Sunday, December 26, 2021

December 27-30


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and
click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.

"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'
Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).

Pacifica trial on last board election (New Day vs. Board) will meet Dec. 29.
New local board to sit in January.
New executive director to be selected in January.
Fund Drive Totals:
Something’s Happening! $13,333.39. New Subscribers: $176.14.
Station: $100,805. (You Still can contribute:

All Info:


Danny Sheehan "Assassination of JFK". (2013)
In the fall 2013 quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Daniel Sheehan taught a class on the theories of the JFK assassination, one of the first courses of its kind ever taught. Starting with the Warren commission report and the official government position, Sheehan outlines in extensive detail the nine major theories as to who was really behind the assassination.
Online reference and syllabus materials can be found below the videos.

12-3 Nov. 7, 2013: ‘’The Torbitt Document- Johnson, Hoover, and the F.B.I.’’

Danny's Websites: (for video of classes click on ‘classes’)

3-4 Scholarship Circle “Legitimacy of the Supreme Court”

The US Supreme Court faces a legitimacy crisis. The US faces a democracy deficit because of the power of the Court. How should the US address both concerns? Several proposals for reform of the Court have advocated change. Would these help to rebuild the Court’s image and legitimacy? [ dur: 58mins. ]
Christopher W Schmidt is Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Institute on the Supreme Court of the United States at Chicago-Kent School of Law. He is the author of The Sit-Ins: Protest and Legal Change in the Civil Rights Era and Civil Rights in America: A History .
Richard Pacelle Jr. is Professor and Department Head in Political Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is the co-author of Decision Making by the Modern Supreme Court and the author of The Supreme Court in a Separation of Powers System: The Nation’s Balance Wheel.
Eric J. Segall is Ashe Family Chair Professor of Law at Georgia State University College of Law. He is the author of the books Originalism as Faith and Supreme Myths: Why the Supreme Court is not a Court and its Justices are not Judges.

4 - 6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

Robert Kennedy's

12-1. ‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly. (Dec. 22)

Current events with an eye on the undercurrent. Mary Holland and Polly Tommey dive below the surface of the news landscape to provide a deeper understanding of what lurks beneath the headlines.


To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific:
NEW Archive: 1-631-359-9463
Voicemail: (862) 800-6805
Order Number: 877-627-5065
Luanne Pennesi: (903) 881-7008

1-2 The Gary Null Show – 12.07.21
Discussion of long prison terms.
3 reports on Ivermectin. (see Nobel Prize for Medicine 2015. ).
Valuable health reports from current respected peer reviewed publications.
Anthony Fauci’s career history of ‘waste, chaos, and uselessness.’
Successful Ivermectin containing kits described for Covid treatment in Uttar Pradesh (most populous state), India. Success of 83% rate. (not an endorsement).
‘’Long-term persistence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: evidence and implications’’ by Michael Palmer, MD and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD,
This paper discusses the recent study by Bansal et al. [1] on the detection of spike protein in persons vaccinated with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. The most significant finding is that spike protein is found on exosomes, that is, cell-derived vesicles, for at least four months after the second injection. This surprisingly long persistence raises the prospect of sustained inflammation within and damage to organs which express the spike protein. Conclusions • Long-lasting persistence of spike protein • Delayed onset of spike protein expression—but observation limited to spike on exosomes • EMA report on Pfizer also reported relatively slow onset of spike expression; on the other hand, early onset of blood clots etc. suggests early onset of spike expression While some specific claims made by this paper can be debated, the very long-lasting persistence of the spike protein in the body is convincingly demonstrated. Whether it is the mRNA encoding the spike protein that persists or rather the spike protein itself remains to be determined. Nevertheless, as long as the spike protein appears on either exosomes or apoptotic vesicles, it must be present on cell membranes; and as long as it is found there, the immune system will attack those cells. Protracted inflammation and impaired organ function have been reported both with the virus infection itself [7] and after vaccination [8]. While inflammation may arise from autoimmunity downstream of intense acute tissue damage, the long-term persistence of spike protein after vaccination offers another straightforward explanation, and it supports the notion that the vaccines will give rise to lingering
and slowly progressing inflammatory disease. We must also note that the spike protein persists for at least twice as long as the participants of Pfizer’s farcical and fraudulent [9, 10] ‘clinical trials’ were observed, on average, after the second vaccination [11]. It follows that the reports on side effects which occurred in those trials cannot possibly be complete.

2-3 The Progressive Commentary Hour: 12.22.21
Global totalitarianism is a bigger threat than the coronavirus itself: mRNA inventor In a recent interview with LifeSiteNews, Dr. Robert Malone, the original inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, explained to Dr. Maike Hickson why he believes that the global tyranny advanced through COVID policies surpasses that of fascist regimes and is a bigger threat than the virus itself.
Read the full interview transcript here:
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3-4 The Gary Null Show 12/23/21
Effects of Curcumin Supplementation on Inflammatory Markers, Muscle Damage, and Sports Performance during Acute Physical Exercise in Sedentary Individuals:
Universidade Federal de Viçosa (Brazil), December 14, 2021.
Long Term Study Alludes to Artificial Sweeteners and Cognitive Decline Link: University of Barcelona, December 10. 2021.
Key role in brain health for vitamin E: University of Newcastle (Australia), December 18, 2021.
Childhood obesity linked with mother’s unhealthy diet before pregnancy:
University of Southampton, December 22, 2021.
Can Oily Fish, Cherries Or Milk Help You Sleep? Here’s What The Evidence Shows…: Aston University (UK), December 20, 2021.
War metaphors for cancer hurt certain prevention behaviors:
University of Michigan, December 15, 2021.
Pfizer’s background. Dr. Hoffe. on boosters and vaccines seen from front line. Academy of Ideas - on ‘psychic epidemic’ or ‘mass psychosis’ or societies gone mad and descent into delusions studied by Jung. Open phones.

4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’swebsite.

12-1 Dave Emory, “For the Record #1209 - The Narco-Fascism of Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang, Part 16

Continuing our series on the regime of Chiang Kai-shek–all but beatified during the Cold War–we begin by drawing still more on a magnificent book–The Soong Dynasty by Sterling Seagrave.
Although sadly out of print, the book is still available through used book services, and we emphatically encourage listeners to take advantage of those and obtain it. Several listeners have said that they were able to obtain the book because it is still in print!
I hope so! PLEASE buy it, read it, and tell others about it, either through conventional means and/or through social media. (Mr. Emory gets no money from said purchases of the book.) It is apparently available from Amazon on Kindle.
We also draw on another, altogether remarkable work by Peggy and Sterling Seagrave–Gold Warriors.
As we approach the close of this series, we “dolly out” and present aspects of how U.S. policy in Asia during the Cold War grew directly out of the “missionary position” that America took toward China–a position that led directly to war in Korea and Vietnam.
Introducing the expansion of American experience with Chiang and his Kuomintang fascists into U.S. Cold War policy in Asia, we present Sterling Seagrave’s rumination about Stanley Hornbeck, a State Department flack who became: “. . . . the doyen of State’s Far Eastern Division. . . .”
Hornbeck “ . . . . had only the most abbreviated and stilted knowledge of China, and had been out of touch personally for many years. . . . He withheld cables from the Secretary of State that were critical of Chiang, and once stated that ‘the United States Far Eastern policy is like a train running on a railroad track. It has been clearly laid out and where it is going is plain to all.’ It was in fact bound for Saigon in 1975, with whistle stops along the way at Peking, Quemoy, Matsu, and the Yalu River. . . .”
Next, we recap an element of discussion from FTR#1208…

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).
**The latest list has all programs up to #1215!
Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2021 (through FTR #1215):
Dave's website:

1-2 Scholars’ Circle: Inflation and Decolonizing the Language of Arms Control

Inflation is real. But the reporting on it has been remarkably uninformed. We talk about the real issues the US economy faces, what is driving the inflation rate, and what are the long term implications of it. [ dur: 30mins. ]
Dean Baker is Senior Economist and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Research Policy. He is the author of The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive and co-author of Getting Back to Full Employment: A Better Bargain for Working People.
Arms control discourses are centered around western notions of modernity and civilization. What does it mean to decolonize the language around arms control? How is it accomplished? [ dur: 28mins. ]
Ritu Mathur is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Geography at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She is the author of Civilizational Discourses in Weapons Control.

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact”
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses political violence with Mark Rudd, author, and former leader of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
Originally heard Sundays, 9:30am

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Inspiring Activists!
Ralph welcomes two “doers” to the program, first Devin De Wulf, to tell us about how he and his group of community activists are protecting the food supply in his hometown of New Orleans by outfitting restaurants with solar panels that withstand power outages in a hurricane. Then Nathan Proctor of US PIRG tells us about his organization’s latest victory that gives consumers the Right to Repair their electronics, saving on money, toxic waste, and greenhouse gas emissions.
Initially heard on KPFK Sunday's at noon.
All info and free downloads.

4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s. website.


12-1 Alan Watts, "The Diamond and the Web" (Vajrayana) #3 of 4
"The spiritual materialism of the Vajrayana and Tantic interpretation of Buddhism and their 'esoteric neurology.'" (AW)
All Info:

1-2 Insights at the Edge:
Jeffrey Davis, “Tracking Wonder.’’

Jeffrey Davis is a researcher, consultant, and the founder of the Tracking Wonder Consultancy. With Sounds True, he’s released the new book Tracking Wonder: Reclaiming a Life of Meaning and Possibility in a World Obsessed with Productivity. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with Jeffrey about his lifelong work of understanding and spreading wonder. Jeffrey explains the six emotional facets that come together to create wonderment, as well as how to cultivate each in your daily life. Tami and Jeffrey discuss the value of accepting confusion, what we can learn from challenging times, and the positive emotions wonder cultivates. They talk about “wonder interventions” in the workplace and the untapped potential of focused daydreaming for robust creativity. Finally, Jeffrey and Tami discuss the power of personal devotions and the joyous act of gifting someone else with wonderment.

Jeffrey Davis researches and works with innovators, professionals, writers, scientists, and social psychologists, offering him leading insights into the creative process. Through his venture, consultancy, and podcast Tracking Wonder, he and his team equip creative innovators, entrepreneurs, and mindful change-makers to flourish in times of challenge and change. He is cofounder of The Walden Institute and a highly sought-after speaker who presents at conferences, universities, businesses, and other organizations across the country, including NYU, 1440 Multiversity, Kripalu Center, Omega Institute, and the City of Vancouver. Jeffrey is the author of four books and a regular contributor to Psychology Today online. He lives with his wife and two daughters in the Hudson Valley of New York. Learn more at
Audio and Transcript Download:

2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:" Rebroadcast
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
‘The Sense of Wonder’. (4/24/56). By Milton Lesser

4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, books, quotations, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's

That's All Folks!



Sunday, December 19, 2021

December 20-23



KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.


Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' To subscribe to the once-a-week email program guide (free) click on ‘What Shall Happen” Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.


"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'

Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).


Pacifica’s trial on last board election will meet Dec. 29.

In January a new board will meet and we will be getting a new Executive Director.

Fund drive ends December 22. As of Sunday afternoon, the station has received $77,752.00 with a goal of $195,000.

“Something’s Happening!” Has received $9234.03 out of which $151.34 were new subscribers.


“Why Not Now?”

All Info:


Danny Sheehan "Assassination of JFK". (2013)

In the fall 2013 quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Daniel Sheehan taught a class on the theories of the JFK assassination, one of the first courses of its kind ever taught. Starting with the Warren commission report and the official government position, Sheehan outlines in extensive detail the nine major theories as to who was really behind the assassination.

Online reference and syllabus materials can be found below the videos.

12-2 ‘’Garrison Investigation and Oliver Stone’’

Danny's Websites:

(for video of classes click on ‘class'

2-2:30 Sea Shepherd Panel - Impact of Climate Change on Marine Wildlife”.

By MariaDecember 7, 2021Newest Podcasts

With Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson, Maike Baun and Taïme Smit

Paul Watson was cofounder of Greenpeace and led the campaigns against the slaughter of baby seals in the late seventies. Over a disagreement about direct action Watson separated from Greenpeace and founded the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in 1977. That’s a non-profit, marine conservation organization based on the San Juan Island, Washington, in the US.

Best known for their protection of whales in confrontations with Russian, Norwegian and Japanese fleets, Sea Shepherd have defended dolphins, seals, sharks, penguins, turtles, fish, krill and aquatic birds from poaching, unsustainable fishing, and habitat destruction. They say: “We have to halt the destruction of life in our Ocean, for if life in the Ocean dies, we all die.” Conversely – protecting the ocean is the best method to prevent climate collapse.

Over 4 decades since it’s founding Sea Shepherd has become a global organization with a fleet of 12 ships and chapters all over the world. Maike Baun and Taïme Smit are associated with the most recently established chapter in Portugal. Maike is media coordinator and Taime is a marine biologist.

On June 21st, 2021, Maike Baun organized a zoom call to discuss the urgent topic of how climate change is impacting the oceans and how we can protect life on land by saving the ocean. These are excerpts from a 35 minute panel that is posted on YouTube under the title: The Impact of Climate Change on Marine Life.

For more information look up the website of

Paul Watson, most recently, is the author of URGENT, Save our ocean to survive climate change, published by Groundswell Books in September 2021. For more on that book come back when TUC Radio returns.

From TUC Radio,

2:30-3:30 Optimism of the Will

Program #CHON266. Recorded in Oro Valley, AZ on December 9, 2021.

How to be positive in these perilous times? Humankind and the planet are facing enormous dangers. We can indulge in magical thinking and hope for miracles or we can ground ourselves in reality, understand the depth of the crises we face and then act to change things. It won’t be easy. There are huge obstacles and difficulties. Our task going forward is to find kindred spirits, organize and work to create a decent future. We may be inspired by the adage, Pessimism of the intellect, Optimism of the will. It was made famous by the great 20th century Italian Marxist thinker and writer Antonio Gramsci. A dedicated anti-fascist Gramsci languished for 11 years in Mussolini’s jails where his health deteriorated. He died in 1937. Today, there is a revival of interest in Gramsci and his work.

Noam Chomsky, by any measure, has led a most extraordinary life. In one index he is ranked as the eighth most cited person in history, right up there with Aristotle, Shakespeare, Marx, Plato and Freud. The MIT professor’s contributions to modern linguistics are legendary. In addition to his pioneering work in that field, he has been a leading voice for peace and social justice for many decades. Chris Hedges says he is “America’s greatest intellectual” who “makes the powerful, as well as their liberal apologists, deeply uncomfortable.” He is Institute Professor Emeritus in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT and Laureate Professor of Linguistics and Haury Chair in the Program in Environment and Social Justice at the University of Arizona. At 93, he is still active; writing and giving interviews to the media all over the world. He is the author of scores of books, including Propaganda & the Public Mind, How the World Works, Power Systems and Global Discontents with David Barsamian. His latest books are Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal and Consequences of Capitalism: Manufacturing Discontent and Resistance.

From Alternative Radio 1 (800) 444-1977,

3:30 - 6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.


12-1 Mary and Polly “Defenders,This Week”. (Dec. 15)

This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” cover the latest COVID headlines, including news that Dr. Anthony Fauci said the definition of being fully vaccinated will eventually change to include a booster, and that the Merriam-Webster dictionary’s definition of “anti-vaxxer” has been updated to include those who oppose “regulations mandating vaccination.”

Also on tap this week: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pushes a third COVID shot for teens, as the number of deaths reported to VAERS after COVID vaccines approaches 20,000. Plus, a new CDC study shows the risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome elevated after COVID vaccination.

Polly and Mary also discussed the increasing evidence of big variations in the quality and composition of different batches of COVID-19 vaccinations, which may or may not be deliberate. Plus, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) now says it needs 75 years — up from the 55 years the agency initially requested — to fully release redacted versions of all documents related to the agency’s approval of Pfizer’s Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine.

Video & Transcript:

1-1:15 Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,1 reviews a theory professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist and statistician, believes explains the absurd and irrational behavior we’re now seeing worldwide with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures.

He calls this phenomenon “mass formation psychosis,” a type of crowd hypnosis that results in literally converting a large segment of the population into psychosis. Mass formation psychosis is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the destruction of the unvaccinated now.

It’s so irrational and inhumane, many have wondered how we got here. As it turns out, the psychology of totalitarianism has been studied for decades, and the whole thing is in fact explainable as a psychiatric phenomenon that arises when certain conditions exist in a society.

The Four Base Conditions for ‘Mass Formation’

The four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation psychosis to take root are:

1. Lack of social bonding — Social isolation was a widespread problem long before the pandemic. In one survey, 25% of respondents said they didn’t have a single close friend. The COVID lockdowns also contributed and worsened already existing isolation. We were all told that any contact with others, including members of our own family, could be a death sentence.

2. Seeing life as meaningless, purposelessness and senseless, and/or being faced with persistent circumstances that don’t make rational sense — Desmet cites research showing that half of all adults feel their jobs are completely meaningless, providing no value to either themselves or others.

In another poll, done in 2012, 63% of respondents said they were “sleepwalking” through their workdays, putting no passion into their work whatsoever. So, condition No. 2 for mass formation hypnosis was also fulfilled, even before the pandemic hit.

Events that occurred in late 2019 and early 2020, such as the many questions surrounding the presidential election and the initial COVID lockdowns, added fuel to the widespread confusion and uncertainty, resulting in the next condition: free-floating anxiety.

3. Widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent — Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that has no apparent or distinct cause. Judging by the popularity of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs, condition No. 3 was also fulfilled long before the pandemic, but additional fuel was piled on just before the pandemic.

Many felt, and still feel, that “things just aren’t right.” Through 2020, it became increasingly apparent to many that most if not all of the systems we depend on are broken, and likely broken beyond repair, including our medical system, our voting system and our judicial system.

4. Widespread free-floating frustration and aggression — This tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause. (Video removed from internet - all material on is removed after 24 hours due to internet censorship))


To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific:


NEW Archive: 1-631-359-9463

Voicemail: (862) 800-6805

Order Number: 877-627-5065

Luanne Pennesi: (903) 881-7008

1:15-2:15 Gary Null:

The Progressive Commentary Hour – 12.14.21

''Dr. Harvey Risch: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Highly Effective in Early COVID Treatment''

Dr. Harvey Risch is Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Risch received his MD degree from the University of California San Diego and PhD, in mathematical modeling of infectious epidemics, from the University of Chicago. After serving as a postdoctoral fellow in epidemiology at the University of Washington, Dr. Risch was a faculty member in epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Toronto before coming to Yale. Dr. Risch’s research interests are in the areas of cancer etiology, prevention and early diagnosis, and in epidemiologic methods. He is especially interested in the effects of reproductive factors, diet, genetic predisposition, histopathologic factors, occupational/environmental/medication exposures, infection and immune functioning in cancer etiology. His major research projects have included studies of ovarian cancer, pancreas cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, esophageal and stomach cancer, and of cancers related to usage of oral contraceptives and noncontraceptive estrogens. Dr. Risch is Associate Editor of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Editor of the International Journal of Cancer, and was for six years a Member of the Board of Editors, the American Journal of Epidemiology. Dr. Risch is an author of more than 350 original peer-reviewed research publications in the medical literature and those research papers have been cited by other scientific publications more than 43,000 times. Dr. Risch has an h-index of 96 and is a Member of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences and Engineering. Site He Mentioned:


2:15-3:15. The Gary Null Show 12.16.21

New discovery on how omega-3 fatty acids can reduce atherosclerosis

Karolinska Institutet, December 15, 2021. Mindfulness can get wandering thoughts back on track, according to new study.

University of Cincinnati, December 15, 2021 Gallic acid and stretching decrease osteoarthritis markers in cartilage cells.

Washington State University, December 15, 2021(Study shows that consumption of a pro-inflammatory diet is associated with increased odds of frailty onset in middle-aged and older adults.

Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research, December 7, 2021. Study Shows Strawberries Might Help Combat Osteoarthritis.

Aluminium and its likely contribution to Alzheimer’s disease.

Keele University (UK), December 13, 2021. Monsanto will plead guilty to illegally using pesticide in Hawaii and to pay additional $12m.

GM Watch, December 15, 2021. Commentary on 16,000 pro vaccine medical doctors and scientists coming together on vaccination of children and elders - efficacy and safety issues by International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists. Dr. Robert Malone MD MS comments. Open phones.


3:15-4:15 The Gary Null Show – 12.17.21

More evidence for vitamin D in MS prevention. Social stress messes up the hippocampus. Popular antioxidant linked to pain relief. Why an avocado may be the key to a healthy life (and a slim waist). Study reveals environment, behavior contribute to some 80 percent of cancers. Melatonin exacerbates asthma. 2021 Arctic Report Card reveals a (human) story of cascading disruptions, extreme events and global connections. Congress cashes in: Report finds dozens of DC lawmakers held shares in vaccine companies Taiwan: 79% of Covid Cases Are People Who Are “Vaccinated”. Digital Surveillance — the Real Motive Behind Push to Vaccinate Kids. AmazonSmile donated more than $40,000 to anti-vaccine groups in 2020. Latest VAERS estimate: 388,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines


4:15-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s website.


12-1 Dave Emory, ‘’For the Record #1208: The Narco-Fascism of Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang” Part 15


Continuing our series on the regime of Chiang Kai-shek–all but beatified during the Cold War–we begin by drawing still more on a magnificent book–The Soong Dynasty by Sterling Seagrave.

Although sadly out of print, the book is still available through used book services, and we emphatically encourage listeners to take advantage of those and to

obtain it. Several listeners have said that they were able to obtain the book because it is still in print!

I hope so! PLEASE buy it, read it, and tell others about it, either through conventional means and/or through social media. (Mr. Emory gets no money from said purchases of the book.) It is apparently available from Amazon on Kindle.

We also draw on another, altogether remarkable work by Peggy and Sterling Seagrave–Gold Warriors.

As we approach the close of this series, we “dolly out” and present aspects of how U.S. policy in Asia during the Cold War grew directly out of the “missionary position” that America took toward China–a position that led directly to war in Korea and Vietnam.

Introducing the expansion of American experience with Chiang and his Kuomintang fascists into U.S. Cold War policy in Asia, we present Sterling Seagrave’s rumination about Stanley Hornbeck, a State Department flack who became: “. . . . the doyen of State’s Far Eastern Division. . . .”

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).

Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):

Dave's website:

1-2 Afghanistan, China & the Decline of U.S. Power #2

Program #ALIT014. Recorded in London, UK on September 9, 2021.

The ignominious debacle in Afghanistan was predictable and predicted. Afghans, like most people, don’t appreciate foreign invaders occupying their country. Just ask the British and the Russians. But the U.S., in its imperial hubris, thought iwas different. It would nation-build in Afghanistan and bring democracy to that land. Meanwhile, China is watching the U.S. squander its wealth on military adventures. The decline of U.S. power is evident. In its place, China is rapidly expanding its influence. Its Belt and Road Initiative is an ambitious global infrastructure project, a new Silk Road. China, as the quip goes, had a bad couple of centuries of wars, famine and disease but now it is back. It’s a force to be reckoned with. Its economic clout is increasing and it will soon be the world’s biggest economy.

Tariq Ali, an internationally renowned writer and activist, was born in Lahore, Pakistan. For many years he has been based in London where he is an editor of New Left Review. A charismatic speaker, he is in great demand all over the world. In his spare time, he is a filmmaker, playwright, and novelist. He is the author of many books including The Clash of Fundamentalisms, Pirates of the Caribbean, Speaking of Empire & Resistance with David Barsamian, The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power, The Obama Syndrome, The Extreme Centre and The Forty-Year War in Afghanistan: A Chronicle Foretold.

From Alternative Radio 1 (800) 444-1977,

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact”

‘The Persecution of Julian Assange’

On the show, Chris Hedges discusses The Trial of Julian Assange, a new book by Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.

In July 2010, Wikileaks published Cablegate, one of the biggest leaks in the history of the US military, including evidence for war crimes and torture. Julian Assange, the founder and spokesman of Wikileaks, immediately found himself a target, accused of hacking, and later sexual assault. He spent the next seven years in asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, fearful that he would be extradited to Sweden to face the accusations of assault and then sent to US. In 2019, Assange was handed over to the British police. On the same day, the US demanded his extradition. He faces up to 175 years in prison for alleged espionage and computer fraud.

It was at this moment that Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, started his methodical investigation into how the US and UK governments were working in tandem to imprison Assange for life in the United States. The more Melzer investigated the more it became apparent that the UK and the United States were grossly distorting the legal process to revoke Assange’s most basic rights, including due process along with the flagrant manipulation of evidence. The violations included the taping of Assange’s meetings with his attorneys, in violation of attorney-client privilege. Melzer gathered medical and psychological evidence to prove that Assange has suffered prolonged and orchestrated psychological torture. All these measures were instituted solely because Assange provided to the public evidence of war crimes, lies, corruption and a callous indifference by the United States to human life.

Nils Melzer is the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. His new book is ‘The Trial of Julian Assange: A Story of Persecution’’

Originally heard Sundays, 9:30am


2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

In a special webinar version of the program, Ralph discusses with our guest, Richard Panchyk, author of “Power to the People!: A Young People’s Guide to Fighting for Our Rights as Citizens and Consumers” how one person can make a difference and how only percent of any given group can make important change. And they answer questions from our virtual audience!

Richard Panchyk is the author of more than forty books, including Engineering the City: How Infrastructure Works, Archaeology for Kids, and Our Supreme Court. His latest book is Power to the People! A Young People’s Guide to Fighting for Our Rights as Citizens and Consumers.

Initially heard on KPFK Sunday's at noon.

All info and free downloadshttp://www.ralphnaderradiohour.comRalph's

3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s website.


12-1 Alan Watts, "The Diamond and the Web" (Vajrayana) #1 of 4

"The spiritual materialism of the Vajrayana and Tantric interpretation of Buddhism and their 'esoteric neurology.'" (AW)

All Info:

1-6 While the regular programs are on Christmas Eve Vacations, we will indulge in an old fashioned Christmas Eve (ie Old Radio) for fun and relaxation.

That's All Folks!




Saturday, December 11, 2021

December 13-16



KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.


Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and

click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.


"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'

Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).


The New Day Pacifica vs. the Old Board trial will be in court Dec. 29 to present the arguments over the last board election.

The December fund drive is scheduled to run until Dec. 22 - (818) 985-5735,


8-9 ‘’The Way of the Tao” part 3 (conclusion)

All Info:



12-1:30 Danny Sheehan “The Assassination of JFK”

In the fall 2013 quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Daniel Sheehan taught a class on the theories of the JFK assassination, one of the first courses of its kind ever taught. Starting with the Warren commission report and the official government position, Sheehan outlines in extensive detail the nine major theories as to who was really behind the assassination.

Online reference and syllabus materials can be found below the videos.

Class #11 Oct. 31

12-1:30 “The Mob Killed JFK’’

Danny's Websites:

(for video of classes click on 'class

1:30-2 Hoodwinked in the Hothouse - Three Women

Jacqui Patterson, US; Eriel Deranger, Canada; and Moneka De Oro, Pacific Islands.

By MariaNovember 23, 2021Newest Podcasts

This is another webinar on Indigenous Resistance to Climate False Solutions. It was co-sponsored by the New School in New York City with the Indigenous Environmental Network as key organizer. This webinar is about fighting climate change from the grassroots and within indigenous communities in Canada, the Pacific Islands and the US.

Jacqueline Patterson is the Founder and Executive Director of the Chisholm Legacy Project, a resource hub for Black Frontline Climate Justice Leadership. Before that Patterson served as the Senior Director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program for over a decade.

Eriel Deranger was a founding member of Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) in Canada and spent two years as interim director. She is challenging fossil fuel development and championing the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Moneka De Oro is Just Transition Fellow with MCCA, the Micronesia Climate Change Alliance. She is working on information on climate justice, food sovereignty, disaster preparedness, energy democracy, traditional island knowledge, and zero waste.

Jacqui, Eriel and Moneka discover that their common experience in opposing climate change is based in the need to recognize and fight false solutions.

The moderator is Ananda Tan. He is North America coordinator for the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives.

They all value the free booklet: Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, RESIST FALSE SOLUTIONS TO CLIMATE CHANGE. It is a living document of decades of experience updated just recently in preparation for COP26, the climate conference in Glasgow.

The 42 page pamphlet can be downloaded for free at https:/

Jacqui Patterson, Eriel Deranger, and Moneka De Oro had much more to say – so you can look forward to one more installment of their exchange on the next broadcast of TUC Radio.

The full program was streamed Live on Sep 21, 2021, and is posted on Youtube at

From TUC Radio,

2-2:30 Hoodwinked in the Hothouse -

Resist False Solutions to Climate Change

By MariaNovember 30, 2021Newest Podcasts

With Ananda Tan, Tom Goldtooth, and Jacqui Patterson US, and Eriel Deranger, Canada, and Moneka De Oro, Micronesia

After the recent heat-waves, fires, floods and storms the word climate change finally shows in mainstream media and politics. And some hold out hopes that the burning of fossil fuels will be phased out.

For the last 20 years Indigenous organizations have come together to take their issues with deforestation, mining, ocean acidification and sealevel rise to the United Nations climate conferences but were not given a seat at the table and often forcibly expelled.

In 2009 the second edition of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse – False Solutions to climate change was published for COP15 in Copenhagen. It was 28 pages long. The third edition prepared for the COP26 in Glasgow is 76 pages long. As the climate emergency has intensified the false solutions have multiplied and overwhelmed the urgently needed reforms.

False solutions include: carbon pricing, bioenergy, natural gas, hydrogen, landfill gas, waste incineration, nuclear power hydroelectricity, geoengineering, carbon capture AND even aspects of nature based solutions and renewable energy.

In this last and fourth program on Hoodwinked in the Hothouse you will hear about false solutions proposed not by fossil fuel interests but even by environmental organizations and funders and the so-called Big Green. Also there are questions asked about current policies such as Build Back Better and the 30 by 30 campaigns of the Biden administration.

The full webinar was streamed Live on Sep 21, 2021, and is posted on the Indigenous Environmental Network Youtube channel under the title Hoodwinked in The Hothouse.[at]

They all value the free booklet: Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, RESIST FALSE SOLUTIONS TO CLIMATE CHANGE. It is a living document of decades of experience updated just recently in preparation for COP26, the climate conference in Glasgow. The 76 page pamphlet can be downloaded for free at https:/ From TUC Radio,


The pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of the supply chain, with its emphasis on lowering cost without regard to resilience of disruptions. Can government and industry cooperate to build resilience without adding prohibitive cost to production? How responsible is the government to managing the supply chain? What are the larger issues of global supply and production models? [ dur: 58mins. ]
Christopher S. Tang is Distinguished Professor, Edward W. Carter Chair in Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean of Global Initiatives at UCLA. He is the co-author of Supply Chain Risk Management and the co-editor of Operations Management Models with Consumer-Driven Demand.

Eleftherios Iakovou is the Harvey Hubbell Professor of Industrial Distribution at Texas A&M University and the Director of Manufacturing and Logistics Innovation Initiatives at the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station. He is the co-author of Sustainable supply chain management in the digitalisation era: The impact of Automated Guided Vehicles and, with Chelsea White, the co-author of How to build a more secure, resilient, next-gen U.S. supply chain.

Chelsea C. White III is the Schneider National Chair in transportation and logistics and is a professor at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. He is the co-author of Mobile Access Hub Deployment for Urban Parcel Logistics and How to build a more secure, resilient, next-gen U.S. supply chain with Eleftherios Iakovou.

This program is produced by Ankine Aghassian, Doug Becker, Melissa Chiprin and Sudd Dongre.3:30 - 6

3:30-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.



Robert Kennedy’s Jr.’s Website:

12-1 ‘’This Week’’. (Defenders) with Mary and Polly. (Dec. 10)

News and commentary on Covid.



To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific:


NEW Archive: 1-631-359-9463

Voicemail: (862) 800-6805

Order Number: 877-627-5065

Luanne Pennesi: (903) 881-7008

1-2 GARY NULL SHOW 12.02.21

Health information from respected peer-reviewed sources.

The circadian body clock cycle and chronic inflammatory diseases. Social media

and higher risk of depression, particularly Snap chat, Facebook, and Tic Tok. Crabapple lowers cholesterol, powerful antioxidant. Exercise increases brain volume. Morning v. Evening people have different type of gut bacteria.

Two Israel activists look at vaccines and vaccine adverse events of vaccinated and unvaccinated; findings suppressed but revealed. British Medical Journal finds vaccine immunity pales after 3 moths. Dr. Jessica Rose - ‘Censorship Equals Dictatorship”. Dr. Peter McCullough interview segment on Covid Vaccine safety. No safety report has been released after a year. Violation of the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki. Neil Oliver on infection spread and increased force (and rewards) by governments. Citizens releasing control of the body to the state.

Documentaries needed by citizen-journalists. Send your story or video: to get a forum or maybe a program.

Videos and articles by Gary now on: vimeo, brandnewtube, bitchute, rumble, odyssey.


To get to PRN go to. .

2-3. The Gary Null Show. (12/10/21)

CoQ10 may help blood sugar management in people with MetS. Kashan University of Medical Sciences (Iran), December 5, 2021. Eucalyptus compound effective at treating lung damage. University of Melbourne & Monash University (Australia), December 4, 2021. Study links high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease to plastics. University of California at Riverside, December 2, 2021. Environmentally sustainable diet linked to health benefits. Lund University (Sweden), December 9, 2021. Move Over, Wheat! Rye Bread Is Better for Weight Loss. Chalmers University (Sweden), December 2, 2021. Vitamins C and E associated with decreased inflammation in diabetics. Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (Iran), What’s really wrong with the mainstream media? Robert Reich, The Guardian, December 9, 2021. UK funeral director reports (Dec. 6) on causes of death from blood clots and decimated immune system rising alarmingly and predictably. Open Phones.


3-5 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom'swebsite.

5-6 The Progressive Commentary Hour – 11.17.21

The inventor of the core mRNA vaccine technologies (including the idea of mRNA vaccines) and RNA transfection, Dr. Malone has extensive research and development experience in the areas of pre-clinical discovery research, clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense, and immunology. He has over twenty years of management and leadership experience in academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, as well as in governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Dr. Malone is a specialist in clinical research, medical affairs, regulatory affairs, project management, proposal management (large grants and contracts), vaccines and biodefense. This includes writing, developing, reviewing and managing vaccine, bio-threat and biologics clinical trials and clinical development strategies. He has been involved in developing, designing, and providing oversight of approximately forty phase 1 clinical trials and twenty phase 2 clinical trials, as well as five phase 3 clinical trials. He has served as medical director/medical monitor on approximately forty phase 1 clinical trials, and on twenty phase 2 clinical trials, including those run at vaccine-focused Clinical Research Organizations.

Scientifically trained at UC Davis, UC San Diego, and at the Salk Institute Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories, Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist (virology, immunology, molecular biology) and is known as one of the original inventors of mRNA vaccination and DNA Vaccination. His discoveries in mRNA non viral delivery systems are considered the key to the current COVID-19 vaccine strategies. Dr. Malone holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, DNA vaccines and mRNA vaccines.

He received his medical training at Northwestern University (MD) and Harvard University (Clinical Research Post Graduate) medical school, and in Pathology at UC Davis.

Dr. Malone has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications and published abstracts and has over 11,477 citations of his peer reviewed publications, as verified by Google Scholar. His google scholar ranking is “outstanding” for impact factors. He has been an invited speaker at over 50 conferences, has chaired numerous conferences and he has sat on or served as chairperson on numerous NIAID and DoD study sections.



12-1 Dave Emory, “For the Record #1207 - The Narco-Fascism of Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang” Part 14”

Introduction: Continuing our series on the regime of Chiang Kai-shek–all but beatified during the Cold War–we draw still more on a magnificent book–The Soong Dynasty by Sterling Seagrave.

Although sadly out of print, the book is still available through used book services, and we emphatically encourage listeners to take advantage of those and obtain it. Several listeners have said that they were able to obtain the book because it is still in print!

I hope so! PLEASE buy it, read it, and tell others about it, either through conventional means and/or through social media. (Mr. Emory gets no money from said purchases of the book.) It is apparently available from Amazon on Kindle.

We also draw on another, altogether remarkable work by Peggy and Sterling Seagrave–Gold Warriors.

When the failures of Chiang’s regime led to scorn toward, and pivoting away from the Nationalist Chinese cause, the amalgam of corporate, criminal, journalistic and political interests that had empowered the Kuomintang counterattacked: “ . . . . the Chiang government poured millions of dollars into a counteroffensive. Zealous Americans who joined the pro-Taiwan crusade became the fund-raisers, the organizers, the telephoners, the legmen, the gofers, the publicists, the congressmen, the tycoons, the hosts and hostesses of the shadowy society called ‘the China Lobby.’ Its management, its direction, and its primary finances were not American. The China Lobby belonged to the Soong clan and the Nationalist Chinese government. The people involved thought they were working for the greater glory of God, or for ‘the survival of the democratic system.’ They were really working for a Chinese public-relations campaign. . . . the Kungs and Soongs remained the primary pipeline connecting American special interests with Taiwan. Ai-ling and H.H. Kung, T.V. Soong and May-ling Soong Chiang devoted considerable energies to the lobby and sometimes gathered for strategy sessions at the Kung estate in Riverdale. . . .”

The domestic political result in the U.S. was summed up by Sterling Seagrave: “ . . . . Small wonder that a large segment of the American public believed that Chiang was the essence of virtue and his cause was a joint one. Similar amounts were spent during the Korean War and the periodic crises over the defense of the Formosa Strait. Guesses at the grand total spent by Taiwan to stupefy Americans ran as high as $1 billion a year. . . .”

The unique nature of the manifest China Lobby was summed up: “ . . . . Marquis Childs wrote ‘. . . . Nationalist China has used the techniques of direct intervention on a scale rarely, if ever, seen.’ Part of the campaign was to pour gasoline on the McCarthy witch hunts. . . .”

The component elements of the China Lobby:…

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).

Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):

Dave's website:

1-2 Women: Labor Pains

Program #BROJ001. Recorded in Berkeley, CA on December 10, 2019.

Reproductive rights and abortion are under sustained political attack. Texas, Mississippi and other states have passed highly restrictive laws limiting and, in some cases, eliminating access to abortion. In all, nearly 600 anti-abortion laws have been introduced. The Supreme Court, with its three Trump-appointed justices, seems poised to decimate if not overturn the Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which legalized abortion. In 2018, even before the pandemic, the birth rate in the United States reached its lowest level in decades. The pandemic has further reduced childbirths. Feminist activists assert that declining birth rates represent a work slowdown, or strike, in the face of the poor conditions for those who do the work of bearing and raising children. For millions of overworked and exhausted women, the financial burden is significant. They must be compensated. Recorded at the University of California.

Jenny Brown is a National Women’s Liberation organizer and former editor of Labor Notes. She was a leader in the grassroots campaign to make morning-after pill contraception available over the counter and was a plaintiff in the winning lawsuit. Her articles appear in Jacobin, Alternet and other publications. She is the author of Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now and Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s Work.

From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"

Originally heard Sundays, 9:30am


2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Initially heard on KPFK Sunday's at noon.

All info and free downloads

3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s website.


(Fund Drive)

12-6 Beethoven Special Night

To celebrate Beethoven’s Birthday (Dec. 16) we will spend the night with “Beethoven: His Spiritual Development” by J.W.N. Sullivan, read by Dudley Knight and featuring the “spiritual development” of his music which will send you to higher plateaus as we hear the evolution of his life’s journey and the increasing profundity and power of his music as he developed. One of Sullivan’s emphases is that he grew organically as his work, meaning that it got better and better and the best was last; despite his painful life experience.

By a remarkable coincidence, the reading, which is 11 1/2 hours long but on a single mp3 disc, is available as a gift for a $100 subscription. (It can be played on a CD player manufactured since 2006) We have been ‘restricting’ it for December for some years. I produced it in 1979 working on weekend nights. The book has been of great benefit and importance to me for decades; it was written in 1927 by Sullivan who was a science reporter for the London Times. The book is still in the bookstores.

That's All Folks!




Sunday, December 5, 2021

December 6-9


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and
click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.

"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'
Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).

December fund drive starts on December 2 until December 23.

“The Way of the Tao” # 2 of 3
All Info:


First Monday night of the month Old Radio Night!!!

12-3 Bobb Lynes & Barbara Sunday, “Don’t Touch that Dial”
Since we'll be on December 7, the 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, we'll start with the “Gulf Screen Guild Theater” production of that night ‘Between Americans,’ narrated by Orson Welles. Then ‘Songs By Sinatra’ in which he gives a lesson in tolerance. Then some Christmas shows: ‘The Great Gildersleeve,’ ‘Challenge of the Yukon’ and ‘The Whistler.’
Email Bobb:
Email Barbara:
SPERDVAC old radio organization:
Society to Preserve and Encourage Radio Drama, Variety and Comedy
Founded in 1974, SPERDVAC is one of the oldest and largest organizations dedicated to the preservation of old-time radio and the encouragement of new audio theater. In addition to maintaining an audio and script library of legendary performances from the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s, SPERDVAC hosts live radio re-creations several times a year with professional actors, music and sound-effects.

3-4 Lux Radio Theater.
Continuing our presentation of all existent Lux programs in order of original broadcast, 1933-1955.
“ Another Language”. (5/17/37)
Starring Bette Davis and Fred MacMurray.
Bette Davis …gives a splendidly subtle performance as the sensitive artist whose tender concern for her nephew is misinterpreted by her uncouth in-laws.” (From “Lux Presents Hollywood” by Connie Billips and Arthur Pierce.)

4 - 6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.


Robert Kennedy's

12-1 “This Week” with Mary and Polly. (Dec. 1)
Current events with an eye on the undercurrent. Mary Holland and Polly Tommey dive below the surface of the news landscape to provide a deeper understanding of what lurks beneath the headlines
Hear the actual events given Dec. 1 and realize what you weren’t informed about.

1-2. RFK on ‘The Corbett Report”
“The Real Anthony Fauci” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
RFK on “The Corbett Report”. 11/21/21

Interview 1675 - The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Corbett • 11/20/2021 • 287 Comments

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
Where to buy the book
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
Government tested AIDS drugs on foster kids
U.S. knew of AIDS drug concerns in Africa
Guinea Pig Kids (BBC 2004)
The Annotated Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep 2010 (pdf)
Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism
Episode 220 - The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan
RFK Jr. Names RFK's Killer - #NewWorldNextWeek


To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific:
NEW Archive: 1-631-359-9463
Voicemail: (862) 800-6805
Order Number: 877-627-5065
Luanne Pennesi: (903) 881-7008

2-3 GARY NULL SHOW 12.02.21
Health information from respected peer-reviewed sources.
The circadian body clock cycle and chronic inflammatory diseases. Social media
and higher risk of depression, particularly Snap chat, Facebook, and Tic Tok. Crabapple lowers cholesterol, powerful antioxidant. Exercise increases brain volume. Morning v. Evening people have different type of gut bacteria.
Two Israel activists look at vaccines and vaccine adverse events of vaccinated and unvaccinated; findings suppressed but revealed. British Medical Journal finds vaccine immunity pales after 3 moths. Dr. Jessica Rose - ‘Censorship Equals Dictatorship”. Dr. Peter McCullough interview segment on Covid Vaccine safety. No safety report has been released after a year. Violation of the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki. Neil Oliver on infection spread and increased force (and rewards) by governments. Citizens releasing control of the body to the state.
Documentaries needed by citizen-journalists. Send your story or video: to get a forum or maybe a program.

Videos and articles by Gary now on: vimeo, brandnewtube, bitchute, rumble, odyssey.
To get to PRN go to.

3-5 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s website.

5-6 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on ‘The Corbett Report”
“The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
RFK on “The Corbett Report”. 11/21/21

Interview 1675 - The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Corbett • 11/20/2021 • 287 Comments

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
Where to buy the book
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
Government tested AIDS drugs on foster kids
U.S. knew of AIDS drug concerns in Africa
Guinea Pig Kids (BBC 2004)
The Annotated Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep 2010 (pdf)
Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism
Episode 220 - The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan
RFK Jr. Names RFK's Killer - #NewWorldNextWeek


12-1 Dave Emory, For the Record #1206 - “The Narco-Fascism of Chiang-Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang” Part 13.


For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Mr. Emory's entire life's work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC).
Dave's 40+ years' work, complete through Fall of 2020 (through FTR #1156):

Dave's website:

1-2 ‘’Afghanistan, China & the Decline of U.S. Power’’
Part 1
Program #ALIT014. Recorded in London, UK on September 9, 2021.

The ignominious debacle in Afghanistan was predictable and predicted. Afghans, like most people, don’t appreciate foreign invaders occupying their country. Just ask the British and the Russians. But the U.S., in its imperial hubris, thought it was different. It would nation-build in Afghanistan and bring democracy to that land. Meanwhile, China is watching the U.S. squander its wealth on military adventures. The decline of U.S. power is evident. In its place, China is rapidly expanding its influence. Its Belt and Road Initiative is an ambitious global infrastructure project, a new Silk Road. China, as the quip goes, had a bad couple of centuries of wars, famine and disease but now it is back. It’s a force to be reckoned with. Its economic clout is increasing and it will soon be the world’s biggest economy.

Tariq Ali, an internationally renowned writer and activist, was born in Lahore, Pakistan. For many years he has been based in London where he is an editor of New Left Review. A charismatic speaker, he is in great demand all over the world. In his spare time, he is a filmmaker, playwright, and novelist. He is the author of many books including The Clash of Fundamentalisms, Pirates of the Caribbean, Speaking of Empire & Resistance with David Barsamian, The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power, The Obama Syndrome, The Extreme Centre and The Forty-Year War in Afghanistan: A Chronicle Foretold.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800)444-1977,

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Originally heard Sundays, 9:30am

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Sunday's at noon.
All info and free downloads.

3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom’s website.


12-1 Alan Watts, "The Diamond and the Web" (Vajrayana) #1 of 4
"The spiritual materialism of the Vajrayana and Tantic interpretations of Buddhism and their 'esoteric neurology.'" (AW)
All Info:

1-2 Insights from the Edge: Anne Lamott
“Radical Self Care Changes Everything”

Anne Lamott is the celebrated author of many books of fiction, essays, and memoirs. Her works include Bird by Bird, Hallelujah Anyway, and Crooked Little Heart. In this special edition of Insights at the Edge originally recorded for The Self-Acceptance Summit, Tami Simon speaks with Anne about acts of “radical self-care” and how they are essential for anyone’s well-being. Anne talks about self-acceptance as an innately feminist concept, especially around issues of body image and self-esteem. Finally, Anne and Tami discuss how it is necessary to fully accept oneself before being able to show up for others, and why modern society often argues the opposite.

Anne Lamott is the author of seven novels including, Hard Laughter, Rosie, Joe Jones, Blue Shoe, All New People, and Crooked Little Heart (the sequel to Rosie), as well as five bestselling books of non-fiction, Operating Instructions, an account of life as a single mother during her son's first year and Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, a guide to writing and the challenges of a writer's life, Traveling Mercies, a collection of autobiographical essays on faith, and Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith. Anne Lamott has been honored with a Guggenheim Fellowship, and has taught at UC Davis, as well as at writing conferences across the country. Anne's biweekly Salon Magazine "online diary," Word by Word, was voted The Best of the Web by TIME magazine. Filmmaker Freida Mock (who won an Academy Award for her documentary on Maya Lin) has made a documentary on Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird with Annie (1999). Anne's last collection of essays is Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith. Her most recent novel, entitled Imperfect Birds, was published in Spring 2010. In the Fall of 2010 Anne Lamott was inducted into the California Hall of Fame. Her latest book, Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son, is non-fiction and was released in Spring 2012. In her next book, Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers (November 2012), Anne gives us three prayers to assist us in trying times. She is also working on an essay collection entitled As in Life: New and Selected Pieces, about moving through grief and loss.

Free Download of Audio and Transcript:

2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:" Rebroadcast
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

3-3:30 Science Fiction Break

3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program Rebroadcast
Thom's Website:
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That's All Folks!



Lets Keep Roy's Show Live on the Air

Dear KPFK Listeners, It's been six months since Roy Tuckman left our world on April 20, 2023. Many listeners feel a tremendous loss and ...