement in 68 sufficiency studies
55% improvement in 19 treatment mortality results
Full list of Vitamin D studies and details:
In contrast there have been 21 studies enrolling 35,744 patients in Remdesivir trials showing only a 22% improvement in all studies combined. This rate is below that of simply taking probiotics (5 studies at 24% improvement), melatonin (7 studies at 62% improvement), curcumin (4 studies at 71% improvement), nigella sativa (3 studies at 84% improvement), quercetin (4 studies at 76% improvement), and aspirin (7 studies at 37% improvement). Despite the small number of trials and low numbers of enrolled participants, early results indicate that greater attention and funding needs to be allocated for more rigorous research if there is to be any success in curbing SARS-2 infections’ severity.
Please share this information. The inept policies and measures being taken by our federal health officials and by both the former Trump and present Biden administrations are unparalleled in American healthcare history. And never before has the media been so willing to self-censor and been so grossly irresponsible to hide the published science and the truth.
Program Download:
2-3 The Gary Null Show 1.12.22
Research shows hemp compounds prevent coronavirus from entering human cells
Oregon State University, January 11, 2022 Hemp compounds identified by Oregon State University research via a chemical screening technique invented at OSU show the ability to prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering human cells. Van Breemen and collaborators, including scientists at Oregon Health & Science University, found that a pair of cannabinoid acids bind to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, blocking a critical step in the process the virus uses to infect people. The compounds are cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, CBDA, and the spike protein is the same drug target used in COVID-19 vaccines and antibody therapy. A drug target is any molecule critical to the process a disease follows, meaning its disruption can thwart infection or disease progression.
Tomato concentrate could help reduce chronic intestinal inflammation associated with HIV
University of California Los Angeles, January 11, 2021
Too much sitting could mean worse outcomes for cancer survivors
Cancer Care Alberta (Canada), January 11, 2022
Running could improve brain function in people with Gulf War illness
Texas A&M University, January 10, 2022
Why high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells
Low levels of catalase enzyme make cancer cells vulnerable to high-dose vitamin C University of Iowa, January 9, 2022
People with early-onset Parkinson's disease may benefit from boosting niacin in diet
University of Leicester (UK), January 10, 2022 •
America’s Crisis of Cultural Moral Panic
Insurance companies should ‘penalize’ the unvaxxed, ethicist at New York University recommends
Professor Arthur Caplan said that people who have chosen not to get jabbed should pay higher insurance premiums and be barred from getting life insurance LifeSite News, Jan 6, 2022
NO DEATHS FROM VITAMINS - Safety Confirmed by America's Largest Database
Orthomolecular News Service, January 7th 2022 There were no deaths from any homeopathic remedy, Asian medicine, Hispanic medicine, or Ayurvedic medicine. None.
40% of Israel could be infected with Covid-19 in current wave, says PM
4th COVID Booster Shot Could Cause ‘Immune System Fatigue,’ Scientists Say
As Israel moves ahead with fourth COVID shot, scientists told the New York Times the additional booster may cause more harm than good. Childrens Health Defense, January 7, 2022
145-Country Study Shows Increase Of Transmission And Death After Introduction Of Covid Vaccines
Truth Press, January 11, 2022
Covid Vaccine-Injuries: "An Avalanche", says Attorney Aaron Siri
In November 2021, attorney Aaron Siri explained to an expert panel at Congress that his firm was seeing "an avalanche of submissions" from people seeking help to sue after covid vaccine-injuries.
Here we are in early January 2022, and:
~ The CDC's data released December 31, 2021 contains 1,017,001 covid vaccine-injury records.
~ The WHO's global database (VigiAccess) has collected 2,933,902 covid vaccine-injury records.
Even young children are being vaccine-injured.
From CDC's own publication, MMWR Dec. 31, 2021:
~ "5,277 VAERS reports received for children aged 5–11 years" [1,028 (19.5%) were excluded from this analysis]
~ "Approximately 5.1% of parents reported that their child was unable to perform normal daily activities on the day after receipt of dose 1, and 7.4% after receipt of dose 2. Approximately 1% of parents reported seeking medical care in the week after vaccination"
~ "Two reports of death during the analytic period [November 3 - December 19, 2021]
Audio Download:
3-4 Gary Null Show 1.14.22. America’s Obsession with Illusion
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, January 14, 2022
“He who despises his own life is soon master of others” – English proverb
Latest in health and healing from respected, peer-reviewed sources.
**CDC tells FDA to stop using the PCR test (finally!). None of the mainstream media mentioned this major change. The inventor, Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis, advised against using it for diagnosis.
For the vast majority of Americans, the past year has been the most challenging in their lives – certainly for young adults. However, not everyone has been suffering equally. The nation’s health or illness is not uniform. Much of our suffering is dependent upon the institutionalization and negligence of previous injustices, the loss of social equanimity, economic heedlessness, and our leaders’ unmitigated greed and pursuit of power. Nor is everyone adversely affected by the shifts underway in the imaginations of the political and ideological universes. The transnational class of corporate and banking elites, for example, has little motivation to respect or contribute to national boundaries and interests. They perceive themselves as global actors. For the generals and captains of neoliberal globalization, the puppet masters of financial markets, the Covid-19 pandemic only caused annoying disruptions in the quality of their lives. For the remainder, it has been cataclysmic…
… As we begin 2022 should we not pause and reflect carefully about what we want as and don’t want as individuals and a nation for securing a sustainable future? Fundamental is a deep introspection into the common and moral principles we are living today. It is not what we say or profess, but what we actualize in our daily lives and as a collective society that matters. Only our actions can realistically convey the deeper values in the American psyche. …
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4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom'swebsite.
12-1 Dave Emory, For the Record #1212 - The Narco-Fascism if Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang, Part 19”
Introducing the expansion of American experience with Chiang and his Kuomintang fascists into U.S. Cold War policy in Asia, we present Sterling Seagrave’s rumination about Stanley Hornbeck, a State Department flack who became: “. . . . the doyen of State’s Far Eastern Division. . . .”
Hornbeck “ . . . . had only the most abbreviated and stilted knowledge of China, and had been out of touch personally for many years. . . . He withheld cables from the Secretary of State that were critical of Chiang, and once stated that ‘the United States Far Eastern policy is like a train running on a railroad track. It has been clearly laid out and where it is going is plain to all.’ It was in fact bound for Saigon in 1975, with whistle stops along the way at Peking, Quemoy, Matsu, and the Yalu River. . . .”
This program chronicles the U.S. coup in Indonesia. In our landmark series of interviews with Jim DiEugenio, we noted that President Kennedy’s assassination put the railway described by Stanley Hornbeck back on schedule in Indonesia, as it had been put back on schedule in Vietnam.
“ . . . . The United States was part and parcel of the operation at every stage, starting well before the killings started, until the last body dropped and the last political prisoner emerged from jail, decades later, tortured, scarred, and bewildered. . . . the U.S. government helped spread the propaganda that made the killing possible, and engaged in constant conversations with the Army to make sure the military officers had everything they needed, from weapons to kill lists. . . . knowing full well that the method being employed to make this possible was to round up hundreds of thousands of people around the country, stab or strangle them, and throw their corpses into rivers. . . . Up to a million Indonesians, maybe more, were killed as part of Washington’s global anticommunist crusade. The U. S. government expended significant resources over years engineering the conditions for a violent clash, and then, when the violence broke out, assisted and guided its longtime partners to carry out the mass murder of civilians as a means of achieving US geopolitical goals. . . .”
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).
The latest list has all programs up to #1215!
Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):
Dave's website:
1-1:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact”
Chris Hedges and Mark Rudd Discuss Self Destructive Forces on the Left
January 7, 2022
on Chris Hedges and Mark Rudd Discuss Self Destructive Forces on the Left
On the latest episode of "On Contact," Chris Hedges discusses political violence with Mark Rudd, author, and former leader of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
Originally heard on KPFK Sundays, 9:30am
More Videos:
1:30-2 Chris Hedges, “On Contact”
“Climate Fortresses”
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the building of climate fortresses with the author and journalist, Todd Miller.
Industrialized nations, among them the world’s largest polluters, are compounding one human-made crisis with another one. Rather than invest in technologies to end our dependence on fossil fuels they are investing billions to construct climate fortresses ringed by border walls. There are already more than 63 border walls, manned by tens of thousands of border guards. These nations, including the United States, are investing in technologies and equipment including robots, drones, surveillance cameras, iris recognition software, weapons, acoustic detection devices, and ready-to-eat meals to blockade and criminalize those fleeing war and the worsening climate emergency that is triggering famines, droughts, wildfires and declining crop yields. More than 44,000 people (a vast undercount, according to researchers of the International Organization on Migration) have died crossing borders from 2014 to 2020, in both the world's deserts or seas. And tens of thousands of others are incarcerated in a global network of more than 2,000 detention centers, while companies in the border industry anticipate more profitable contracts with the intensifying climate crisis. For four decades, with virtually no public debate, a handful of large corporations such as Northrop Grumman, Elbit Systems, General Atomics and Deloitte have driven up immigration enforcement budgets in the United States behind closed doors and beyond public scrutiny.
Todd Miller’s new book is Build Bridges Not Walls: A Journey to a World Without Borders.
#QuestionMore #RTAmerica #ChrisHedges #OnContact #BuildBridgesNotWalls #ClimateFortresses #BorderWall
Originally heard on KPFK Sundays, 9:30am
2-3 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
In our ongoing campaign against the corporate assault on America’s healthcare system, Ralph welcomes Kip Sullivan of “Healthcare for All Minnesota” to talk about what he terms “the creeping privatization of Medicare,” and tells us the story of how that ongoing corporatization is based on one particularly destructive yet durable myth.
Initially heard on KPFK Sunday's at noon.
All info and free downloads.
Ralph's Website:
3-4 Ralph Nader “What Are We Waiting For?”
Program #NADR024. Recorded in Winsted, CT on December 27, 2021.
Inertia. We all experience it. It can lead to despair and despair can lead to paralysis. And that’s just where the oligarchs and plutocrats want us to be. Keeps the focus away from their destructive policies. Many of us have resources and privileges but don’t use them. The attitude is if something’s wrong let someone else deal with it. But throughout history small groups of organized people have fought against and overcome many difficult obstacles such as patriarchy, misogyny, homophobia and racism to make progress. That didn’t happen by wishing them away but by articulating what the problems were and formulating solutions. The multiple crises we face today demand action. Are we supposed to sit back and ignore what’s going on? What are we waiting for?
Ralph Nader, a legendary figure, has spent a lifetime fighting on behalf of ordinary people. Life magazine ranked him as one of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century. The Atlantic named him one of the hundred most influential figures in U.S. history. Founder of Public Citizen, he is a long-time advocate for consumer safety and workers’ rights. He rose to fame in the 1960s when he took on General Motors and its unsafe Corvair car. His 1965 book Unsafe At Any Speed not only created a sensation but also was instrumental in the enactment of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. His efforts helped create the Environmental Protection Agency. He has exposed the misdeeds of the corporate sector as well as of the political system. In recent years he has led the struggles around NAFTA, the WTO, corporate welfare, and single-payer health care. He is the author of numerous books including Return to Sender, Unstoppable, To the Ramparts and Breaking Through Power. He is co-author of Fake President and Wrecking America.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom'swebsite.
12-1 Alan Watts, "Learning the Human Game" Part 2 of 4
This seminar was conducted for a group of Psychologists at the University of Michigan. 'Randomness' and 'control' are explored in depth...
All Info:
1-2 Voices from the Edge
Dr. James Hollis, “What Is Wanting to Find Expression Through You?”
Dr. James Hollis is a Jungian analyst, a former director of the Jung Society of Washington, DC, and a professor of Jungian Studies for Saybrook University of San Francisco/Houston. He is the author of The Middle Passage, Living an Examined Life, Through the Dark Wood, and Living Between Worlds, among many others. With Sounds True, he’s released the expansive audio program A Life of Meaning: Exploring Our Deepest Questions and Motivations. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with James about the journey for personal fulfillment—how it starts, what it demands, and how it changes your life. James explains what it really means to take responsibility for your life’s path, as well as how you can rediscover and reclaim your innate authority. Tami and James discuss how childhood experiences shape our present behavior and what it takes to live fearlessly. Finally, they talk about overcoming lethargy and the joy of becoming comfortable with mysteries.
JAMES HOLLIS, PhD, is a Jungian analyst, a former director of the Jung Society of Washington, DC, and a professor of Jungian Studies for Saybrook University of San Francisco/Houston. He is a bestselling author whose 15 books include Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life, The Eden Project, What Matters Most, and Living an Examined Life. He lives with his wife, Jill, in Washington, DC. For more, visit
Free Audio & Transcript:
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:" Rebroadcast
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-4 Science Fiction & OTR Break
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
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That's All Folks!


Something's Happening |
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
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click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'
Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).
No news that I know of.
"Swimming Headless" Part 1 of 2
All Info:
In the fall 2013 quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Daniel Sheehan taught a class on the theories of the JFK assassination, one of the first courses of its kind ever taught. Starting with the Warren commission report and the official government position, Sheehan outlines in extensive detail the nine major theories as to who was really behind the assassination.
Online reference and syllabus materials can be found below the videos.
12-2. Danny Sheehan "Assassination of JFK". (2013)
Nov. 19, 2013: ‘The C.I.A. As an Institution Did It’
Danny's Websites: (for video of classes click on 'class
2-2:30 William Pepper “The Execution of Martin Luther King (Part 1 of 2).
By MariaNewest Catalog Items
Bill Pepper became James Earl Ray’s lawyer when he found out that Ray was not the murderer. His friendship with King and his family goes back to 1967. Pepper had gone to Vietnam and taken photos of children burned by napalm. King asked to meet with him and they worked closely together during the anti-Vietnam war phase of King’s life. In this recording Pepper explains why he became convinced of Ray’s innocence and, during 25 years of investigative work, pieced together the plot to kill King. The extraordinary story has implications for history, civil rights, justice and democracy. (Feb. 2003)
William Pepper is an acclaimed lawyer who practices international law in London. His book by Verso is: AN ACT OF STATE, The Execution of Martin Luther King. For more information:
From TUC Radio,
2:30-3 William Pepper, “The Execution of Martin Luther King (Part 2).
updated archival program
In Part ONE: Bill Pepper became James Earl Ray’s lawyer when he found out that Ray was not the murderer. His friendship with King and his family goes back to 1967. Pepper had gone to Vietnam and taken photos of children burned by napalm. King asked to meet with him and they worked closely together during the anti-Vietnam war phase of King’s life.
After the failure of all his efforts to get James Earl Ray a new trial, William Pepper recommended one more option to the King family. In this Part TWO Pepper explains why he recommended a wrongful death suit against Loyd Jowers and other known and unknown conspirators. For the first time under oath in any assignation case there is the complete picture of how Martin Luther King was killed. It took the jury 59 minutes to come back with a verdict against Loyd Jowers and an award for the family.
There is a summary of the outcome – as well as 4,000 pages of transcripts posted on the King Center web site. Here is what Coretta Scott King said about the case: “After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a unanimous verdict on December 8, 1999 after about an hour of deliberations that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. In a press statement held the following day in Atlanta, Mrs. Coretta Scott King welcomed the verdict, saying , “There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court’s unanimous verdict has validated our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their deliberations. This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America. It is a great victory for truth itself.
… The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband.
The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame. I want to make it clear that my family has no interest in retribution. Instead, our sole concern has been that the full truth of the assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law… My husband once said, “The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” To-day, almost 32 years after my husband and the father of my four children was assassinated, I feel that the jury’s verdict clearly affirms this principle. With this faith, we can begin the 21st century and the new millennium with a new spirit of hope and healing.”
William Pepper is an acclaimed lawyer who practices international law in London. His book by Verso is: ‘’AN ACT OF STATE, The Execution of Martin Luther King’’ For more information:
From TUC Radio,
3-4 MICHAEL ERIC DYSON, ‘’Chaos or Community?’’
Program #DYSM005. Recorded in Nashville, TN on January 22, 2021.
In his 1967 book Where Do We Go From Here? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr wrote these prophetic words: “A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth. The oceans of history are made turbulent by the ever-rising tides of hate. We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. This may well be mankind’s last chance to choose between chaos or community.” More than five decades later the chaos is all too apparent: When we look around we are faced with a raging pandemic with its mounting death toll, acute economic distress, a climate in peril and the fury of the January 6th insurrection and all that was behind it. We are at a proverbial crossroads. Collective action can address these problems. We can choose. Will it be chaos or community?
Michael Eric Dyson, a globally renowned scholar of race, religion and contemporary culture, is the Centennial Chair and University Distinguished Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies at Vanderbilt University. A dynamic speaker, he lectures widely. Among his many books are April 4, 1968: Martin Luther King’s Death and How it Changed America, Tears We Cannot Stop, Holler If You Hear Me: Searching for Tupac Shakur, and Jay-Z: Made in America.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
Robert Kennedy's
12-1 “This Week” with Mary and Polly. (Recorded January 12)
Current events with an eye on the undercurrent. Mary Holland and Polly Tommey dive below the surface of the news landscape to provide a deeper understanding of what lurks beneath the headlines.
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1-2 The Gary Null Show. 01.11.22
The Government Assault Against Ivermectin and other Safe SARS-2 Treatments
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, September 1, 2021— (document date)
Latest health information from respected, peer-reviewed sources.
Had the FDA and Anthony Fauci’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID) started approving existing clinically-proven and inexpensive drugs for treating malaria, parasites and other pathogens at the start of the pandemic, millions of people would have been saved from experiencing serious infections or dying from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Why federal health officials never followed this strategy is a question the mainstream media refuses to ask.
Another question that the medical establishment, let alone our compliant media, is why have they failed to ask whether there are reliable studies in the peer-reviewed literature and testimonies from thousands of day-to-day clinical physicians worldwide who treat Covid-19 patients with these drugs, in particular hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin. We may also point out the many different natural remedies, such as nigella sativa, curcumin, vitamin D, melatonin, etc, which have been shown to be effective against SARS-2 infections. In most nations, there has been enormous success in treating Covid patients at the early and moderate stages of infection. However, in the US, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the FDA and our federal medical officials have categorically denied their use. In fact during the past couple weeks, there has been an aggressive and concerted effort to erect obstacles to prevent the employment of these more effective drugs. More recently a widespread campaign is underway to denigrate them altogether.
For example, the TOGETHER trial is now touted by the mainstream media as a flagship study showing that ivermectin is ineffective and even dangerous to prescribe. The study was conducted by professor Edward Mills at McMaster University in Ontario. If we are to believe the New York Times, the trial, which enrolled 1,300 patients, was discontinued because Mills claimed the drug was no better than a placebo. However, there is strong reason to believe this entire trial was nothing less than a staged theatrical performance. When asked, Mills denied having any conflict of interests. However, Mills happens to be employed as a clinical trial advisor for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation was also the trial’s principal funder. It may be noted that various organizations and agencies in other nations, such as the Health Products Regulatory Authority in South Africa, which have banned ivermectin, are often funded by Gates. It is naïve to believe that Gates has any philanthropic intentions whatsoever to see a highly effective treatment for SARS-2 infections reach worldwide approval. These drugs are in direct competition to his enormous investments and unwavering commitment to the Covid-19 vaccines.
In the meantime, Americans only have monoclonal antibody therapy and the controversial and ineffective drug Remdesivir at their disposal. Remdesivir’s average effectiveness for late stage treatment is only 22 percent. A Chinese study published in The Lancet found no statistically significant benefit in the drug and 12 percent of participants taking the drug had to discontinue treatment due to serious adverse effects, especially liver and kidney damage.
When questions are posited as a general argument for advocating expedient measures to protect public health during this pandemic, would it not have been wise to have prioritized for emergency use HCQ, Ivermectin, and other remedies with a record of curtailing Covid, such as the antibiotic azithromycin, zinc, selenium, Vitamins C and D, and melatonin as a first line of defense? There was absolutely no need to have waited for experimental vaccines or experimental drugs such as Remdesivir before the pandemic became uncontrollable. But this is what Fauci and Trump, and now Biden, permitted to happen.
If this strategy of medical intervention had been followed, would it have been successful? The answer is likely an unequivocal “yes”. Both HCQ and, even better, Ivermectin have been prophylactically prescribed by physicians working on pandemic’s front lines with enormous success. Yet those American physicians struggling to get this urgent message out to federal health officials are being marginalized and ridiculed en masse. Only in the US, the UK, France, South Africa and several other developed nations has there been a stubborn hubris to deny their effectiveness. The World Health Organization recommends Ivermectin for Covid-19 so why not the US and these other nations? Under oath, multiple physicians and professors at American medical schools have testified before Congress to present the scientific evidence supporting HCQ and Ivermectin. These are otherwise medical professionals at the very heart of treating Covid-19 patients.
Today, American journalism is in shambles. In fact, it is a disgrace. The American public is losing trust in the media. Whether it is CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the liberal tabloid Daily Beast, NPR or PBS, each has unlimited resources to properly investigate the federal and institutional machinery behind the government health policies being thrust upon us. Yet no mainstream journalist has found the moral compass to bring this truth to the public.
In the meantime, we are allowing millions to die, and countless others to be seriously affected from a severe infection because of professional medical neglect and a healthcare system favoring the pharmaceutical industry’s frantic rush to develop expensive novel drugs and experimental vaccines. The incentive by the drug makers is to take every advantage available within the FDA’s emergency use loopholes to get their products approved as quickly as possible. The primary advantage is that these novel drugs and vaccines can then leap over regulatory hurdles, which otherwise would require them to conduct lengthy and thorough clinical trials to prove their efficacy and safety. The consequence is that none of the new pharmaceutical Covid-19 interventions have been adequately reviewed.
On the other hand, HCQ and Ivermectin have an established legacy of prior research and have been on the market for decades. Worldwide, it is not unreasonable to claim that billions of people have been treated with these drugs.
Below is a breakdown of the studies conducted so far for HCQ, Ivermectin and Vitamin D specifically for combatting the SARS-CoV-2 virus
344 studies, 250 peer-reviewed have been conducted specifically for Covid-19
281 have been clinical trials that involved 4,583 scientists and over 407,627 patients
64% improvement in 31 early treatment trials
75% improvement in 13 early stage infection treatment mortality results
21% improvement in 190 late stage infection treatment trials (patients in serious condition)
23% improvement in 44 randomized controlled trials
Full list of HCQ studies and details:
131 studies, 52 peer-reviewed have been conducted specifically for Covid-19
63 have been clinical trials that involved 613 scientists and over 26,398 patients
58% improvement in 31 randomized controlled trials
86% improvement in 14 prophylaxis trials
72% improvement in 27 early stage infection treatment trials
40% improvement in 22 late stage infection treatment trials
58% improvement in 25 mortality results
Full list of Ivermectin studies and details:
Other inexpensive repurposed drugs for treating SARS-2
88% improvement in early treatment
29% improvement in late stage treatment
63% improvement in all 7 peer-reviewed studies
Vitamin D
101 studies conducted by over 875 scientists
63 sufficiency studies with 34,863 patients
33 treatment trials with 46,860 patients
42% improvement in 33 treatment trials
56% improvement in 68 sufficiency studies
55% improvement in 19 treatment mortality results
Full list of Vitamin D studies and details:
In contrast there have been 21 studies enrolling 35,744 patients in Remdesivir trials showing only a 22% improvement in all studies combined. This rate is below that of simply taking probiotics (5 studies at 24% improvement), melatonin (7 studies at 62% improvement), curcumin (4 studies at 71% improvement), nigella sativa (3 studies at 84% improvement), quercetin (4 studies at 76% improvement), and aspirin (7 studies at 37% improvement). Despite the small number of trials and low numbers of enrolled participants, early results indicate that greater attention and funding needs to be allocated for more rigorous research if there is to be any success in curbing SARS-2 infections’ severity.
Please share this information. The inept policies and measures being taken by our federal health officials and by both the former Trump and present Biden administrations are unparalleled in American healthcare history. And never before has the media been so willing to self-censor and been so grossly irresponsible to hide the published science and the truth.
Program Download:
2-3 The Gary Null Show 1.12.22
Research shows hemp compounds prevent coronavirus from entering human cells
Oregon State University, January 11, 2022 Hemp compounds identified by Oregon State University research via a chemical screening technique invented at OSU show the ability to prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering human cells. Van Breemen and collaborators, including scientists at Oregon Health & Science University, found that a pair of cannabinoid acids bind to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, blocking a critical step in the process the virus uses to infect people. The compounds are cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, CBDA, and the spike protein is the same drug target used in COVID-19 vaccines and antibody therapy. A drug target is any molecule critical to the process a disease follows, meaning its disruption can thwart infection or disease progression.
Tomato concentrate could help reduce chronic intestinal inflammation associated with HIV
University of California Los Angeles, January 11, 2021
Too much sitting could mean worse outcomes for cancer survivors
Cancer Care Alberta (Canada), January 11, 2022
Running could improve brain function in people with Gulf War illness
Texas A&M University, January 10, 2022
Why high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells
Low levels of catalase enzyme make cancer cells vulnerable to high-dose vitamin C University of Iowa, January 9, 2022
People with early-onset Parkinson's disease may benefit from boosting niacin in diet
University of Leicester (UK), January 10, 2022 •
America’s Crisis of Cultural Moral Panic
Insurance companies should ‘penalize’ the unvaxxed, ethicist at New York University recommends
Professor Arthur Caplan said that people who have chosen not to get jabbed should pay higher insurance premiums and be barred from getting life insurance LifeSite News, Jan 6, 2022
NO DEATHS FROM VITAMINS - Safety Confirmed by America's Largest Database
Orthomolecular News Service, January 7th 2022 There were no deaths from any homeopathic remedy, Asian medicine, Hispanic medicine, or Ayurvedic medicine. None.
40% of Israel could be infected with Covid-19 in current wave, says PM
4th COVID Booster Shot Could Cause ‘Immune System Fatigue,’ Scientists Say
As Israel moves ahead with fourth COVID shot, scientists told the New York Times the additional booster may cause more harm than good. Childrens Health Defense, January 7, 2022
145-Country Study Shows Increase Of Transmission And Death After Introduction Of Covid Vaccines
Truth Press, January 11, 2022
Covid Vaccine-Injuries: "An Avalanche", says Attorney Aaron Siri
In November 2021, attorney Aaron Siri explained to an expert panel at Congress that his firm was seeing "an avalanche of submissions" from people seeking help to sue after covid vaccine-injuries.
Here we are in early January 2022, and:
~ The CDC's data released December 31, 2021 contains 1,017,001 covid vaccine-injury records.
~ The WHO's global database (VigiAccess) has collected 2,933,902 covid vaccine-injury records.
Even young children are being vaccine-injured.
From CDC's own publication, MMWR Dec. 31, 2021:
~ "5,277 VAERS reports received for children aged 5–11 years" [1,028 (19.5%) were excluded from this analysis]
~ "Approximately 5.1% of parents reported that their child was unable to perform normal daily activities on the day after receipt of dose 1, and 7.4% after receipt of dose 2. Approximately 1% of parents reported seeking medical care in the week after vaccination"
~ "Two reports of death during the analytic period [November 3 - December 19, 2021]
Audio Download:
3-4 Gary Null Show 1.14.22. America’s Obsession with Illusion
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, January 14, 2022
“He who despises his own life is soon master of others” – English proverb
Latest in health and healing from respected, peer-reviewed sources.
**CDC tells FDA to stop using the PCR test (finally!). None of the mainstream media mentioned this major change. The inventor, Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis, advised against using it for diagnosis.
For the vast majority of Americans, the past year has been the most challenging in their lives – certainly for young adults. However, not everyone has been suffering equally. The nation’s health or illness is not uniform. Much of our suffering is dependent upon the institutionalization and negligence of previous injustices, the loss of social equanimity, economic heedlessness, and our leaders’ unmitigated greed and pursuit of power. Nor is everyone adversely affected by the shifts underway in the imaginations of the political and ideological universes. The transnational class of corporate and banking elites, for example, has little motivation to respect or contribute to national boundaries and interests. They perceive themselves as global actors. For the generals and captains of neoliberal globalization, the puppet masters of financial markets, the Covid-19 pandemic only caused annoying disruptions in the quality of their lives. For the remainder, it has been cataclysmic…
… As we begin 2022 should we not pause and reflect carefully about what we want as and don’t want as individuals and a nation for securing a sustainable future? Fundamental is a deep introspection into the common and moral principles we are living today. It is not what we say or profess, but what we actualize in our daily lives and as a collective society that matters. Only our actions can realistically convey the deeper values in the American psyche. …
Audio Download:
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom'swebsite.
12-1 Dave Emory, For the Record #1212 - The Narco-Fascism if Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang, Part 19”
Introducing the expansion of American experience with Chiang and his Kuomintang fascists into U.S. Cold War policy in Asia, we present Sterling Seagrave’s rumination about Stanley Hornbeck, a State Department flack who became: “. . . . the doyen of State’s Far Eastern Division. . . .”
Hornbeck “ . . . . had only the most abbreviated and stilted knowledge of China, and had been out of touch personally for many years. . . . He withheld cables from the Secretary of State that were critical of Chiang, and once stated that ‘the United States Far Eastern policy is like a train running on a railroad track. It has been clearly laid out and where it is going is plain to all.’ It was in fact bound for Saigon in 1975, with whistle stops along the way at Peking, Quemoy, Matsu, and the Yalu River. . . .”
This program chronicles the U.S. coup in Indonesia. In our landmark series of interviews with Jim DiEugenio, we noted that President Kennedy’s assassination put the railway described by Stanley Hornbeck back on schedule in Indonesia, as it had been put back on schedule in Vietnam.
“ . . . . The United States was part and parcel of the operation at every stage, starting well before the killings started, until the last body dropped and the last political prisoner emerged from jail, decades later, tortured, scarred, and bewildered. . . . the U.S. government helped spread the propaganda that made the killing possible, and engaged in constant conversations with the Army to make sure the military officers had everything they needed, from weapons to kill lists. . . . knowing full well that the method being employed to make this possible was to round up hundreds of thousands of people around the country, stab or strangle them, and throw their corpses into rivers. . . . Up to a million Indonesians, maybe more, were killed as part of Washington’s global anticommunist crusade. The U. S. government expended significant resources over years engineering the conditions for a violent clash, and then, when the violence broke out, assisted and guided its longtime partners to carry out the mass murder of civilians as a means of achieving US geopolitical goals. . . .”
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).
The latest list has all programs up to #1215!
Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):
Dave's website:
1-1:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact”
Chris Hedges and Mark Rudd Discuss Self Destructive Forces on the Left
January 7, 2022
on Chris Hedges and Mark Rudd Discuss Self Destructive Forces on the Left
On the latest episode of "On Contact," Chris Hedges discusses political violence with Mark Rudd, author, and former leader of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
Originally heard on KPFK Sundays, 9:30am
More Videos:
1:30-2 Chris Hedges, “On Contact”
“Climate Fortresses”
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the building of climate fortresses with the author and journalist, Todd Miller.
Industrialized nations, among them the world’s largest polluters, are compounding one human-made crisis with another one. Rather than invest in technologies to end our dependence on fossil fuels they are investing billions to construct climate fortresses ringed by border walls. There are already more than 63 border walls, manned by tens of thousands of border guards. These nations, including the United States, are investing in technologies and equipment including robots, drones, surveillance cameras, iris recognition software, weapons, acoustic detection devices, and ready-to-eat meals to blockade and criminalize those fleeing war and the worsening climate emergency that is triggering famines, droughts, wildfires and declining crop yields. More than 44,000 people (a vast undercount, according to researchers of the International Organization on Migration) have died crossing borders from 2014 to 2020, in both the world's deserts or seas. And tens of thousands of others are incarcerated in a global network of more than 2,000 detention centers, while companies in the border industry anticipate more profitable contracts with the intensifying climate crisis. For four decades, with virtually no public debate, a handful of large corporations such as Northrop Grumman, Elbit Systems, General Atomics and Deloitte have driven up immigration enforcement budgets in the United States behind closed doors and beyond public scrutiny.
Todd Miller’s new book is Build Bridges Not Walls: A Journey to a World Without Borders.
#QuestionMore #RTAmerica #ChrisHedges #OnContact #BuildBridgesNotWalls #ClimateFortresses #BorderWall
Originally heard on KPFK Sundays, 9:30am
2-3 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
In our ongoing campaign against the corporate assault on America’s healthcare system, Ralph welcomes Kip Sullivan of “Healthcare for All Minnesota” to talk about what he terms “the creeping privatization of Medicare,” and tells us the story of how that ongoing corporatization is based on one particularly destructive yet durable myth.
Initially heard on KPFK Sunday's at noon.
All info and free downloads.
Ralph's Website:
3-4 Ralph Nader “What Are We Waiting For?”
Program #NADR024. Recorded in Winsted, CT on December 27, 2021.
Inertia. We all experience it. It can lead to despair and despair can lead to paralysis. And that’s just where the oligarchs and plutocrats want us to be. Keeps the focus away from their destructive policies. Many of us have resources and privileges but don’t use them. The attitude is if something’s wrong let someone else deal with it. But throughout history small groups of organized people have fought against and overcome many difficult obstacles such as patriarchy, misogyny, homophobia and racism to make progress. That didn’t happen by wishing them away but by articulating what the problems were and formulating solutions. The multiple crises we face today demand action. Are we supposed to sit back and ignore what’s going on? What are we waiting for?
Ralph Nader, a legendary figure, has spent a lifetime fighting on behalf of ordinary people. Life magazine ranked him as one of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century. The Atlantic named him one of the hundred most influential figures in U.S. history. Founder of Public Citizen, he is a long-time advocate for consumer safety and workers’ rights. He rose to fame in the 1960s when he took on General Motors and its unsafe Corvair car. His 1965 book Unsafe At Any Speed not only created a sensation but also was instrumental in the enactment of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. His efforts helped create the Environmental Protection Agency. He has exposed the misdeeds of the corporate sector as well as of the political system. In recent years he has led the struggles around NAFTA, the WTO, corporate welfare, and single-payer health care. He is the author of numerous books including Return to Sender, Unstoppable, To the Ramparts and Breaking Through Power. He is co-author of Fake President and Wrecking America.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom'swebsite.
12-1 Alan Watts, "Learning the Human Game" Part 2 of 4
This seminar was conducted for a group of Psychologists at the University of Michigan. 'Randomness' and 'control' are explored in depth...
All Info:
1-2 Voices from the Edge
Dr. James Hollis, “What Is Wanting to Find Expression Through You?”
Dr. James Hollis is a Jungian analyst, a former director of the Jung Society of Washington, DC, and a professor of Jungian Studies for Saybrook University of San Francisco/Houston. He is the author of The Middle Passage, Living an Examined Life, Through the Dark Wood, and Living Between Worlds, among many others. With Sounds True, he’s released the expansive audio program A Life of Meaning: Exploring Our Deepest Questions and Motivations. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with James about the journey for personal fulfillment—how it starts, what it demands, and how it changes your life. James explains what it really means to take responsibility for your life’s path, as well as how you can rediscover and reclaim your innate authority. Tami and James discuss how childhood experiences shape our present behavior and what it takes to live fearlessly. Finally, they talk about overcoming lethargy and the joy of becoming comfortable with mysteries.
JAMES HOLLIS, PhD, is a Jungian analyst, a former director of the Jung Society of Washington, DC, and a professor of Jungian Studies for Saybrook University of San Francisco/Houston. He is a bestselling author whose 15 books include Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life, The Eden Project, What Matters Most, and Living an Examined Life. He lives with his wife, Jill, in Washington, DC. For more, visit
Free Audio & Transcript:
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:" Rebroadcast
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-4 Science Fiction & OTR Break
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, books, quotations, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's
That's All Folks!


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Dear KPFK Listeners, It's been six months since Roy Tuckman left our world on April 20, 2023. Many listeners feel a tremendous loss and ...
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