Sunday, January 26, 2020
January 27-30
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.
I'm not referring to the Pacifica Vote on reorganization as the battles are fraught with questionable information and complex enough to take a gigantic amount of time and space to make the impeachment hearings look like Haiku. Plus staff is not allowed to take sides in public.
Next Fund Drive: February 4, with a $650,000 goal.
January 26, "Haiku"
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
Archive #BB0528.37
(Slim Possibility of Pre-Emption by Impeachment Hearings)
12-1:30 Danny Sheehan
Background and Motivation for “The Role of the Public Intellectual”: Constrained by their State Boards of Regents, State Colleges & Universities of Western Culture impose requirements upon their Professors that compel them to promote beliefs that support both the objectives and ideologies of the Nation State of which they are a part of. Private Colleges of Western Culture are similarly constrained by their Private Boards of Overseers to promote beliefs that support the private financial interests of contributors who personally finance those private Institutions. In Western Culture, these beliefs include: the primacy of the economic system of State Capitalism; the ideologies of Caucasian Racial Superiority and Female Inferiority; the belief in Scientific Logical Positivism and Materialism (these beliefs are often masked as the development of a superior capacity to function intellectually in order to achieve long range goals rather than functioning emotionally to indulge short term personal satisfactions); and the indoctrination of their students in the dual doctrines of Nationalism and The Legitimization of the Resort to the Use of Military Violence to Achieve the Selfish Economic Goals The Elite of their Nation State.
Just as Political Public Office-Holders in State and Federal Governments feel “constrained” from speaking the truth that they have learned in their positions until after they have“retired from public office, College & University Professors inside State and Private Colleges & Universities oft-times feel constrained from sharing with their students their true conclusions about the academic subjects that they have spent a lifetime teaching until after they have achieved Emeritus status – at which time it is often too late to reach a student audience.
It is the goal of SANTA CRUZ COLLEGE to bring these truths to College & University students while they are still in the midst of their undergraduate and graduate school learning experience. This Course, “REALITY 101”: The Secret Science – The Relationship Between Consciousness and Political Action, brings you crusading Harvard Constitutional Litigation Expert and U.C. Santa Cruz Visiting Lecturer Daniel Sheehan outside of the constraints of the public courtroom and of the State University classroom, to share with you, as active and aggressively-seeking students, the truths that he has not been allowed to share with his audiences in America’s courtrooms or in College & University classrooms pertaining to the secret relationship between “Consciousness” and “Political Action” in Western Civilization.
12-1:30 Danny Sheehan, "The Role of the Public Intellectual" – Nov. 3, 2014
Class #1 of 13
Conscious Life Expo: Info & Tickets: (800) 367-5777
Paid Workshop: 'Awakening in the New Paradigm'
Saturday, February 8, 4pm
George Noory Forum, 'What I Believe'
Sat., February 8, 12-2pm (12 participants)
UFO Panel Discussion
Sunday, February 9, 10am-noon (8 participants)
1:30-3 Dr. Carl Faber, "Woman As Slave" #1 of 4
Dr. Faber was a professor of Psychology at UCLA in 1977 when this series of 4 talks was given at Temple Valley Beth Shalom in Van Nuys and recorded and produced by me and Helene Rosenbluth who was on the KPFK Staff at the time. Helene was the creator and producer of the first Feminist Program, 'Holding Up More Than Half the Sky' which was put on the KPFK program schedule with some difficulty.
Dr. Faber was a powerful, unique, and extremely popular teacher at UCLA - the only faculty member who could schedule classes and lectures to be filled on Monday nights (UCLA basketball nights). He was a frequent voice on 'Carlos Hagen Presents' which was a regularly scheduled program. Dr. Faber was an insistent user of "profanity" as a part of his tradition of Anglo-Saxon language, uncensored by 'Norman Values' which was historically of the lower classes in the old country, the straightforward expression of the working class. (e.g. the farmers talked of 'pigs' and the upper classes ate 'pork' which comes from the French word 'porque.' This politesse was also used in reference to sexual and extreme expression. Faber refused to ever be censored except by Carlos Hagen to whom he gave 'license to edit' for radio broadcast. But these four lectures were given in a temple so Helene and I jumped at the chance to record him in a situation where 'profanity' was unlikely. The 4 lectures have interviews added.
Keep in mind that the year was 1977, near the beginning of the latest breakout of feminism in a society where a lot of learning had to be done to evolve our social values on the status of women. (It was also one of my very first interviews)
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
Archive #KZ0197.01-04. (Also will probably be offered as a thank-you gift in the upcoming fund drive)
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
Relevant old radio episode.
3:40- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
(Possibility of Pre-Emption by Impeachment Hearings)
Listening to Gary’s Show on the Phone:
To listen to program from the archives anytime, 24/7: 701-719-9976
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific: 774-337-6068
Luanne Pennesi: (903) 881-7008
Call in: (862) 800-6805
12-1 The Gary Null Show – 01.24.20
Vaccination, the Ultimate Junk Science
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, January 23, 2020
For over a decade the debate over compulsory vaccination, especially for children and more recently for adults, has centered on a single premise. World leading vaccine experts, including those at the CDC, our universities and international organizations such as the World Health Organization, are unanimous that there is no longer any controversy over vaccines’ safety and effectiveness. All vaccines, we are told, have been proven safe, either individually or in combination, and this has been thoroughly researched in clinical trials. This absolutism within the medical and pharmacological communities, including the American Pediatric Association, also argues that they are the sole experts. Because they have found no reason to question the virtues of vaccination, neither should the public and media. Therefore, the debate is closed. If all risks and injuries are denied outright, then there can be no discussion.
1-2 The Gary Null Show – 01.16.20
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Research determines that following the Mediterranean diet helps reduce liver fat and minimizes obesity risk. Gut bacteria could guard against Parkinson’s, study finds, Plant pigment quercetin can significantly reduce blood pressure, When pregnant moms are stressed out, babies’ brains suffer, Probiotics and Pomegranate Juice Improve Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Study: Women’s blood vessels age faster than men’s, Gut-brain connection in individuals with autism confirmed by scientific data.
2-3 The Gary Null Show – 01.17.20
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Greater maternal consumption of vegetables, fruit, vitamin C during pregnancy associated with lower risks of childhood behavioral problems. Walnuts may be good for the gut and help promote heart health. America’s most widely consumed oil causes genetic changes in the brain. Study finds association between eating hot peppers and decreased mortality. Internet use reduces study skills in university students. CoQ10 improves statin tolerability in randomized trial. Mix of stress and air pollution may lead to cognitive difficulties in children.
3-4 The Gary Null Show – 01.21.20
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Vitamin K supplementation can help reduce arterial stiffness and improve blood pressure, researchers find. Spending at least 2 hours in nature per week improves overall health and psychological well-being, shows study, Human exposure to aluminum linked to familial Alzheimer’s disease, Consumption of leafy green salads improves cardiovascular health post-menopause, Light therapy for immune cells helps with side effects of cancer therapy, New research confirms lingering mood benefit of psychedelics, Childhood Trauma May Lead to Adult Disease, Meta-analysis supports the use of quercetin for high blood pressure, Premature menopause increases the risk of multiple health problems in your 60s
4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
(Possibility of Pre-Emption by Impeachment Hearings)
12-1 Dave Emory, “For The Record #1098, – Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 8 (The Intermarium Concept)"
In these programs, we continue discussion of the Azov milieu and its “Intermarium” outreach, in the context of Ukraine as a “pivot point” central to control of the World Island or Earth Island. The evolution of the Intermarium concept is fundamental to analysis of this phenomenon.
Ukraine’s significance as a global epicenter of burgeoning fascism extends to the region’s online, ideological and iconic manifestation. Two recent Canadian teens–Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky–who apparently killed three people in cold blood were influenced by Nazi culture and Azov Battalion manifestation in particular. ” . . . . A Steam user confirmed to The Globe and Mail that he talked to Mr. Schmegelsky regularly online. He recalled Mr. McLeod joining their chats as well. The user, whom The Globe is not identifying, provided photos sent by an account believed to be owned by Mr. Schmegelsky, showing him in military fatigues, brandishing what appears to be an airsoft rifle – which fires plastic pellets. Another photo shows a swastika armband, and yet another features Mr. Schmegelsky in a gas mask. The photos were reportedly sent in the fall of 2018, but the user said he stopped playing online games with Mr. Schmegelsky earlier this year after he continued to praise Hitler’s Germany. One account connected to the teens uses the logo of the Azov Battalion, a far-right Ukrainian militia that has been accused of harbouring sympathies to neo-Nazis. . . .”
Discussing Zbigniew Brzezinski’s doctrine of controlling Eurasia by controlling the “pivot point” of Ukraine. Fundamental to this analysis is the concept of the Earth Island or World Island as it is sometimes known.
Brzezinski, in turn, draws on the geopolitical theories of Sir Halford Mackinder, and, later contemporary Intermarium adovcates such as Alexandros Petersen.
Stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all across Europe, most of the Middle East, Eurasia, Russia, China and India, that stretch of land: comprises most of the world’s land mass; contains most of the world’s population and most of the world’s natural resources (including oil and natural gas.) Geopoliticians have long seen controlling that land mass as the key to world domination.
Most of the three programs highlighting the evolution and application of the Intermarium concept consist of reading and analysis of a long academic paper by Marlene Laruelle and Ellen Rivera. Of paramount significance in this discussion is the pivotal role of Ukrainian fascist organizations in the Intermarium and closely connected Promethean networks, from the post World War I period, through the time between the World Wars, through the Cold War and up to and including the Maidan coup.
Military, economic and political networking has employed the Intermarium idea, with what the paper terms the “ideological underpinnings” stemming from the evolution of the Ukrainian fascist milieu in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Some of the most important U.S. think tanks and associated military individuals and institutions embody this continuity: ” . . . . The continuity of institutional and individual trajectories from Second World War collaborationists to Cold War-era anti-communist organizations to contemporary conservative U.S. think tanks is significant for the ideological underpinnings of today’s Intermarium revival. . . .”
Program Highlights Include: Review of the incorporation of the Gehlen “Org” into the U.S. and Western intelligence apparatus; the key presence of the OUN/B and other Eastern European fascist groups into the Gehlen outfit; approval given to Gehlen for his deal with the Americans by Admiral Doenitz (who succeeded Hitler) and General Franz Halder (Gehlen’s “former” chief of staff); the incorporation of the OUN/B/Gehlen/ABN milieu into the Republican Party via the Crusade For Freedom; the key roles in the CFF played by Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush; Allen Dulles and William Donovan’s wartime collusion with Nazi Germany to craft the Christian West entity; the formation of the Black Eagle Trust by John J. McCloy, Robert Lovett and Robert B. Anderson (this assured the continuity of both Japanese fascism and German Nazism in the postwar period).
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
Program Podcasts: wfmu Podcasts
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:
Dave's website:
1-1:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Lisa Duggan on Ayn Rand.
Originally heard Sundays, 12:30pm
1:30-2:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour Catchup
'What Good is the Federal Reserve?'
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
(Possibility of Pre-Emption by Impeachment Hearings)
12-1 Alan Watts, “Nature of Consciousness” # 1 of 3
“The various forms and levels of consciousness and their relation to the nervous system and the physical world. Can machines be conscious? Is consciousness a mechanism? Is consciousness a function of the individual organism or vice versa? Is consciousness the same as ‘Being itself?’ (AW)
All info:
Joanna Macy: An enlightened 90 year old teacher conducts us through the dilemma of climate change out of the normal responses: (1). I know it's important but it's too depressing and hopeless to get informed or involved in. (2) It's a hoax. (3) Oh goody - our savior is coming back to fix everything. With help from Alan Watts, Joanna shows the step into your Shambhala Warriorship.
1-1:30 Joanna Macy, ‘Resilience’
On June 6, 2019 Joanna Macy, the environmental activist, author, scholar of Buddhism and Deep Ecology was one of two keynote speakers at The New School at Commonweal’s Resilience Project in Bolinas, California. A longtime San Francisco/Bay Area resident – she had just celebrated her 90th birthday.
The question, that the participants at the Commonweal event had come to explore, was: Is resilience a possible response in the face of climate change and civilizational collapse. And what might resilience look like.
Joanna Macy gave a personal and movingly psychological/philosophical talk, led a brief exercise in Open Questioning and closed with generous credits to writers and their ideas that are helpful in navigating and intervening in the collapsing civilization around us.
From TUC Radio,
1:30-2 Joanna Macy – Interviewed by Extinction Rebellion
TUC Radio is reporting on the work of the environmental direct action group Extinction Rebellion – aka XR. It was with great joy that I discovered that Joanna Macy, teacher and writer on environmental justice, Deep Ecology, and Buddhist practice is admired by XR and is engaging with them in dialog. Here is an interview of Joanna Macy by XR podcast presenter Jessica Townsend from August 27, 2019. This program also includes a reading of the iconic story of the Shambala Warrior – one of the most moving metaphors for our time.
XR refers to a book by and about Joanna Macy that will be released in April 2020. The title is “A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of our Time”. The editors of this book give a beautiful summary of Macy’s legacy: “Joanna Macy’s innovative efforts at the intersection of systems theory, Buddhist practice, and social and environmental justice have produced important developments in areas ranging from anti-nuclear activism and climate change to grief work and indigenous rights.”
CREDIT: You can find the longer version of this podcast on the web site of Extinction Rebellion at <> look for the podcast Episode 5 – Regenerative Culture, Joanna Macy.
From TUC Radio,
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
(Caroline's show was not played on KPFA last week)
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!
Roy rtuckman (at)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
January 20-23
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.
FUND DRIVE: February 4-29. Goal $650,000.
January 19 “Alan Watts Answers Requests & Questions from Listeners”
(excellent talk with boring title)
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
Archive #BB0528.36
12-2 Danny Sheehan, “The Assassination of JFK” #18"
Nov. 26: 'Opening onto the “Rulers of the Ream” thesis'
(Final class in 'JFK Assassination' course)
Beginning next week you are signed up to begin another course with Sheehan!
"The Role of the Public Intellectual" (18 classes at Santa Cruz Free University, 2014)
Conscious Life Expo: Info & Tickets: (800) 367-5777
Paid Workshop: 'Awakening in the New Paradigm'
Saturday, February 8, 4pm
George Noory Forum, 'What I Believe'
Sat., February 8, 12-2pm (12 participants)
UFO Panel Discussion
Sunday, February 9, 10am-noon (8 participants)
2-2:30 The Execution of Martin Luther King – William Pepper (Part ONE of TWO)
Bill Pepper became James Earl Ray’s lawyer when he found out that Ray was not the murderer. His friendship with King and his family goes back to 1967. Pepper had gone to Vietnam and taken photos of children burned by napalm. King asked to meet with him and they worked closely together during the anti-Vietnam war phase of King’s life. In this recording Pepper explains why he became convinced of Ray’s innocence and, during 25 years of investigative work, pieced together the plot to kill King. The extraordinary story has implications for history, civil rights, justice and democracy. (Feb. 2003)
William Pepper is an acclaimed lawyer who practices international law in London. His book by Verso is: 'AN ACT OF STATE, The Execution of Martin Luther King.'. For more information:
From TUC Radio,
2:30-3 The Execution of Martin Luther King, William Pepper (TWO of TWO)
In Part ONE: Bill Pepper became James Earl Ray’s lawyer when he found out that Ray was not the murderer. His friendship with King and his family goes back to 1967. Pepper had gone to Vietnam and taken photos of children burned by napalm. King asked to meet with him and they worked closely together during the anti-Vietnam war phase of King’s life.
After the failure of all his efforts to get James Earl Ray a new trial, William Pepper recommended one more option to the King family. In this Part TWO Pepper explains why he recommended a wrongful death suit against Loyd Jowers and other known and unknown conspirators. For the first time under oath in any assignation case there is the complete picture of how Martin Luther King was killed. It took the jury 59 minutes to come back with a verdict against Loyd Jowers and an award for the family.
There is a summary of the outcome – as well as 4,000 pages of transcripts posted on the King Center web site. Here is what Coretta Scott King said about the case: “After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a unanimous verdict on December 8, 1999 after about an hour of deliberations that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. In a press statement held the following day in Atlanta, Mrs. Coretta Scott King welcomed the verdict, saying , “There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court’s unanimous verdict has validated our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their deliberations. This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America. It is a great victory for truth itself. … The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband.
The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame. I want to make it clear that my family has no interest in retribution. Instead, our sole concern has been that the full truth of the assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law… My husband once said, “The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” To-day, almost 32 years after my husband and the father of my four children was assassinated, I feel that the jury’s verdict clearly affirms this principle. With this faith, we can begin the 21st century and the new millennium with a new spirit of hope and healing.”
William Pepper is an acclaimed lawyer who practices international law in London. His book by Verso is: 'AN ACT OF STATE, The Execution of Martin Luther King.' For more information:
From TUC Radio,
3-3:30 Michael Parenti: "The JFK Assassination and the Gangster Nature of the State" (ONE of TWO)
Parenti criticizes the lone assassin theory and addresses the bitter question that haunts so many, whether government agencies of a democratic country would do such a thing as assassinate an elected President. He examines what he calls “the gangster nature of the state” and goes over details of the murder. This is one of Parenti’s most highly acclaimed talks, ending with a standing ovation. He spoke on the 30th anniversary of the assassination.
When Oliver Stone’s movie JFK opened in December 1991 a huge PR campaign was mobilized against the film. Even progressives spoke out. Noam Chomsky wrote in support of the Warren Commission’s findings – in contrast Michael Parenti supported Stone and began by examining what he calls “the gangster nature of the state.”
Michael Parenti is one of the nations leading progressive political analysts. He has taught at colleges and universities in the US and abroad. With roots in a working class Italian district in New York City and a PhD in political science from Yale, Parenti is an internationally known lecturer and author. An extended text of this talk can be found in Parenti’s book: 'Dirty Truths', published by City Lights in 1996.
From TUC Radio,
3:30-4 Michael Parenti: "The JFK Assassination and the Gangster Nature of the State" (TWO of TWO)
2018 Tribute – Updated Archive This talk caused a controversy in the media when it was first aired on the 30th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Parenti sees not just the violent death of an individual but says: “If the truth were known it would call into question the entire state system and the social order it represents”. And that troubling implication is probably the reason why the mainstream press has suppressed the work of those who researched the circumstances of Kennedy’s death. In his investigation Parenti had focused on the troubling contradictions In Lee Harvey Oswald’s life to add to the proof that Oswald was at best a “patsy”.
Michael Parenti is one of the nations leading progressive political analysts. He has taught at colleges and universities in the US and abroad. With roots in a working class Italian district in New York City and a PhD in political science from Yale, Parenti is an internationally known lecturer and author. An extended text of this talk can be found in Parenti’s book: 'Dirty Truths', published by City Lights in 1996.
From TUC Radio,
4- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
Listening to Gary’s Show on the Phone:
To listen to program from the archives anytime, 24/7: 701-719-9976
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific: 774-337-6068
Call in: (862) 800-6805
12-1 The Gary Null Show – 01.13.20
Why were witnesses and first responders to Bldg 7 explosions ignored ?
Les Jamieson has studied the alternative research into 9/11 since November, 2001 and has been publicly active in the 911 truth movement for over a dozen years, including outreach at Ground Zero to inform the 100s of 1000s of people who visit the World Trade Center site. He has been central in planning large annual 9/11symposiums sponsored by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He is the founder of, which provides further information into the 28 pages and other 911-related legislation that compromises our human rights. He is currently working with “NYC 5G Wakeup Call” — a city wide grassroots initiative to stop smart meters and installation of the 5G infrastructure.
1-2 The Gary Null Show – 01.14.20
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Systematic review and meta-analysis on effects of regular intake of olive oil finds anti-inflammatory benefits, Low vitamin K levels associated with disability and mobility limitations in the elderly, Tea drinkers live longer, Flame retardants and pesticides overtake heavy metals as biggest contributors to IQ loss, Addressing hypertension, reducing sodium intake and avoiding trans fat could improve the heart health of 94 million people – study, Home-cooked meals linked to higher diet quality but lower-income Americans still fall behind, Compounds in broccoli sprouts can help fight gastritis and stomach ulcers: Study, Fluoride Exposure May Contribute to Degenerative Eye Diseases.
2-3 The Gary Null Show – 01.15.20
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Sun-exposed oyster mushrooms boost TB patients’ vitamin D levels, immune response, Polypectomy patients given berberine supplement developed fewer colorectal adenomas, Sugar changes the chemistry of your brain, Consuming more fruits and vegetables reduces risk of death from heart attack, stroke say researchers, Reconnecting with nature key for sustainability. Why do over 80% of older Americans consider themselves “healthy” despite chronic illness?. Silymarin decreases severity of acute pancreatitis in experimental research, Treating Kidney Disease With Plant-Based Nutrition. Compassion training for parents may reduce their children’s stress
3-4 Gary Null: Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.15.20
Fillet Oh Fish! Is Farmed Salmon One Of The Most Toxic Foods In The World?
4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Dave Emory, “For The Record #1098, – Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 8 (The Intermarium Concept)"
In these programs, we continue discussion of the Azov milieu and its “Intermarium” outreach, in the context of Ukraine as a “pivot point” central to control of the World Island or Earth Island. The evolution of the Intermarium concept is fundamental to analysis of this phenomenon.
Ukraine’s significance as a global epicenter of burgeoning fascism extends to the region’s online, ideological and iconic manifestation. Two recent Canadian teens–Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky–who apparently killed three people in cold blood were influenced by Nazi culture and Azov Battalion manifestation in particular. ” . . . . A Steam user confirmed to The Globe and Mail that he talked to Mr. Schmegelsky regularly online. He recalled Mr. McLeod joining their chats as well. The user, whom The Globe is not identifying, provided photos sent by an account believed to be owned by Mr. Schmegelsky, showing him in military fatigues, brandishing what appears to be an airsoft rifle – which fires plastic pellets. Another photo shows a swastika armband, and yet another features Mr. Schmegelsky in a gas mask. The photos were reportedly sent in the fall of 2018, but the user said he stopped playing online games with Mr. Schmegelsky earlier this year after he continued to praise Hitler’s Germany. One account connected to the teens uses the logo of the Azov Battalion, a far-right Ukrainian militia that has been accused of harbouring sympathies to neo-Nazis. . . .”
Discussing Zbigniew Brzezinski’s doctrine of controlling Eurasia by controlling the “pivot point” of Ukraine. Fundamental to this analysis is the concept of the Earth Island or World Island as it is sometimes known.
Brzezinski, in turn, draws on the geopolitical theories of Sir Halford Mackinder, and, later contemporary Intermarium adovcates such as Alexandros Petersen.
Stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all across Europe, most of the Middle East, Eurasia, Russia, China and India, that stretch of land: comprises most of the world’s land mass; contains most of the world’s population and most of the world’s natural resources (including oil and natural gas.) Geopoliticians have long seen controlling that land mass as the key to world domination.
Most of the three programs highlighting the evolution and application of the Intermarium concept consist of reading and analysis of a long academic paper by Marlene Laruelle and Ellen Rivera. Of paramount significance in this discussion is the pivotal role of Ukrainian fascist organizations in the Intermarium and closely connected Promethean networks, from the post World War I period, through the time between the World Wars, through the Cold War and up to and including the Maidan coup.
Military, economic and political networking has employed the Intermarium idea, with what the paper terms the “ideological underpinnings” stemming from the evolution of the Ukrainian fascist milieu in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Some of the most important U.S. think tanks and associated military individuals and institutions embody this continuity: ” . . . . The continuity of institutional and individual trajectories from Second World War collaborationists to Cold War-era anti-communist organizations to contemporary conservative U.S. think tanks is significant for the ideological underpinnings of today’s Intermarium revival. . . .”
Program Highlights Include: Review of the incorporation of the Gehlen “Org” into the U.S. and Western intelligence apparatus; the key presence of the OUN/B and other Eastern European fascist groups into the Gehlen outfit; approval given to Gehlen for his deal with the Americans by Admiral Doenitz (who succeeded Hitler) and General Franz Halder (Gehlen’s “former” chief of staff); the incorporation of the OUN/B/Gehlen/ABN milieu into the Republican Party via the Crusade For Freedom; the key roles in the CFF played by Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush; Allen Dulles and William Donovan’s wartime collusion with Nazi Germany to craft the Christian West entity; the formation of the Black Eagle Trust by John J. McCloy, Robert Lovett and Robert B. Anderson (this assured the continuity of both Japanese fascism and German Nazism in the postwar period).
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
Program Podcasts: wfmu Podcasts
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:
Dave's website:
1-2 Matt Taibbi, “Media: Monetizing Anger”
Program #TAIM002. Recorded in Berkeley, CA on October 30, 2019.
The current period could be dubbed The Age of Anger. To drive ratings up and along with them, ad revenue there’s nothing like rage. People go to their favorite media outlet as if it were comfort food. Where their views are validated and reinforced. And their anger finds a home. Argu-tainment is the order of the day and boy does it pay off. Corporate profits soar. Witness the comments of Leslie Moonves, former head of CBS, who cynically said, Donald Trump and his campaign “may not be good for America but it’s damn good for CBS. Man, who would have expected the ride we’re all having now? The money’s rolling in. I’ve never seen anything like this. Bring it on, Donald.”
Matt Taibbi is an award-winning journalist and a contributing editor for Rolling Stone. He is the author of several books including 'Griftopia,' 'Hate, Inc.,' and
'I Can't Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street.'
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977
2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Originally heard Sundays, 12:30pm
2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Alan Watts, “Nature of Consciousness” # 1 of 3
“The various forms and levels of consciousness and their relation to the nervous system and the physical world. Can machines be conscious? Is consciousness a mechanism? Is consciousness a function of the individual organism or vice versa? Is consciousness the same as ‘Being itself?’ (AW)
All info:
Joanna Macy: An enlightened 90 year old teacher conducts us through the dilemma of climate change out of the normal responses: (1). I know it's important but it's too depressing and hopeless to get informed or involved in. (2) It's a hoax. (3) Oh goody - our savior is coming back to fix everything. With help from Alan Watts, Joanna shows the step into your Shambhala Warriorship.
1-1:30 Joanna Macy, ‘Resilience’
On June 6, 2019 Joanna Macy, the environmental activist, author, scholar of Buddhism and Deep Ecology was one of two keynote speakers at The New School at Commonweal’s Resilience Project in Bolinas, California. A longtime San Francisco/Bay Area resident – she had just celebrated her 90th birthday.
The question, that the participants at the Commonweal event had come to explore, was: Is resilience a possible response in the face of climate change and civilizational collapse. And what might resilience look like.
Joanna Macy gave a personal and movingly psychological/philosophical talk, led a brief exercise in Open Questioning and closed with generous credits to writers and their ideas that are helpful in navigating and intervening in the collapsing civilization around us.
From TUC Radio,
1:30-2 Joanna Macy – Interviewed by Extinction Rebellion
TUC Radio is reporting on the work of the environmental direct action group Extinction Rebellion – aka XR. It was with great joy that I discovered that Joanna Macy, teacher and writer on environmental justice, Deep Ecology, and Buddhist practice is admired by XR and is engaging with them in dialog. Here is an interview of Joanna Macy by XR podcast presenter Jessica Townsend from August 27, 2019. This program also includes a reading of the iconic story of the Shambala Warrior – one of the most moving metaphors for our time.
XR refers to a book by and about Joanna Macy that will be released in April 2020. The title is “A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of our Time”. The editors of this book give a beautiful summary of Macy’s legacy: “Joanna Macy’s innovative efforts at the intersection of systems theory, Buddhist practice, and social and environmental justice have produced important developments in areas ranging from anti-nuclear activism and climate change to grief work and indigenous rights.”
CREDIT: You can find the longer version of this podcast on the web site of Extinction Rebellion at <> look for the podcast Episode 5 – Regenerative Culture, Joanna Macy.
From TUC Radio,
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!
Roy rtuckman (at)
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.
FUND DRIVE: February 4-29. Goal $650,000.
January 19 “Alan Watts Answers Requests & Questions from Listeners”
(excellent talk with boring title)
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
Archive #BB0528.36
12-2 Danny Sheehan, “The Assassination of JFK” #18"
Nov. 26: 'Opening onto the “Rulers of the Ream” thesis'
(Final class in 'JFK Assassination' course)
Beginning next week you are signed up to begin another course with Sheehan!
"The Role of the Public Intellectual" (18 classes at Santa Cruz Free University, 2014)
Conscious Life Expo: Info & Tickets: (800) 367-5777
Paid Workshop: 'Awakening in the New Paradigm'
Saturday, February 8, 4pm
George Noory Forum, 'What I Believe'
Sat., February 8, 12-2pm (12 participants)
UFO Panel Discussion
Sunday, February 9, 10am-noon (8 participants)
2-2:30 The Execution of Martin Luther King – William Pepper (Part ONE of TWO)
Bill Pepper became James Earl Ray’s lawyer when he found out that Ray was not the murderer. His friendship with King and his family goes back to 1967. Pepper had gone to Vietnam and taken photos of children burned by napalm. King asked to meet with him and they worked closely together during the anti-Vietnam war phase of King’s life. In this recording Pepper explains why he became convinced of Ray’s innocence and, during 25 years of investigative work, pieced together the plot to kill King. The extraordinary story has implications for history, civil rights, justice and democracy. (Feb. 2003)
William Pepper is an acclaimed lawyer who practices international law in London. His book by Verso is: 'AN ACT OF STATE, The Execution of Martin Luther King.'. For more information:
From TUC Radio,
2:30-3 The Execution of Martin Luther King, William Pepper (TWO of TWO)
In Part ONE: Bill Pepper became James Earl Ray’s lawyer when he found out that Ray was not the murderer. His friendship with King and his family goes back to 1967. Pepper had gone to Vietnam and taken photos of children burned by napalm. King asked to meet with him and they worked closely together during the anti-Vietnam war phase of King’s life.
After the failure of all his efforts to get James Earl Ray a new trial, William Pepper recommended one more option to the King family. In this Part TWO Pepper explains why he recommended a wrongful death suit against Loyd Jowers and other known and unknown conspirators. For the first time under oath in any assignation case there is the complete picture of how Martin Luther King was killed. It took the jury 59 minutes to come back with a verdict against Loyd Jowers and an award for the family.
There is a summary of the outcome – as well as 4,000 pages of transcripts posted on the King Center web site. Here is what Coretta Scott King said about the case: “After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a unanimous verdict on December 8, 1999 after about an hour of deliberations that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. In a press statement held the following day in Atlanta, Mrs. Coretta Scott King welcomed the verdict, saying , “There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court’s unanimous verdict has validated our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their deliberations. This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America. It is a great victory for truth itself. … The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband.
The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame. I want to make it clear that my family has no interest in retribution. Instead, our sole concern has been that the full truth of the assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law… My husband once said, “The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” To-day, almost 32 years after my husband and the father of my four children was assassinated, I feel that the jury’s verdict clearly affirms this principle. With this faith, we can begin the 21st century and the new millennium with a new spirit of hope and healing.”
William Pepper is an acclaimed lawyer who practices international law in London. His book by Verso is: 'AN ACT OF STATE, The Execution of Martin Luther King.' For more information:
From TUC Radio,
3-3:30 Michael Parenti: "The JFK Assassination and the Gangster Nature of the State" (ONE of TWO)
Parenti criticizes the lone assassin theory and addresses the bitter question that haunts so many, whether government agencies of a democratic country would do such a thing as assassinate an elected President. He examines what he calls “the gangster nature of the state” and goes over details of the murder. This is one of Parenti’s most highly acclaimed talks, ending with a standing ovation. He spoke on the 30th anniversary of the assassination.
When Oliver Stone’s movie JFK opened in December 1991 a huge PR campaign was mobilized against the film. Even progressives spoke out. Noam Chomsky wrote in support of the Warren Commission’s findings – in contrast Michael Parenti supported Stone and began by examining what he calls “the gangster nature of the state.”
Michael Parenti is one of the nations leading progressive political analysts. He has taught at colleges and universities in the US and abroad. With roots in a working class Italian district in New York City and a PhD in political science from Yale, Parenti is an internationally known lecturer and author. An extended text of this talk can be found in Parenti’s book: 'Dirty Truths', published by City Lights in 1996.
From TUC Radio,
3:30-4 Michael Parenti: "The JFK Assassination and the Gangster Nature of the State" (TWO of TWO)
2018 Tribute – Updated Archive This talk caused a controversy in the media when it was first aired on the 30th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Parenti sees not just the violent death of an individual but says: “If the truth were known it would call into question the entire state system and the social order it represents”. And that troubling implication is probably the reason why the mainstream press has suppressed the work of those who researched the circumstances of Kennedy’s death. In his investigation Parenti had focused on the troubling contradictions In Lee Harvey Oswald’s life to add to the proof that Oswald was at best a “patsy”.
Michael Parenti is one of the nations leading progressive political analysts. He has taught at colleges and universities in the US and abroad. With roots in a working class Italian district in New York City and a PhD in political science from Yale, Parenti is an internationally known lecturer and author. An extended text of this talk can be found in Parenti’s book: 'Dirty Truths', published by City Lights in 1996.
From TUC Radio,
4- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
Listening to Gary’s Show on the Phone:
To listen to program from the archives anytime, 24/7: 701-719-9976
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific: 774-337-6068
Call in: (862) 800-6805
12-1 The Gary Null Show – 01.13.20
Why were witnesses and first responders to Bldg 7 explosions ignored ?
Les Jamieson has studied the alternative research into 9/11 since November, 2001 and has been publicly active in the 911 truth movement for over a dozen years, including outreach at Ground Zero to inform the 100s of 1000s of people who visit the World Trade Center site. He has been central in planning large annual 9/11symposiums sponsored by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He is the founder of, which provides further information into the 28 pages and other 911-related legislation that compromises our human rights. He is currently working with “NYC 5G Wakeup Call” — a city wide grassroots initiative to stop smart meters and installation of the 5G infrastructure.
1-2 The Gary Null Show – 01.14.20
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Systematic review and meta-analysis on effects of regular intake of olive oil finds anti-inflammatory benefits, Low vitamin K levels associated with disability and mobility limitations in the elderly, Tea drinkers live longer, Flame retardants and pesticides overtake heavy metals as biggest contributors to IQ loss, Addressing hypertension, reducing sodium intake and avoiding trans fat could improve the heart health of 94 million people – study, Home-cooked meals linked to higher diet quality but lower-income Americans still fall behind, Compounds in broccoli sprouts can help fight gastritis and stomach ulcers: Study, Fluoride Exposure May Contribute to Degenerative Eye Diseases.
2-3 The Gary Null Show – 01.15.20
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Sun-exposed oyster mushrooms boost TB patients’ vitamin D levels, immune response, Polypectomy patients given berberine supplement developed fewer colorectal adenomas, Sugar changes the chemistry of your brain, Consuming more fruits and vegetables reduces risk of death from heart attack, stroke say researchers, Reconnecting with nature key for sustainability. Why do over 80% of older Americans consider themselves “healthy” despite chronic illness?. Silymarin decreases severity of acute pancreatitis in experimental research, Treating Kidney Disease With Plant-Based Nutrition. Compassion training for parents may reduce their children’s stress
3-4 Gary Null: Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.15.20
Fillet Oh Fish! Is Farmed Salmon One Of The Most Toxic Foods In The World?
4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Dave Emory, “For The Record #1098, – Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 8 (The Intermarium Concept)"
In these programs, we continue discussion of the Azov milieu and its “Intermarium” outreach, in the context of Ukraine as a “pivot point” central to control of the World Island or Earth Island. The evolution of the Intermarium concept is fundamental to analysis of this phenomenon.
Ukraine’s significance as a global epicenter of burgeoning fascism extends to the region’s online, ideological and iconic manifestation. Two recent Canadian teens–Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky–who apparently killed three people in cold blood were influenced by Nazi culture and Azov Battalion manifestation in particular. ” . . . . A Steam user confirmed to The Globe and Mail that he talked to Mr. Schmegelsky regularly online. He recalled Mr. McLeod joining their chats as well. The user, whom The Globe is not identifying, provided photos sent by an account believed to be owned by Mr. Schmegelsky, showing him in military fatigues, brandishing what appears to be an airsoft rifle – which fires plastic pellets. Another photo shows a swastika armband, and yet another features Mr. Schmegelsky in a gas mask. The photos were reportedly sent in the fall of 2018, but the user said he stopped playing online games with Mr. Schmegelsky earlier this year after he continued to praise Hitler’s Germany. One account connected to the teens uses the logo of the Azov Battalion, a far-right Ukrainian militia that has been accused of harbouring sympathies to neo-Nazis. . . .”
Discussing Zbigniew Brzezinski’s doctrine of controlling Eurasia by controlling the “pivot point” of Ukraine. Fundamental to this analysis is the concept of the Earth Island or World Island as it is sometimes known.
Brzezinski, in turn, draws on the geopolitical theories of Sir Halford Mackinder, and, later contemporary Intermarium adovcates such as Alexandros Petersen.
Stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all across Europe, most of the Middle East, Eurasia, Russia, China and India, that stretch of land: comprises most of the world’s land mass; contains most of the world’s population and most of the world’s natural resources (including oil and natural gas.) Geopoliticians have long seen controlling that land mass as the key to world domination.
Most of the three programs highlighting the evolution and application of the Intermarium concept consist of reading and analysis of a long academic paper by Marlene Laruelle and Ellen Rivera. Of paramount significance in this discussion is the pivotal role of Ukrainian fascist organizations in the Intermarium and closely connected Promethean networks, from the post World War I period, through the time between the World Wars, through the Cold War and up to and including the Maidan coup.
Military, economic and political networking has employed the Intermarium idea, with what the paper terms the “ideological underpinnings” stemming from the evolution of the Ukrainian fascist milieu in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Some of the most important U.S. think tanks and associated military individuals and institutions embody this continuity: ” . . . . The continuity of institutional and individual trajectories from Second World War collaborationists to Cold War-era anti-communist organizations to contemporary conservative U.S. think tanks is significant for the ideological underpinnings of today’s Intermarium revival. . . .”
Program Highlights Include: Review of the incorporation of the Gehlen “Org” into the U.S. and Western intelligence apparatus; the key presence of the OUN/B and other Eastern European fascist groups into the Gehlen outfit; approval given to Gehlen for his deal with the Americans by Admiral Doenitz (who succeeded Hitler) and General Franz Halder (Gehlen’s “former” chief of staff); the incorporation of the OUN/B/Gehlen/ABN milieu into the Republican Party via the Crusade For Freedom; the key roles in the CFF played by Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush; Allen Dulles and William Donovan’s wartime collusion with Nazi Germany to craft the Christian West entity; the formation of the Black Eagle Trust by John J. McCloy, Robert Lovett and Robert B. Anderson (this assured the continuity of both Japanese fascism and German Nazism in the postwar period).
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
Program Podcasts: wfmu Podcasts
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:
Dave's website:
1-2 Matt Taibbi, “Media: Monetizing Anger”
Program #TAIM002. Recorded in Berkeley, CA on October 30, 2019.
The current period could be dubbed The Age of Anger. To drive ratings up and along with them, ad revenue there’s nothing like rage. People go to their favorite media outlet as if it were comfort food. Where their views are validated and reinforced. And their anger finds a home. Argu-tainment is the order of the day and boy does it pay off. Corporate profits soar. Witness the comments of Leslie Moonves, former head of CBS, who cynically said, Donald Trump and his campaign “may not be good for America but it’s damn good for CBS. Man, who would have expected the ride we’re all having now? The money’s rolling in. I’ve never seen anything like this. Bring it on, Donald.”
Matt Taibbi is an award-winning journalist and a contributing editor for Rolling Stone. He is the author of several books including 'Griftopia,' 'Hate, Inc.,' and
'I Can't Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street.'
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977
2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Originally heard Sundays, 12:30pm
2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Alan Watts, “Nature of Consciousness” # 1 of 3
“The various forms and levels of consciousness and their relation to the nervous system and the physical world. Can machines be conscious? Is consciousness a mechanism? Is consciousness a function of the individual organism or vice versa? Is consciousness the same as ‘Being itself?’ (AW)
All info:
Joanna Macy: An enlightened 90 year old teacher conducts us through the dilemma of climate change out of the normal responses: (1). I know it's important but it's too depressing and hopeless to get informed or involved in. (2) It's a hoax. (3) Oh goody - our savior is coming back to fix everything. With help from Alan Watts, Joanna shows the step into your Shambhala Warriorship.
1-1:30 Joanna Macy, ‘Resilience’
On June 6, 2019 Joanna Macy, the environmental activist, author, scholar of Buddhism and Deep Ecology was one of two keynote speakers at The New School at Commonweal’s Resilience Project in Bolinas, California. A longtime San Francisco/Bay Area resident – she had just celebrated her 90th birthday.
The question, that the participants at the Commonweal event had come to explore, was: Is resilience a possible response in the face of climate change and civilizational collapse. And what might resilience look like.
Joanna Macy gave a personal and movingly psychological/philosophical talk, led a brief exercise in Open Questioning and closed with generous credits to writers and their ideas that are helpful in navigating and intervening in the collapsing civilization around us.
From TUC Radio,
1:30-2 Joanna Macy – Interviewed by Extinction Rebellion
TUC Radio is reporting on the work of the environmental direct action group Extinction Rebellion – aka XR. It was with great joy that I discovered that Joanna Macy, teacher and writer on environmental justice, Deep Ecology, and Buddhist practice is admired by XR and is engaging with them in dialog. Here is an interview of Joanna Macy by XR podcast presenter Jessica Townsend from August 27, 2019. This program also includes a reading of the iconic story of the Shambala Warrior – one of the most moving metaphors for our time.
XR refers to a book by and about Joanna Macy that will be released in April 2020. The title is “A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of our Time”. The editors of this book give a beautiful summary of Macy’s legacy: “Joanna Macy’s innovative efforts at the intersection of systems theory, Buddhist practice, and social and environmental justice have produced important developments in areas ranging from anti-nuclear activism and climate change to grief work and indigenous rights.”
CREDIT: You can find the longer version of this podcast on the web site of Extinction Rebellion at <> look for the podcast Episode 5 – Regenerative Culture, Joanna Macy.
From TUC Radio,
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!
Roy rtuckman (at)
Sunday, January 12, 2020
January 13-16
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.
Thanks to Buzz, I was able to take a few weeks off on a rare vacation. It's not easy to find anyone to play my show - although it would be easy to find people to play their choices during the midnight to 6am hours. Buzz has been on the 'ready to do' work at the station whatever it is, from washing dishes to field recording programs and being on the National Board and I'm grateful to have had a rest. I think the most valuable reminder I had was a renewed appreciation of the importance of a great night time show on the air and this has renewed my resolve to ... umm, keep creating a great night time show on the radio.
Next fund drive planned for February 4.
(Latest Pacifica in Exile Newsletter not included here due to questions of accuracy by some National Board Members)
January 12 - "Philosophy as Music"
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
Archive #BB0528.35
12-3 Danny Sheehan, "The JFK Assassination" #17
"Theory #9- 7 Days in May- Joint Chiefs of Staff Coup" (Nov. 21, 2013, one day before the 50th anniversary in 2013)
Class lecture given at University of California, Santa Cruz.
Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney. For close to five decades, Danny’s work as a Federal Civil Rights Attorney, Author, Public Speaker and College and Law School Professor has helped expose the structural sources of injustice in our country and around the world.
Daniel has protected the fundamental and inalienable rights of our world’s citizens and has elucidated a compelling and inspiring vision for the future direction of our human family. Dan’s dedication to this vision and his work have placed him at the center of many of the most important legal cases and social movements of our generation.
Since 2006, Daniel Sheehan has served as the lead attorney and general counsel for the Lakota People’s Law Project (LPLP). Much of LPLP’s work has been in South Dakota to stop violations of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and rescue Lakota children from an abusive state care system.
In 2016, LPLP began organizing around the Dakota Access Pipeline. Our Lakota staff were on the ground at Oceti Sakowin camp from its inception in April 2016 to the final days in February, 2017. Daniel represented Chase Iron Eyes who faced felony charges related to the #NoDAPL movement. Although Chase’s case did not go to trial, we are building an online archive to make public the strategy and details of our necessity and treaty defenses. To learn more about the work of Lakota People’s Law Project, visit
Daniel Sheehan’s Memoir Published by Counterpoint Press
'The Peoples Advocate,' the autobiography of American Constitutional Trial Attorney Daniel Sheehan. Sheehan traces his personal journey from his working-class roots through Harvard Law School and his initial career in private practice. His early disenchantment led to his return for further study at Harvard Divinity School, and rethinking the nature of his career. Eventually his role as President and Chief Trial Counselor for the famous Washington, DC-based Christic Institute would help define his role as America’s preeminent cause lawyer.
In 'The Peoples Advocate,' Sheehan details “the inside story” of over a dozen historically significant American legal cases of the 20th Century, all of which he litigated. The remarkable cases covered in the book include both The Pentagon Papers Case in 1971 and The Watergate Burglary Case in 1973. In addition, Sheehan served as the Chief Attorney on The Karen Silkwood Case in 1976, which revealed the CIA’s Israeli Desk had been smuggling 98% bomb-grade plutonium to the State of Israel and to Iran. In 1984, he was the Chief Trial Counsel on The American Sanctuary Movement Case, establishing the right of American church workers to provide assistance to Central American political refugees fleeing Guatemalan and Salvadorian “death squads.” His involvement with the sanctuary movement ultimately led to Sheehan’s famous Iran/Contra Federal Civil Racketeering Case against the Reagan/Bush Administration, which he investigated, initiated, filed, and then litigated. The resulting “Iran/Contra Scandal” nearly brought down that Administration, leading Congress to consider the impeachment of over a dozen of the top-ranking officials of the Reagan/Bush Administration.
'The Peoples Advocate' is the “real story” of these and many other historic American cases, told from the unique point of view of a central lawyer.
Conscious Life Expo: Info & Tickets: (800) 367-5777
Sheehan: Paid Workshop: 'Awakening in the New Paradigm'
Saturday, February 8, 4pm
George Noory Forum, 'What I Believe'
Sat., February 8, 12-2pm (12 participants including Sheehan)
UFO Panel Discussion
Sunday, February 9, 10am-noon (8 participants including Sheehan)
3-3:30 Science Fiction Addendum
3:40- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
Listening to Gary’s Show on the Phone:
To listen to program from the archives anytime, 24/7: 701-719-9976
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific: 774-337-6068
Call in: (862) 800-6805
12-1 Gary Null Progressive Commentary Hour – 'The Back story of the AIDS epidemic, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the new drug Truvada and more medical misinformation'
Charles Ortleb is a journalist, novelist and filmmaker who gained notoriety as the publisher of the gay biweekly New York Native between 1980 and 1996. The Native was the first major publication to take the AIDS epidemic seriously and question the AIDS hypothesis. The publication brought many important individuals such as Peter Duesberg to public attention. New York Native also published John Lauritsen’s investigative reporting on the deadly effects of the AIDS drug AZT and was also the first to cover the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic which has been called an epidemic of “Non-HIV AIDS.” For a decade the biweekly reported on Neenyah Ostrom’s on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome investigations. Much of her reporting focused on HHV-6, the virus that links AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Rolling Stone journalist David Black claimed Chuck’s New York Native deserved a Pulitzer. Chuck has also written several novels and plays including the novel “Iron Peter.” His book on the history of New York Native and its role in the coverage of AIDS is “The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Cover-up.”The book has been on Amazon AIDS bestseller list for almost two years. His newest book which comes out next week is called “Susan Sontag as Metaphor” which is about his complicated relationship with the famous intellectual and how she ignored warnings and betrayed the gay community in her famous book, "AIDS and Its Metaphors.” You can find more information about Chuck and his books and writings at
1-2. Gary Null, Progressive Commentary Hour 'A Glitch in the Matrix'
David Fuller, who worked at the UK’s Channel 4 news for a decade as a producer/director, also recently released "Truth in the Time of Chaos" (, a documentary about my work. 'In A Glitch in the Matrix,' he analyzes and assesses my recent viral interview with Cathy Newman, unpacking the deeper political, psychological and archetypal levels of the clash. Background information can be found in this Medium article:
2-3 The Gary Null Show - 01.07.20, 'Bayer-Monsanto's covert operations to protect its products and silence opposition'
Carey Gillam is an environmental and agricultural journalist and investigative reporter who has been traveling around the nation for years to observe and report on the state of America's food system, farming and meeting with US regulators, lawmakers, scientists and corporate officials. She is the Research Director of US Right to Know, a non profit consumer organization devoted to exposing the truth about industrial agriculture, the threats of pesticides and GMOs and exposing Big Agriculture's corruption. Earlier, Carey was a Reuters journalist for 17 years. She has been invited by the European Parliament to address a council about Monsanto and Roundup when the EU deliberated on whether or not to ban Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide. Carey's important book "Whitewash: The Story of a Weedkiller, Cancer and the Corruption of Science" has recently been released in paperback. The book received the Rachel Carson Environmental Book Award and exposes the role of corporate influence over American agriculture, federal officials and politicians. Her website is
3-4 The Gary Null Show - 01.09.20, 'What Impact has the Assassination of General Suleimani and Recent US Aggression Had on Iranians?'
Medea Benjamin is a cofounder of the anti-war feminist organization Codepink and a co-founder of the international human rights organization Global Exchange. For over 20 years she has been been one of our nation's most high profile leaders and advocates in the movement for humanitarian, civil and social justice. In 2005 she was among other exemplary women nominated to receive a collective Peace Prize for their efforts to promote peace and received the Gandhi Peace Award in 2014. She has been at the forefront of protesting the war efforts of Bush and Obama and now the further escalation of violence under Trump. In the past, Medea has organized humanitarian aid for war refugees in Lebanon and in 2011 she sailed on the US peace flotilla to Gaza and led delegations to deliver medical supplies during Israel’s Pillar of Defense campaign. Medea is the author of almost 10 books, the most recent being "Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran" which is a superb primer for modern Iran's history, its government structure, life in Iran and human rights, and more recent conflicts between Iran and other nations, notably the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Her website is
4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1097 - Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 7 (Azov on Our Mind, Part 3)"
This program continues analysis of the Azov milieu’s networking with fascist indidviduals and organizations at an individual level, at an organizational level and online.
Embracing “lone wolf” fascists around the world, as well as networking with fascist organizations and combatants who have joined the war in Ukraine’s Eastern provinces, Azov is recapitulating the “Intermarium” concept, minted by Polish head of state Josef Pilsudski in the period between the World Wars. Working with Croatians aligned with the “Neo-Ustachi’ milieu we have covered in many past programs, Azov is seeking to develop a nascent Eastern and Central European alliance of fascist and reactionary elements.
Of particular interest is the significance of the Ukrainian and Croatian fascist alliance, which will be explored at greater length in future programs.
Other programs highlighting the return of the Ustachi to power in the “new” Croatia include: FTR #‘s 49, 154, 766, 901.
Next, we note that The FBI arrested a US Army soldier for planning domestic terror attacks. Jarrett William Smith–charged with one count of distributing information related to explosives and weapons of mass destruction.
Smith has been in contact with the Azov Battalion. As early as 2016, he talked about traveling to Ukraine to join Azov. He joined the US military instead in June of 2017. After joining the military, Smith used Facebook to connect with another American who had traveled to Ukraine in 2017 to 2019 to fight with a group similar to Azov, which appears to be Pravy Sektor. This American reportedly acted as Smith’s mentor.
Using the encrypted messaging app Telegram, Smith discussed with an undercover FBI agent his plans for a car bomb attack against an unnamed major cable news network’s headquarters and distributed bomb-making materials. He also talked about attacks against members of antifa and interested in finding like-minded individuals to help him.
Looking ahead to other articles below, we note that: “. . . . Earlier this month, former FBI agent Ali Soufan, who runs the global security firm the Soufan Center, testified that 17,000 foreigners, including from the U.S. have traveled to Ukraine in recent years to gain paramilitary skills there. They fought alongside far-right groups like Azov and were returning home with those new skills. . . .”
We conclude by noting that House Democrats are lobbying that the Azov Battalion be labeled a Foreign Terrotr Organizaation. This would facilitate attempts to neutralize combatants who had served with Azov upon their return to this country.
Good luck with that!
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
Program Podcasts:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:
Dave's website:
1-2 Arundhati Roy, “Modi’s India”
Program #ROYA022. Recorded in New York, NY on November 15, 2019.
The India of its current prime minister Narender Modi is a far cry from the India of Gandhi and Nehru. Tolerance and secularism are being replaced by Hindutva, a Hindu nationalist ideology which seeks to establish Hindu dominance in a country where there are hundreds of millions of religious minorities. Modi is the head of the Bharatiya Janata Party, the BJP. It is the political arm of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the RSS. One scholar says the RSS “was explicitly influenced by European fascist movements, its leading politicians regularly praised Hitler and Mussolini.” India’s Muslim population of 200 million has been singled out by Modi. Islamophobia has resulted in murders, massacres, and lynchings of Muslims. There have been demonstrations all over India protesting Modi’s policies. Muslim majority Kashmir continues to remain under military rule.
Arundhati Roy is a world-renowned writer and global justice activist. The New York Times calls her, “India’s most impassioned critic of globalization and American influence.” She is the author of the novels ‘The God of Small Things,’ for which she received the Booker Prize, and ‘The Ministry of Utmost Happiness.’ Her book of interviews with David Barsamian is ‘The Checkbook & the Cruise Missile.’ A collection of her essays ‘My Seditious Heart’ is published by Haymarket.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,
2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Originally heard Sundays, 12:30pm
2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Alan Watts, “Veil of Thoughts” Part 5 of 5
“Despite its marvelous achievements in many domains, the thinking process falls short of being able to penetrate its own veil to reach direct knowledge of the Self. This is directly clear to psychotherapists who have long known that merely ‘cerebral investigation’ does not illuminate the ‘Unconscious.’ But our strategies for self-knowledge seem always to get in their own way and somehow we have to creep up on the quarry without making a sound.” (AW)
All info:
1-2 Ram Dass: "Soul Land" (NOTE: Listed but not played last week)
Last month, the Sounds True community was saddened to hear of the passing of Ram Dass, one of the great lights of American spiritual inquiry. Born Richard Alpert, Ram Dass (meaning "servant of God") rose to the forefront of psychedelic exploration and the movement toward Eastern philosophy in the 1960s and '70s. He wrote the all-time classic Be Here Now in addition to many other published works, including Sounds True's 'Walking Each Other Home.' This special edition of 'Insights at the Edge' presents an interview between Tami Simon and Ram Dass from 2012 (after his stroke). During this conversation, Ram Dass and Tami discuss a deeper exploration of the self and the individual soul. They talk about experiencing the guru Maharaj-ji living on through the bodies and teachings of his students. Finally, Ram Dass considers the everyday experience of the atman-what he calls "the mega soul" beyond all others.
(NOTE: Ram Dass had suffered a stroke, had greatly recovered but still spoke haltingly.)
Free Audio and/or Text Download:
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!
Roy rtuckman (at)
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.
Thanks to Buzz, I was able to take a few weeks off on a rare vacation. It's not easy to find anyone to play my show - although it would be easy to find people to play their choices during the midnight to 6am hours. Buzz has been on the 'ready to do' work at the station whatever it is, from washing dishes to field recording programs and being on the National Board and I'm grateful to have had a rest. I think the most valuable reminder I had was a renewed appreciation of the importance of a great night time show on the air and this has renewed my resolve to ... umm, keep creating a great night time show on the radio.
Next fund drive planned for February 4.
(Latest Pacifica in Exile Newsletter not included here due to questions of accuracy by some National Board Members)
January 12 - "Philosophy as Music"
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
Archive #BB0528.35
12-3 Danny Sheehan, "The JFK Assassination" #17
"Theory #9- 7 Days in May- Joint Chiefs of Staff Coup" (Nov. 21, 2013, one day before the 50th anniversary in 2013)
Class lecture given at University of California, Santa Cruz.
Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney. For close to five decades, Danny’s work as a Federal Civil Rights Attorney, Author, Public Speaker and College and Law School Professor has helped expose the structural sources of injustice in our country and around the world.
Daniel has protected the fundamental and inalienable rights of our world’s citizens and has elucidated a compelling and inspiring vision for the future direction of our human family. Dan’s dedication to this vision and his work have placed him at the center of many of the most important legal cases and social movements of our generation.
Since 2006, Daniel Sheehan has served as the lead attorney and general counsel for the Lakota People’s Law Project (LPLP). Much of LPLP’s work has been in South Dakota to stop violations of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and rescue Lakota children from an abusive state care system.
In 2016, LPLP began organizing around the Dakota Access Pipeline. Our Lakota staff were on the ground at Oceti Sakowin camp from its inception in April 2016 to the final days in February, 2017. Daniel represented Chase Iron Eyes who faced felony charges related to the #NoDAPL movement. Although Chase’s case did not go to trial, we are building an online archive to make public the strategy and details of our necessity and treaty defenses. To learn more about the work of Lakota People’s Law Project, visit
Daniel Sheehan’s Memoir Published by Counterpoint Press
'The Peoples Advocate,' the autobiography of American Constitutional Trial Attorney Daniel Sheehan. Sheehan traces his personal journey from his working-class roots through Harvard Law School and his initial career in private practice. His early disenchantment led to his return for further study at Harvard Divinity School, and rethinking the nature of his career. Eventually his role as President and Chief Trial Counselor for the famous Washington, DC-based Christic Institute would help define his role as America’s preeminent cause lawyer.
In 'The Peoples Advocate,' Sheehan details “the inside story” of over a dozen historically significant American legal cases of the 20th Century, all of which he litigated. The remarkable cases covered in the book include both The Pentagon Papers Case in 1971 and The Watergate Burglary Case in 1973. In addition, Sheehan served as the Chief Attorney on The Karen Silkwood Case in 1976, which revealed the CIA’s Israeli Desk had been smuggling 98% bomb-grade plutonium to the State of Israel and to Iran. In 1984, he was the Chief Trial Counsel on The American Sanctuary Movement Case, establishing the right of American church workers to provide assistance to Central American political refugees fleeing Guatemalan and Salvadorian “death squads.” His involvement with the sanctuary movement ultimately led to Sheehan’s famous Iran/Contra Federal Civil Racketeering Case against the Reagan/Bush Administration, which he investigated, initiated, filed, and then litigated. The resulting “Iran/Contra Scandal” nearly brought down that Administration, leading Congress to consider the impeachment of over a dozen of the top-ranking officials of the Reagan/Bush Administration.
'The Peoples Advocate' is the “real story” of these and many other historic American cases, told from the unique point of view of a central lawyer.
Conscious Life Expo: Info & Tickets: (800) 367-5777
Sheehan: Paid Workshop: 'Awakening in the New Paradigm'
Saturday, February 8, 4pm
George Noory Forum, 'What I Believe'
Sat., February 8, 12-2pm (12 participants including Sheehan)
UFO Panel Discussion
Sunday, February 9, 10am-noon (8 participants including Sheehan)
3-3:30 Science Fiction Addendum
3:40- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
Listening to Gary’s Show on the Phone:
To listen to program from the archives anytime, 24/7: 701-719-9976
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific: 774-337-6068
Call in: (862) 800-6805
12-1 Gary Null Progressive Commentary Hour – 'The Back story of the AIDS epidemic, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the new drug Truvada and more medical misinformation'
Charles Ortleb is a journalist, novelist and filmmaker who gained notoriety as the publisher of the gay biweekly New York Native between 1980 and 1996. The Native was the first major publication to take the AIDS epidemic seriously and question the AIDS hypothesis. The publication brought many important individuals such as Peter Duesberg to public attention. New York Native also published John Lauritsen’s investigative reporting on the deadly effects of the AIDS drug AZT and was also the first to cover the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic which has been called an epidemic of “Non-HIV AIDS.” For a decade the biweekly reported on Neenyah Ostrom’s on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome investigations. Much of her reporting focused on HHV-6, the virus that links AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Rolling Stone journalist David Black claimed Chuck’s New York Native deserved a Pulitzer. Chuck has also written several novels and plays including the novel “Iron Peter.” His book on the history of New York Native and its role in the coverage of AIDS is “The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Cover-up.”The book has been on Amazon AIDS bestseller list for almost two years. His newest book which comes out next week is called “Susan Sontag as Metaphor” which is about his complicated relationship with the famous intellectual and how she ignored warnings and betrayed the gay community in her famous book, "AIDS and Its Metaphors.” You can find more information about Chuck and his books and writings at
1-2. Gary Null, Progressive Commentary Hour 'A Glitch in the Matrix'
David Fuller, who worked at the UK’s Channel 4 news for a decade as a producer/director, also recently released "Truth in the Time of Chaos" (, a documentary about my work. 'In A Glitch in the Matrix,' he analyzes and assesses my recent viral interview with Cathy Newman, unpacking the deeper political, psychological and archetypal levels of the clash. Background information can be found in this Medium article:
2-3 The Gary Null Show - 01.07.20, 'Bayer-Monsanto's covert operations to protect its products and silence opposition'
Carey Gillam is an environmental and agricultural journalist and investigative reporter who has been traveling around the nation for years to observe and report on the state of America's food system, farming and meeting with US regulators, lawmakers, scientists and corporate officials. She is the Research Director of US Right to Know, a non profit consumer organization devoted to exposing the truth about industrial agriculture, the threats of pesticides and GMOs and exposing Big Agriculture's corruption. Earlier, Carey was a Reuters journalist for 17 years. She has been invited by the European Parliament to address a council about Monsanto and Roundup when the EU deliberated on whether or not to ban Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide. Carey's important book "Whitewash: The Story of a Weedkiller, Cancer and the Corruption of Science" has recently been released in paperback. The book received the Rachel Carson Environmental Book Award and exposes the role of corporate influence over American agriculture, federal officials and politicians. Her website is
3-4 The Gary Null Show - 01.09.20, 'What Impact has the Assassination of General Suleimani and Recent US Aggression Had on Iranians?'
Medea Benjamin is a cofounder of the anti-war feminist organization Codepink and a co-founder of the international human rights organization Global Exchange. For over 20 years she has been been one of our nation's most high profile leaders and advocates in the movement for humanitarian, civil and social justice. In 2005 she was among other exemplary women nominated to receive a collective Peace Prize for their efforts to promote peace and received the Gandhi Peace Award in 2014. She has been at the forefront of protesting the war efforts of Bush and Obama and now the further escalation of violence under Trump. In the past, Medea has organized humanitarian aid for war refugees in Lebanon and in 2011 she sailed on the US peace flotilla to Gaza and led delegations to deliver medical supplies during Israel’s Pillar of Defense campaign. Medea is the author of almost 10 books, the most recent being "Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran" which is a superb primer for modern Iran's history, its government structure, life in Iran and human rights, and more recent conflicts between Iran and other nations, notably the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Her website is
4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1097 - Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 7 (Azov on Our Mind, Part 3)"
This program continues analysis of the Azov milieu’s networking with fascist indidviduals and organizations at an individual level, at an organizational level and online.
Embracing “lone wolf” fascists around the world, as well as networking with fascist organizations and combatants who have joined the war in Ukraine’s Eastern provinces, Azov is recapitulating the “Intermarium” concept, minted by Polish head of state Josef Pilsudski in the period between the World Wars. Working with Croatians aligned with the “Neo-Ustachi’ milieu we have covered in many past programs, Azov is seeking to develop a nascent Eastern and Central European alliance of fascist and reactionary elements.
Of particular interest is the significance of the Ukrainian and Croatian fascist alliance, which will be explored at greater length in future programs.
Other programs highlighting the return of the Ustachi to power in the “new” Croatia include: FTR #‘s 49, 154, 766, 901.
Next, we note that The FBI arrested a US Army soldier for planning domestic terror attacks. Jarrett William Smith–charged with one count of distributing information related to explosives and weapons of mass destruction.
Smith has been in contact with the Azov Battalion. As early as 2016, he talked about traveling to Ukraine to join Azov. He joined the US military instead in June of 2017. After joining the military, Smith used Facebook to connect with another American who had traveled to Ukraine in 2017 to 2019 to fight with a group similar to Azov, which appears to be Pravy Sektor. This American reportedly acted as Smith’s mentor.
Using the encrypted messaging app Telegram, Smith discussed with an undercover FBI agent his plans for a car bomb attack against an unnamed major cable news network’s headquarters and distributed bomb-making materials. He also talked about attacks against members of antifa and interested in finding like-minded individuals to help him.
Looking ahead to other articles below, we note that: “. . . . Earlier this month, former FBI agent Ali Soufan, who runs the global security firm the Soufan Center, testified that 17,000 foreigners, including from the U.S. have traveled to Ukraine in recent years to gain paramilitary skills there. They fought alongside far-right groups like Azov and were returning home with those new skills. . . .”
We conclude by noting that House Democrats are lobbying that the Azov Battalion be labeled a Foreign Terrotr Organizaation. This would facilitate attempts to neutralize combatants who had served with Azov upon their return to this country.
Good luck with that!
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
Program Podcasts:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:
Dave's website:
1-2 Arundhati Roy, “Modi’s India”
Program #ROYA022. Recorded in New York, NY on November 15, 2019.
The India of its current prime minister Narender Modi is a far cry from the India of Gandhi and Nehru. Tolerance and secularism are being replaced by Hindutva, a Hindu nationalist ideology which seeks to establish Hindu dominance in a country where there are hundreds of millions of religious minorities. Modi is the head of the Bharatiya Janata Party, the BJP. It is the political arm of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the RSS. One scholar says the RSS “was explicitly influenced by European fascist movements, its leading politicians regularly praised Hitler and Mussolini.” India’s Muslim population of 200 million has been singled out by Modi. Islamophobia has resulted in murders, massacres, and lynchings of Muslims. There have been demonstrations all over India protesting Modi’s policies. Muslim majority Kashmir continues to remain under military rule.
Arundhati Roy is a world-renowned writer and global justice activist. The New York Times calls her, “India’s most impassioned critic of globalization and American influence.” She is the author of the novels ‘The God of Small Things,’ for which she received the Booker Prize, and ‘The Ministry of Utmost Happiness.’ Her book of interviews with David Barsamian is ‘The Checkbook & the Cruise Missile.’ A collection of her essays ‘My Seditious Heart’ is published by Haymarket.
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,
2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Originally heard Sundays, 12:30pm
2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Alan Watts, “Veil of Thoughts” Part 5 of 5
“Despite its marvelous achievements in many domains, the thinking process falls short of being able to penetrate its own veil to reach direct knowledge of the Self. This is directly clear to psychotherapists who have long known that merely ‘cerebral investigation’ does not illuminate the ‘Unconscious.’ But our strategies for self-knowledge seem always to get in their own way and somehow we have to creep up on the quarry without making a sound.” (AW)
All info:
1-2 Ram Dass: "Soul Land" (NOTE: Listed but not played last week)
Last month, the Sounds True community was saddened to hear of the passing of Ram Dass, one of the great lights of American spiritual inquiry. Born Richard Alpert, Ram Dass (meaning "servant of God") rose to the forefront of psychedelic exploration and the movement toward Eastern philosophy in the 1960s and '70s. He wrote the all-time classic Be Here Now in addition to many other published works, including Sounds True's 'Walking Each Other Home.' This special edition of 'Insights at the Edge' presents an interview between Tami Simon and Ram Dass from 2012 (after his stroke). During this conversation, Ram Dass and Tami discuss a deeper exploration of the self and the individual soul. They talk about experiencing the guru Maharaj-ji living on through the bodies and teachings of his students. Finally, Ram Dass considers the everyday experience of the atman-what he calls "the mega soul" beyond all others.
(NOTE: Ram Dass had suffered a stroke, had greatly recovered but still spoke haltingly.)
Free Audio and/or Text Download:
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!
Roy rtuckman (at)
Saturday, January 4, 2020
January 6-9
January 6-9, 2020
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.
Santa Came Through - December Goal Made!!
Here are the preliminary numbers from December
$43,747 (382 donations) from online donations - no premium/ thank you gift
$6,945 from phone donation
$237,246 from the fund drive
$682 from Text-to-pledge
$14,777 in Car donations
Next Fund Drive Projected: February 4
(We need to bring in $3 million this year for operations & Pacifica debt. payments)
ALSO: I shall be taking another week off, thanks to Buzz who will be held prisoner in Master Control until Friday morning to engineer, announce, and help produce.
January 5, "Art, Philosophy, and Self-Improvement"
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
Archives #BB0528.34
12-3 Bobb Lynes & Barbara Sunday, 'Don't Touch That Dial!'
They will play "Alice Faye, Phil Harris,' 'Mr. Keen: Tracer of Lost Persons,' 'Suspense,' and 'Screen Director's Playhouse.'
Email Bobb: Email Barbara:
SPERDVAC old radio club: , 877 251-5771
SPERDVAC is a non-profit educational public benefit corporation with six goals:
To provide the finest collection of quality radio programs that members may listen to and duplicate for their own collections.
To seek out and honor the people who made radio's "Golden Age" possible.
To promote and encourage drama, variety and comedy programs-old and new-on radio today.
To collect and maintain for members and other interested people, a library of radio history and to use this material in the publication of a "newsletter" or special brochures in preparation of an accurate and complete account of radio history from its earliest days to the present.
To contribute to the support of non-commercial radio stations interested in and aiding the goals of the society, including broadcasting "old-time" radio programs.
To alert members to trends in drama, variety and comedy broadcasting; and to publish special radio program listings and news releases to inform members and the general public.
To join or to renew your membership, go to: (877) 251-5771
3-4 Lux Radio Theater
Continuing our broadcast of all existent Lux programs from 1936 to 1955 in order of broadcast times.
"Madame Sans-Gene" (12-14-36) with Jean Harlow, Robert Taylor, and Claude Rains.
Jean Harlow plays an ex-washerwoman among the high society of Napoleonic France.
4- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
Listening to Gary's Show on the Phone:
To listen to program from the archives anytime, 24/7: 701-719-9976
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific: 774-337-6068
Call in: (862) 800-6805
12-1 Gary Null, "Progressive Commentary Hour 12.17.19
'America's Plague of Gardasil Injuries'
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, December 17, 2019
The history of the Gardasil vaccine illustrates the lack of oversight on the part of our health authorities when it comes to reviewing the pharmaceutical industry's testing of vaccines for efficacy and safety. Before receiving FDA approval, the HPV vaccine Gardasil was tested on fewer than 1,200 girls. Subsequent trials included many more participants. However, in the early trials only 27% of the enrolled girls were actually administered the complete three-vaccine series. Another remarkable misstep in the trials was that no girls under age 15 participated, despite the fact that the vast majority girls given the vaccine today are under that age. Nevertheless, the vaccine was fast tracked by the FDA in 2006. Rushing this vaccine through the regulatory hurdles is an example of gross negligence. Seventeen girls died before and after the trial; nevertheless without any compelling evidence the CDC states none of these deaths were due to the vaccine.
In 2014, approximately 60% of all American girls and 42% of American boys aged 13-17 received at least one HPV shot. Merck's shameful methodology during Garadsil's pre- and post-licensure trials was reviewed in a 2012 analysis by scientists at the University of British Columbia and published in the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design. The research team didn't mince words in their assessment of the flawed trials:
"We carried out a systematic review of HPV vaccine pre- and post-licensure trials to assess the evidence of their effectiveness and safety. We found that HPV vaccine clinical trials design, and data interpretation of both efficacy and safety outcomes, were largely inadequate. Additionally, we note evidence of selective reporting of results from clinical trials (i.e., exclusion of vaccine efficacy figures related to study subgroups in which efficacy might be lower or even negative from peer-reviewed publications). Given this, the widespread optimism regarding HPV vaccine's long-term benefits appears to rest on a number of unproven assumptions (or such which are at odds with factual evidence) and significant misinterpretation of available data."
Early doubts about the FDA's approval of Gardasil came from an unlikely source, Dr. Diane Harper, a consultant for Merck and a chief scientist overseeing the clinical trials to evaluate Gardasil's safety and efficacy. After receiving FDA approval, Dr. Harper publicly questioned Gardasil's efficacy and public health value compared to the successes in preventing HPV infections from conventional PAP smears. Among her concerns was that no data showed that Gardasil remains effective after 5 years. A truly effective HPV vaccine, on the other hand, would need to be efficacious for 15 years in order to prevent cervical cancer. And that too is misleading. The median age for early diagnosis for cervical cancer is age 50 and cervical cancer's median age for death is 58. And cervical cancer only represents less than 3 percent of all cancers and representing approximately one one hundredth of the US population. Yet, the CDC is targeting children who have negligible risk cervical cancer. And now the vaccine is being administered to boys with zero risk of dying. After factoring for the profit boon Merck receives from Gardasil, $2.3 billion annually, we believe the motive for the government forcing a vaccine that will have little efficacy in reducing of cervical cancer rates has little to do with protecting public health.
In addition, Dr. Harper estimated that every American 11 year old girl would have to be vaccinated for the next 60 years in order to have any measurable effect on rates of cervical cancer. Gardasil's efficacy in protecting against HPV infection has also been criticized due to the fact that it originally only targeted four of the more than one hundred HPV strains in circulation. In 2014, the FDA approved Gardasil-9, which supposedly protects against nine strains. Scientists from the University of Texas presented research at the 2015 meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research revealing that vaccinated women were at a significantly higher risk to become infected with HPV strains not contained in the vaccine when compared to unvaccinated women. Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) demonstrated the ineffective nature of Gardasil in women with existing HPV infections. The authors concluded that Gardasil offers no benefit to women recovering from HPV during a 12-month period. The research team stated that they "see no reason to believe that there is therapeutic benefit of the vaccine elsewhere because the biological effect of vaccination among already infected women is not expected to vary by population." In fact, a paper out of the University of California at Berkeley and appearing in the October 2013 issue of Molecular Cytogenetics came to public attention last year to suggest that cervical cancer may not be caused by the human papilloma virus. If the theory is correct then the HPV vaccines do not prevent cervical cancer and are utterly useless. ...
Given the high rate of recovery for people with HPV infections, the widespread use of the vaccine is highly suspect. Even the National Cancer Institute has stated that "[m]ost high-risk HPV infections occur without any symptoms, go away within 1 to 2 years, and do not cause cancer." In fact, 90% of all cases of HPV disappear within 2 years. Cervical cancer is highly curable when detected early. The regular use of pap smears have helped decrease the incidence of cervical cancer in the United States by over 50% since the 1970s. Examining health data from Finland and the UK , Dr. Harper and her colleagues concluded that HPV vaccinations give a false sense of security to many young women and girls who in turn opt out of regular pap smear tests. According to Dr. Harper, this trend has resulted in exponential increases in recent HPV rates.
Even more alarming, Gardasil has gained notoriety as one of the most dangerous vaccines for its serious life-threatening adverse effects. The National Vaccine Information Center, a watch-dog organization investigating vaccine injury trends and federal policies, reported that ...
"After the original Gardasil vaccine was licensed for 11-12 year old girls and young women, thousands of adverse reaction reports were filed for: sudden collapse with unconsciousness within 24 hours, seizures, muscle pain and weakness, disabling fatigue, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), facial paralysis brain inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, blood clots, premature ovarian failure, optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis, strokes, heart and other serious health problems, including death.23 Similar reports have been filed for the Gardasil-9 vaccine..."
Furthermore, the push to mandate the HPV vaccine ignores the statistics in other nations that clearly show an increase in cervical cancer since the introduction of the vaccine. The vaccine was introduced in Australia and the UK in 2006 and 2008 respectively; in both nations, cancer rates have increased substantially. Back in 2006, the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee warned that the vaccine might increase the risk of cervical lesions and cancer. That warning has come true; a VARBPAC report estimates a 44 percent greater likelihood of cervical lesions among Gardasil recipients.
Today as more states are removing religious-based vaccine exemptions and mandating compliance to the CDC's vaccine schedule for all school children, including those attending private schools, we should be deeply worried that efforts to include Gardasil in the mandated schedule will get passed in state legislative bodies. As we have seen this is one of the mostly poorly studied vaccines now being administered to tens of millions of boys and girls, adolescents and young women across the nation. It is one of the most dangerous and scientifically unsound experiments ever launched upon the American public en masse. Fortunately, efforts by groups such as Robert Kennedy's Children's Health Defense are proceeding to drag Merck into the courtroom for medical research misconduct in order to get its HPV vaccine fast tracked. Given Gardasil's enormous health risks to children, it is incumbent for parents and individuals to educate themselves about the heinous deceptions behind this vaccine and support efforts to have it removed from the market.
1-2 The Gary Null Show - 12.17.19
The power and role of imagination necessary to survive in the future we are headed towards
Rob Hopkins is an environmental and social activist in the UK and the co-founder of the Transition movement started in 2005, a grassroots community project that is now international with the aim to increase community and local self-sufficiency to reduce the potential effects of climate change catastrophes, peak oil and economic instability. For the past 15 years Rob has focused his energies on finding create ways to address global challenges. There are now 167 transition cities and towns in the US, the latest being Kingston NY. Rob holds a degree in environmental resource management and a doctorate from Plymouth University. He has received many awards for his activism, a couple honorary doctorates and has been recognized as one of the UK top radical visionaries and environmentalists. He is the author of several books, including the 'Transition Handbook' and the 'Transition Companion.' Rob's latest is "From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want." His websites are and
2-3 The Gary Null Show - 12.26.19
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Intermittent fasting: live 'fast,' live longer? Researchers look at the impact of medical foods in Alzheimer's patients, Antioxidant supplementation associated with tinnitus symptom improvement, Study: A Diet High In Animal Protein Associated With A 75 Percent Increased Risk Of Early Death, 'Shopping addiction' can cause harm, and it's moved online, Intake of vitamin D and calcium, sun exposure, and risk of breast cancer, Supplement Recently Discovered To Help PTSD Better Than SSRIs
3-4 The Gary Null Show - 'End of Year Trends Review - A Look at 2020 '- 01.02.20
Gerald Celente is one of today's pioneers in trend strategy and identifying the developments of change occurring in our world. He founded the Trends Research Institute in Kingston NY and is the publisher of the Trends Journal that has been in publication since 1980. Gerald has since become one of the nation's most sought after diagnosticians and forecasters. He is also the host of the weekly show "Trends This Week," heard every Wednesday at 8 am Pacific Time on the Progressive Radio Network. More information can be found on the Institute's website
4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1096 Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 6 (Azov on Our Mind, Part 2) "
We have covered the origin, activities and expansion of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion in numerous programs. Part of the Ukrainain armed forces, this Nazi unit:
1.-Has spawned a civil militia which achieved police powers in many Ukrainian cities. ". . . . But Ukraine observers and rights groups are sounding the alarm, because this was not a typical commencement, and the men are not police officers. They are far-right ultranationalists from the Azov movement, a controversial group with a military wing that has openly accepted self-avowed neo-Nazis, and a civil and political faction that has demonstrated intolerance toward minority groups. . . ."
2.-Has as its spokesman Roman Zvarych. In the 1980's, Zvarych was the personal secretary to Jaroslav Stetzko, the wartime head of the Nazi collaborationist government in Ukraine. Stetzko implemented Nazi ethnic cleansing in Ukraine during World War II.
3.-Wields influence with in the Ministry of the Interior through Vadim Troyan, the former deputy commander of Azov who is now deputy minister of the interior. " . . . . The deputy minister of the Interior-which controls the National Police-is Vadim Troyan, a veteran of Azov and Patriot of Ukraine. . . . Today, he's deputy of the department running US-trained law enforcement in the entire nation. Earlier this month, RFE reported on National Police leadership admiring Stepan Bandera-a Nazi collaborator and Fascist whose troops participated in the Holocaust-on social media. The fact that Ukraine's police is peppered with far-right supporters explains why neo-Nazis operate with impunity on the streets. . . ."
4.-Gets arms and training from the U.S., despite official restrictions on such activity. " . . . . The research group Bellingcat proved that Azov had already received access to American grenade launchers, while a Daily Beast investigation showed that US trainers are unable to prevent aid from reaching white supremacists. And Azov itself had proudly posted a video of the unit welcoming NATO representatives. . . ."
5.-Is fulfilling their strategy of networking with Nazi and fascist elements abroad, including the U.S. " . . .
6.-Is networking with members of a group called RAM, some of whom were arrested by the FBI upon their return from Europe. violence.
7.-Is utilizing Ukraine's visa-free status with the EU to network with other European fascist groups. " . . . . 'Their English has gotten better,' Hrytsenko said, referring to Azov members behind the group's Western outreach. . . .
8.-Is looking to connect with more "respectable" European right-wing groups than they have in the past, this as a possible vehicle for Ukraine's entry into the EU. " . . . . 9.-Was awarded the job of election monitoring by the Ukrainian government in their recent elections. " . . . . They are the ultranationalist National Militia, street vigilantes with roots in the battle-tested Azov Battalion that emerged to defend Ukraine against Russia-backed separatists but was also accused of possible war crimes and neo-Nazi sympathies. Yet despite the controversy surrounding it, the National Militia was granted permission by the Central Election Commission to officially monitor Ukraine's presidential election on March 31. . . ."
In this program, we note the operations and positioning of the Azov milieu both in Ukraine and globally...
Concluding the broadcast, we "dolly [the camera] out" and begin an in-depth examination of the Azov international milieu. Embracing "lone wolf" fascists around the world, as well as networking with fascist organizations and combatants who have joined the war in Ukraine's Eastern provinces, Azov is recapitulating the "Intermarium" concept, minted by Polish head of state Josef Pilsudski in the period between the World Wars. Working with Croatians aligned with the "Neo-Ustachi' milieu we have covered in many past programs, Azov is seeking to develop a nascent Eastern and Central European alliance of fascist and reactionary elements.
Of particular interest is the significance of the Ukrainian and Croatian fascist alliance, which will be explored at greater length in future programs.
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
Program Podcasts:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:
Dave's website:
1-2:15 Norman Solomon "Corporate Power vs. Progressive Populism"
A conversation with Norman Solomon
Moderator: David Dayen
Recorded November 17th, Los Angeles
Norman Solomon: A famed activist, journalist and author of a dozen
books including 'War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning
Us to Death,' he's co-founder and national coordinator of, now with 1.2 million active supporters online in the
United States.
Does democracy always have to capitulate to corporate bullying? Old
maxim strictly tells us we must stand up to bullies, for when we give in
to bullying it doesn't stop the bullying. The relentless push for
privatization is actually code word for wanton corporate outsourcing, a
depleted tax base, financial collapse and the inevitable struggle to
survive. Norman, a stalwart of true progressivism never bends like a
sapling to the politically driven corporate windbags, to survive the
seduction to corporate mind games, we must listen to Norman's clarion
call warning of the dangers to democracy of unchallenged corporate
Norman was elected as a Bernie Sanders delegate to the 2016 Democratic
National Convention, where he was the coordinator of the independent
Bernie Delegates Network. His current work for RootsAction includes the
Biden Fact Squad project.
Moderator David Dayen is the executive editor of 'The American Prospect. '
His work has appeared in The Intercept, The New Republic, HuffPost, The
Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and more. His first book, 'Chain
of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great
Foreclosure Fraud,' winner of the Studs and Ida Terkel Prize, was
released by The New Press in 2016
Mansoor Sabbagh, director of
Global Voices for Justice, Est. 2003
A non-profit media organization
Long Beach, California
Email: mansoor [at] gvfj [dot] org
Phone: 3 one 0. 2 eight three. 0 8 eight 5
2:15-2:45 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Initially heard on KPFK Sundays, 12:30pm
2:45-3:45 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
3:45-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Alan Watts, "Veil of Thoughts" Part 4 of 5
"Despite its marvelous achievements in many domains, the thinking process falls short of being able to penetrate its own veil to reach direct knowledge of the Self. This is directly clear to psychotherapists who have long known that merely 'cerebral investigation' does not illuminate the 'Unconscious.' But our strategies for self-knowledge seem always to get in their own way and somehow we have to creep up on the quarry without making a sound." (AW)
All info:
1-2 Ram Dass: "Soul Land"
Last month, the Sounds True community was saddened to hear of the passing of Ram Dass, one of the great lights of American spiritual inquiry. Born Richard Alpert, Ram Dass (meaning "servant of God") rose to the forefront of psychedelic exploration and the movement toward Eastern philosophy in the 1960s and '70s. He wrote the all-time classic Be Here Now in addition to many other published works, including Sounds True's 'Walking Each Other Home.' This special edition of 'Insights at the Edge' presents an interview between Tami Simon and Ram Dass from 2012 (after his stroke). During this conversation, Ram Dass and Tami discuss a deeper exploration of the self and the individual soul. They talk about experiencing the guru Maharaj-ji living on through the bodies and teachings of his students. Finally, Ram Dass considers the everyday experience of the atman-what he calls "the mega soul" beyond all others.
(NOTE: Ram Dass had suffered a stroke, had greatly recovered but still spoke haltingly.)
Free Audio and/or Text Download:
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!
Roy rtuckman (at)
Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,
North Hollywood, CA 91604
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.
Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.
Santa Came Through - December Goal Made!!
Here are the preliminary numbers from December
$43,747 (382 donations) from online donations - no premium/ thank you gift
$6,945 from phone donation
$237,246 from the fund drive
$682 from Text-to-pledge
$14,777 in Car donations
Next Fund Drive Projected: February 4
(We need to bring in $3 million this year for operations & Pacifica debt. payments)
ALSO: I shall be taking another week off, thanks to Buzz who will be held prisoner in Master Control until Friday morning to engineer, announce, and help produce.
January 5, "Art, Philosophy, and Self-Improvement"
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,
Archives #BB0528.34
12-3 Bobb Lynes & Barbara Sunday, 'Don't Touch That Dial!'
They will play "Alice Faye, Phil Harris,' 'Mr. Keen: Tracer of Lost Persons,' 'Suspense,' and 'Screen Director's Playhouse.'
Email Bobb: Email Barbara:
SPERDVAC old radio club: , 877 251-5771
SPERDVAC is a non-profit educational public benefit corporation with six goals:
To provide the finest collection of quality radio programs that members may listen to and duplicate for their own collections.
To seek out and honor the people who made radio's "Golden Age" possible.
To promote and encourage drama, variety and comedy programs-old and new-on radio today.
To collect and maintain for members and other interested people, a library of radio history and to use this material in the publication of a "newsletter" or special brochures in preparation of an accurate and complete account of radio history from its earliest days to the present.
To contribute to the support of non-commercial radio stations interested in and aiding the goals of the society, including broadcasting "old-time" radio programs.
To alert members to trends in drama, variety and comedy broadcasting; and to publish special radio program listings and news releases to inform members and the general public.
To join or to renew your membership, go to: (877) 251-5771
3-4 Lux Radio Theater
Continuing our broadcast of all existent Lux programs from 1936 to 1955 in order of broadcast times.
"Madame Sans-Gene" (12-14-36) with Jean Harlow, Robert Taylor, and Claude Rains.
Jean Harlow plays an ex-washerwoman among the high society of Napoleonic France.
4- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
Listening to Gary's Show on the Phone:
To listen to program from the archives anytime, 24/7: 701-719-9976
To listen live, Mon-Fri 9am Pacific Time and Tues 4-5pm Pacific: 774-337-6068
Call in: (862) 800-6805
12-1 Gary Null, "Progressive Commentary Hour 12.17.19
'America's Plague of Gardasil Injuries'
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, December 17, 2019
The history of the Gardasil vaccine illustrates the lack of oversight on the part of our health authorities when it comes to reviewing the pharmaceutical industry's testing of vaccines for efficacy and safety. Before receiving FDA approval, the HPV vaccine Gardasil was tested on fewer than 1,200 girls. Subsequent trials included many more participants. However, in the early trials only 27% of the enrolled girls were actually administered the complete three-vaccine series. Another remarkable misstep in the trials was that no girls under age 15 participated, despite the fact that the vast majority girls given the vaccine today are under that age. Nevertheless, the vaccine was fast tracked by the FDA in 2006. Rushing this vaccine through the regulatory hurdles is an example of gross negligence. Seventeen girls died before and after the trial; nevertheless without any compelling evidence the CDC states none of these deaths were due to the vaccine.
In 2014, approximately 60% of all American girls and 42% of American boys aged 13-17 received at least one HPV shot. Merck's shameful methodology during Garadsil's pre- and post-licensure trials was reviewed in a 2012 analysis by scientists at the University of British Columbia and published in the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design. The research team didn't mince words in their assessment of the flawed trials:
"We carried out a systematic review of HPV vaccine pre- and post-licensure trials to assess the evidence of their effectiveness and safety. We found that HPV vaccine clinical trials design, and data interpretation of both efficacy and safety outcomes, were largely inadequate. Additionally, we note evidence of selective reporting of results from clinical trials (i.e., exclusion of vaccine efficacy figures related to study subgroups in which efficacy might be lower or even negative from peer-reviewed publications). Given this, the widespread optimism regarding HPV vaccine's long-term benefits appears to rest on a number of unproven assumptions (or such which are at odds with factual evidence) and significant misinterpretation of available data."
Early doubts about the FDA's approval of Gardasil came from an unlikely source, Dr. Diane Harper, a consultant for Merck and a chief scientist overseeing the clinical trials to evaluate Gardasil's safety and efficacy. After receiving FDA approval, Dr. Harper publicly questioned Gardasil's efficacy and public health value compared to the successes in preventing HPV infections from conventional PAP smears. Among her concerns was that no data showed that Gardasil remains effective after 5 years. A truly effective HPV vaccine, on the other hand, would need to be efficacious for 15 years in order to prevent cervical cancer. And that too is misleading. The median age for early diagnosis for cervical cancer is age 50 and cervical cancer's median age for death is 58. And cervical cancer only represents less than 3 percent of all cancers and representing approximately one one hundredth of the US population. Yet, the CDC is targeting children who have negligible risk cervical cancer. And now the vaccine is being administered to boys with zero risk of dying. After factoring for the profit boon Merck receives from Gardasil, $2.3 billion annually, we believe the motive for the government forcing a vaccine that will have little efficacy in reducing of cervical cancer rates has little to do with protecting public health.
In addition, Dr. Harper estimated that every American 11 year old girl would have to be vaccinated for the next 60 years in order to have any measurable effect on rates of cervical cancer. Gardasil's efficacy in protecting against HPV infection has also been criticized due to the fact that it originally only targeted four of the more than one hundred HPV strains in circulation. In 2014, the FDA approved Gardasil-9, which supposedly protects against nine strains. Scientists from the University of Texas presented research at the 2015 meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research revealing that vaccinated women were at a significantly higher risk to become infected with HPV strains not contained in the vaccine when compared to unvaccinated women. Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) demonstrated the ineffective nature of Gardasil in women with existing HPV infections. The authors concluded that Gardasil offers no benefit to women recovering from HPV during a 12-month period. The research team stated that they "see no reason to believe that there is therapeutic benefit of the vaccine elsewhere because the biological effect of vaccination among already infected women is not expected to vary by population." In fact, a paper out of the University of California at Berkeley and appearing in the October 2013 issue of Molecular Cytogenetics came to public attention last year to suggest that cervical cancer may not be caused by the human papilloma virus. If the theory is correct then the HPV vaccines do not prevent cervical cancer and are utterly useless. ...
Given the high rate of recovery for people with HPV infections, the widespread use of the vaccine is highly suspect. Even the National Cancer Institute has stated that "[m]ost high-risk HPV infections occur without any symptoms, go away within 1 to 2 years, and do not cause cancer." In fact, 90% of all cases of HPV disappear within 2 years. Cervical cancer is highly curable when detected early. The regular use of pap smears have helped decrease the incidence of cervical cancer in the United States by over 50% since the 1970s. Examining health data from Finland and the UK , Dr. Harper and her colleagues concluded that HPV vaccinations give a false sense of security to many young women and girls who in turn opt out of regular pap smear tests. According to Dr. Harper, this trend has resulted in exponential increases in recent HPV rates.
Even more alarming, Gardasil has gained notoriety as one of the most dangerous vaccines for its serious life-threatening adverse effects. The National Vaccine Information Center, a watch-dog organization investigating vaccine injury trends and federal policies, reported that ...
"After the original Gardasil vaccine was licensed for 11-12 year old girls and young women, thousands of adverse reaction reports were filed for: sudden collapse with unconsciousness within 24 hours, seizures, muscle pain and weakness, disabling fatigue, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), facial paralysis brain inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, blood clots, premature ovarian failure, optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis, strokes, heart and other serious health problems, including death.23 Similar reports have been filed for the Gardasil-9 vaccine..."
Furthermore, the push to mandate the HPV vaccine ignores the statistics in other nations that clearly show an increase in cervical cancer since the introduction of the vaccine. The vaccine was introduced in Australia and the UK in 2006 and 2008 respectively; in both nations, cancer rates have increased substantially. Back in 2006, the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee warned that the vaccine might increase the risk of cervical lesions and cancer. That warning has come true; a VARBPAC report estimates a 44 percent greater likelihood of cervical lesions among Gardasil recipients.
Today as more states are removing religious-based vaccine exemptions and mandating compliance to the CDC's vaccine schedule for all school children, including those attending private schools, we should be deeply worried that efforts to include Gardasil in the mandated schedule will get passed in state legislative bodies. As we have seen this is one of the mostly poorly studied vaccines now being administered to tens of millions of boys and girls, adolescents and young women across the nation. It is one of the most dangerous and scientifically unsound experiments ever launched upon the American public en masse. Fortunately, efforts by groups such as Robert Kennedy's Children's Health Defense are proceeding to drag Merck into the courtroom for medical research misconduct in order to get its HPV vaccine fast tracked. Given Gardasil's enormous health risks to children, it is incumbent for parents and individuals to educate themselves about the heinous deceptions behind this vaccine and support efforts to have it removed from the market.
1-2 The Gary Null Show - 12.17.19
The power and role of imagination necessary to survive in the future we are headed towards
Rob Hopkins is an environmental and social activist in the UK and the co-founder of the Transition movement started in 2005, a grassroots community project that is now international with the aim to increase community and local self-sufficiency to reduce the potential effects of climate change catastrophes, peak oil and economic instability. For the past 15 years Rob has focused his energies on finding create ways to address global challenges. There are now 167 transition cities and towns in the US, the latest being Kingston NY. Rob holds a degree in environmental resource management and a doctorate from Plymouth University. He has received many awards for his activism, a couple honorary doctorates and has been recognized as one of the UK top radical visionaries and environmentalists. He is the author of several books, including the 'Transition Handbook' and the 'Transition Companion.' Rob's latest is "From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want." His websites are and
2-3 The Gary Null Show - 12.26.19
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Intermittent fasting: live 'fast,' live longer? Researchers look at the impact of medical foods in Alzheimer's patients, Antioxidant supplementation associated with tinnitus symptom improvement, Study: A Diet High In Animal Protein Associated With A 75 Percent Increased Risk Of Early Death, 'Shopping addiction' can cause harm, and it's moved online, Intake of vitamin D and calcium, sun exposure, and risk of breast cancer, Supplement Recently Discovered To Help PTSD Better Than SSRIs
3-4 The Gary Null Show - 'End of Year Trends Review - A Look at 2020 '- 01.02.20
Gerald Celente is one of today's pioneers in trend strategy and identifying the developments of change occurring in our world. He founded the Trends Research Institute in Kingston NY and is the publisher of the Trends Journal that has been in publication since 1980. Gerald has since become one of the nation's most sought after diagnosticians and forecasters. He is also the host of the weekly show "Trends This Week," heard every Wednesday at 8 am Pacific Time on the Progressive Radio Network. More information can be found on the Institute's website
4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1096 Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 6 (Azov on Our Mind, Part 2) "
We have covered the origin, activities and expansion of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion in numerous programs. Part of the Ukrainain armed forces, this Nazi unit:
1.-Has spawned a civil militia which achieved police powers in many Ukrainian cities. ". . . . But Ukraine observers and rights groups are sounding the alarm, because this was not a typical commencement, and the men are not police officers. They are far-right ultranationalists from the Azov movement, a controversial group with a military wing that has openly accepted self-avowed neo-Nazis, and a civil and political faction that has demonstrated intolerance toward minority groups. . . ."
2.-Has as its spokesman Roman Zvarych. In the 1980's, Zvarych was the personal secretary to Jaroslav Stetzko, the wartime head of the Nazi collaborationist government in Ukraine. Stetzko implemented Nazi ethnic cleansing in Ukraine during World War II.
3.-Wields influence with in the Ministry of the Interior through Vadim Troyan, the former deputy commander of Azov who is now deputy minister of the interior. " . . . . The deputy minister of the Interior-which controls the National Police-is Vadim Troyan, a veteran of Azov and Patriot of Ukraine. . . . Today, he's deputy of the department running US-trained law enforcement in the entire nation. Earlier this month, RFE reported on National Police leadership admiring Stepan Bandera-a Nazi collaborator and Fascist whose troops participated in the Holocaust-on social media. The fact that Ukraine's police is peppered with far-right supporters explains why neo-Nazis operate with impunity on the streets. . . ."
4.-Gets arms and training from the U.S., despite official restrictions on such activity. " . . . . The research group Bellingcat proved that Azov had already received access to American grenade launchers, while a Daily Beast investigation showed that US trainers are unable to prevent aid from reaching white supremacists. And Azov itself had proudly posted a video of the unit welcoming NATO representatives. . . ."
5.-Is fulfilling their strategy of networking with Nazi and fascist elements abroad, including the U.S. " . . .
6.-Is networking with members of a group called RAM, some of whom were arrested by the FBI upon their return from Europe. violence.
7.-Is utilizing Ukraine's visa-free status with the EU to network with other European fascist groups. " . . . . 'Their English has gotten better,' Hrytsenko said, referring to Azov members behind the group's Western outreach. . . .
8.-Is looking to connect with more "respectable" European right-wing groups than they have in the past, this as a possible vehicle for Ukraine's entry into the EU. " . . . . 9.-Was awarded the job of election monitoring by the Ukrainian government in their recent elections. " . . . . They are the ultranationalist National Militia, street vigilantes with roots in the battle-tested Azov Battalion that emerged to defend Ukraine against Russia-backed separatists but was also accused of possible war crimes and neo-Nazi sympathies. Yet despite the controversy surrounding it, the National Militia was granted permission by the Central Election Commission to officially monitor Ukraine's presidential election on March 31. . . ."
In this program, we note the operations and positioning of the Azov milieu both in Ukraine and globally...
Concluding the broadcast, we "dolly [the camera] out" and begin an in-depth examination of the Azov international milieu. Embracing "lone wolf" fascists around the world, as well as networking with fascist organizations and combatants who have joined the war in Ukraine's Eastern provinces, Azov is recapitulating the "Intermarium" concept, minted by Polish head of state Josef Pilsudski in the period between the World Wars. Working with Croatians aligned with the "Neo-Ustachi' milieu we have covered in many past programs, Azov is seeking to develop a nascent Eastern and Central European alliance of fascist and reactionary elements.
Of particular interest is the significance of the Ukrainian and Croatian fascist alliance, which will be explored at greater length in future programs.
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
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You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:
Dave's website:
1-2:15 Norman Solomon "Corporate Power vs. Progressive Populism"
A conversation with Norman Solomon
Moderator: David Dayen
Recorded November 17th, Los Angeles
Norman Solomon: A famed activist, journalist and author of a dozen
books including 'War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning
Us to Death,' he's co-founder and national coordinator of, now with 1.2 million active supporters online in the
United States.
Does democracy always have to capitulate to corporate bullying? Old
maxim strictly tells us we must stand up to bullies, for when we give in
to bullying it doesn't stop the bullying. The relentless push for
privatization is actually code word for wanton corporate outsourcing, a
depleted tax base, financial collapse and the inevitable struggle to
survive. Norman, a stalwart of true progressivism never bends like a
sapling to the politically driven corporate windbags, to survive the
seduction to corporate mind games, we must listen to Norman's clarion
call warning of the dangers to democracy of unchallenged corporate
Norman was elected as a Bernie Sanders delegate to the 2016 Democratic
National Convention, where he was the coordinator of the independent
Bernie Delegates Network. His current work for RootsAction includes the
Biden Fact Squad project.
Moderator David Dayen is the executive editor of 'The American Prospect. '
His work has appeared in The Intercept, The New Republic, HuffPost, The
Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and more. His first book, 'Chain
of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great
Foreclosure Fraud,' winner of the Studs and Ida Terkel Prize, was
released by The New Press in 2016
Mansoor Sabbagh, director of
Global Voices for Justice, Est. 2003
A non-profit media organization
Long Beach, California
Email: mansoor [at] gvfj [dot] org
Phone: 3 one 0. 2 eight three. 0 8 eight 5
2:15-2:45 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Initially heard on KPFK Sundays, 12:30pm
2:45-3:45 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
3:45-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
12-1 Alan Watts, "Veil of Thoughts" Part 4 of 5
"Despite its marvelous achievements in many domains, the thinking process falls short of being able to penetrate its own veil to reach direct knowledge of the Self. This is directly clear to psychotherapists who have long known that merely 'cerebral investigation' does not illuminate the 'Unconscious.' But our strategies for self-knowledge seem always to get in their own way and somehow we have to creep up on the quarry without making a sound." (AW)
All info:
1-2 Ram Dass: "Soul Land"
Last month, the Sounds True community was saddened to hear of the passing of Ram Dass, one of the great lights of American spiritual inquiry. Born Richard Alpert, Ram Dass (meaning "servant of God") rose to the forefront of psychedelic exploration and the movement toward Eastern philosophy in the 1960s and '70s. He wrote the all-time classic Be Here Now in addition to many other published works, including Sounds True's 'Walking Each Other Home.' This special edition of 'Insights at the Edge' presents an interview between Tami Simon and Ram Dass from 2012 (after his stroke). During this conversation, Ram Dass and Tami discuss a deeper exploration of the self and the individual soul. They talk about experiencing the guru Maharaj-ji living on through the bodies and teachings of his students. Finally, Ram Dass considers the everyday experience of the atman-what he calls "the mega soul" beyond all others.
(NOTE: Ram Dass had suffered a stroke, had greatly recovered but still spoke haltingly.)
Free Audio and/or Text Download:
2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:
3-3:30 Science Fiction Break
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!
Roy rtuckman (at)
Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,
North Hollywood, CA 91604
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Dear KPFK Listeners, It's been six months since Roy Tuckman left our world on April 20, 2023. Many listeners feel a tremendous loss and ...
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