Sunday, June 30, 2019

July 1-4



KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.


Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.


"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.


The election machinery for the local board is in full swing. The due date was June 30 so there is no news as to whether we got a sufficient number of listener candidates to sign up.

The next fund drive (in part to make up for the shortfall from last fund drive) will begin on Jully 23 and go for about 3 weeks.


"A Problem of Strategy"

Archive #BB0528.18

From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,



12-3 Bobb Lynes & Barbara Sunday, "Don't Touch That Dial!"

'Aldrich Family,' (1943), 'The Thin Man,' (1944) and more.

The longest running old time radio show outside of Chicago.

Email Bobb:

Email Barbara:

SPERDVAC: 877-251-5771

3-4 Lux Radio Theater, "Alias Jimmy Valentine"

Starring Pat O'Brien, Madge Evans.

Based on the play by Paul Armstrong (1910) in turn based on the story 'A Retired Reformation' by O'Henry (1903)

Originally broadcast 11/9/36

4- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-12:30 "Wikipedia's Vaccination Bias"

by Gary Null, PhD

The US, and indeed many other nations around the world, is witnessing a contentious debate about the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

The forces are lining up over whether vaccination should be mandated by government or whether citizens have civil rights and freedom of choice over medical interventions. A lesson can be learned from the earlier feminist movement who demanded recognition and respect for “my body, my choice” regarding abortion. Should women, therefore, and all other citizens be given similar rights to determine what is best for the health of themselves and their children? Unfortunately, the debate is failing to present all the available scientific evidence for careful independent review for health officials to make anything resembling a moral and sound scientific choice.

Nor is the media reporting on the debate accurately. The New York Times, Washington Post, all the major television networks, and news sites both left and right, simply embrace the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) talking points, which are none other than those espoused by the pharmaceutical industry. The irony is that the large majority of parents who challenge vaccine safety claims have experienced vaccination adverse effects, and even death, in their children. The frustration mounts when parents realize that the vaccine companies cannot be held legally accountable for damages.

The federal health agencies, notably the CDC, has a very pragmatic monetary incentive to reach high vaccination compliance.

Consequently, the agencies have a direct public-private relationship with the vaccine makers. The CDC owns many patents related to vaccines and their delivery. Corporations license these patents for their vaccine development and the CDC in turn reaps enormous financial rewards in royalties. Then in turn the government pushes forward with vaccine mandates. Questions as to whether approved vaccines are truly effective and safe takes a backseat.

Robert Kennedy Jr has called the CDC “a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry.” “The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually,” writes Kennedy.

“Congressman Dave Weldon has pointed out that the primary metric for success across the CDC is how many vaccines the agency sells and how successfully the agency expands its vaccine program—regardless of any negative effects on human health.”

By any measure of reason, this is a gross conflict of interest. In addition, all of the attorneys and pediatricians who have undertaken the research to find measurable concerns about vaccine mandates are now under attack by the apparatus of the state. Not a single mainstream health or science reporter has properly investigated this relationship to suggest ulterior motives for aggressively pushing forward mandates. All of the parent advocacy groups, including board certified pediatricians, are condemned as well. A Washington Post editorial suggests they be arrested, fined or imprisoned. In fact the WHO listed vaccine opponents as a danger to global public health. However, most people who today oppose vaccines were once pro-vaccine until an injury or death occurred in their families.

If a person wanted to learn about the efficacy and safety for any given vaccine on the CDC’s vaccination schedule, a Google search will take the inquirer to Wikipedia. For example, after a search for the measles vaccine, readers will find a crassly watered-down description on Wikipedia. Among the vaccine’s adverse effects, Wikipedia only mentions “fever, rash, injection site pain and, in rare cases, red or purple discolorations on the skin known as thrombocytopenic purpura, or seizures related to fever.” However, Merck’s own product inserts for its two leading MMR vaccines — ProQuad and MMRII — include pneumonia and respiratory infection, cellulitis, aseptic meningitis, anaphylaxis, necrotizing retinitis, nerve deafness, cerebrovascular accident or stroke, encephalitis, Guillain Barre syndrome, acute hemorrhagic edema, arthritis, diabetes, pancreatitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (a fatal brain disorder caused by exposure to the measles virus), and death. Moreover, a 2012 Cochrane Collaborative meta-analysis of 57 studies and clinical trials regarding MMR safety concluded that “the design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.” By omitting this critical information from its pages, Wikipedia is engaging in a serious disservice by denying the public critical information to educate its users on life-and-death health issues. Why then do Wikipedia’s Skeptic editors censor or ignore these facts.

In most cases, Wikipedia users make the wrong assumption that the Wikipedia authors and editors on health issues have a convincing medical or scientific background, and that they have educated themselves about the peer-reviewed medical literature to assure accuracy. Unfortunately this supposition is flatly wrong, especially on the encyclopedia’s entries on genetically modified crops, natural and alternative health, and vaccines.

Perhaps the single most important person Wikipedia’s Skeptic editors rely upon for vaccine information is Dr. Paul Offit. Therefore, we should take a broader look at Offit’s career and past statements regarding vaccines to determine whether he is objective in his assessments or whether his credibility is compromised by conflicts of interest thereby making him an unreliable resource. Clearly, in the course of our review, Wikipedia is not objective, fair nor accurate in how it presents vaccination. Similarly, we believe neither is Offit.

Dr. Paul Offit is arguably America’s most public voice speaking on behalf of Big Pharma-supported efforts to legislate vaccine mandates and to remove philosophical and religious exemptions. He is the most cited and referenced physician in the mainstream media in its efforts to demonize those who challenge vaccines’ safety and efficacy, including millions of parents. For the numerous parents of vaccine-injured children and who oppose Offit, he is perhaps best known for uttering a statement that a child’s immune system could handle 10,000 vaccines. This statement is not only deceptively misleading but is likely very dangerous as the drug companies’ pipeline of new vaccines coming to the market continues to increase.

Offit is currently the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the holder of the Maurice Hilleman Chair of Vaccinology at the University of Pennsylvania. In the past, he has been a member of the CDC’s advisory committee on immunization and was a co-editor of the journal Vaccines.

He is also a prominent celebrity in the modern Skepticism movement, a faith-based rationalist ideology espousing scientific materialism, commonly known as Scientism. Offit has been a recipient of a major award by Skepticism’s flagship organization, the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, and it is not uncommon to find him speaking at Skeptic conferences or being interviewed in their journals, such as the Skeptic Inquirer. His work is also frequently referenced by Skeptic editors on Wikipedia as part of the encyclopedia’s campaign to smear, disparage and marginalize non-conventional medical therapies.

One common strategy federal health agencies and more aggressive proponents of mandatory vaccination rely upon is fear.

Offit is particularly skilled in turning fear away from vaccine risks in order to strengthen irrational and emotional fears about contracting an infectious disease such as flu, measles and pertussis or whooping cough. In a 2014 opinion essay Offit wrote for the Wall Street Journal, he associates the rise in infectious disease rates with what he calls “the anti-vaccination epidemic.” The article appeared at a time when there was an uptick in reported pertussis cases. Indeed, in 2010 California witnessed a upsurge in pertussis cases. The important question the entire media failed to ask was how many of these cases represent unvaccinated children. According to a survey conducted by Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, 81% of the patients surveyed were fully vaccinated with the complete series of shots, 11% had received at least one injection, leaving only 8% unvaccinated. Yet figures for the 2014 whooping cough outbreak should have forced Offit and the Skeptics to pause. Health officials in San Diego county where 621 cases of pertussis were confirmed, found that 85% were fully vaccinated and 11% were only partially immunized. The remaining 4% of infected persons were either unvaccinated or unknown. Later that same year Los Angeles county reported that only 8% of pertussis cases were among the unvaccinated. County health officials stated that this low number of unvaccinated persons is “not a significant factor in the spread of pertussis.” In 2012, Vermont had one of its largest pertussis increases. Here again, 90% of cases were among the vaccinated population. Somewhat similar findings hold for the failure of the flu and measles vaccines, and the high rate of mumps infections among populations of fully vaccinated children.

On no occasion have we found Offit making reference to an important observation that is today alarming many medical experts and health officials; that is, some vaccines’ effectiveness, particularly for mumps and pertussis, is waning. The World Health Organization has openly admitted that the pertussis vaccine no longer works and has recommended the development of a new vaccine to replace the ones currently in use. Several years ago, even the CDC acknowledged the pertussis vaccine, along with the flu and mumps vaccines, are the least effective. This means that large segments of the population, although vaccinated, are not immunized. With the increase in vaccine failures, this means that even with 100 percent vaccination compliance in a population, transmittable infections will continue.

If it is the case that more and more infectious outbreaks are occurring in groups of fully vaccinated individuals, then there can be no confirmatory scientific support for the argument that unvaccinated children and adults are the primary cause for recent surges in infectious diseases. Moreover, this ambiguity or uncertainty should lay to rest one of the major arguments voiced among the proponents of mandatory vaccine advocacy; that is, the need to reach herd immunity to eradicate infectious diseases.

We should also entertain suspicions about Offit as a reliable resource for Wikipedia because of his gross conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry and his public biases and animosity towards vaccine critics. Offit is the co-developer of the patented live rotavirus vaccine (Merck’s Rotateq), which targets the prevention of a serious viral diarrhea infection. It is estimated that the vaccine will prevent about 74 percent of rotavirus cases, about 98 percent of severe cases, and about 96 percent of hospitalizations; consequently, the vaccine is not a silver bullet. In 2008, the vaccine was sold for a whopping $182 million in cash. Although Offit has refused to reveal how much he was personally rewarded and the figure has never been made public by the institutions he is affiliated with, independent investigations estimated his earnings were between $29-55 million from the sale.

While Offit is ever quick to deny any association between vaccines and the rising rates of autism among American children, his Rotateq vaccine has also encountered sharp criticism over its safety claims and other problems. In 2010, foreign DNA from a porcine circovirus contaminated in the vaccine, and the FDA promptly suspended its administration; however, the suspension was revoked the same year after the agency determined that this pig virus posed no risk to human health.

The vaccine has been associated with some deaths. According to the National Vaccination Information Center (NVIC), the CDC has stated that safety and efficacy data for administering the vaccine to infants with immuno-compromised conditions are not available. Nor has it been studied in children with acute gastroenteritis. Shortly after its release on the market reports started to appear about the vaccine causing severe cases of intussusception — a rotavirus condition that the vaccine is suppose to prevent. During a single year, there were 1,251 reported adverse reactions to the vaccine in the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. Ten percent were intussusception cases. Although this occurred a dozen years ago, in 2015, the British Medical Journal reported that France removed rotavirus vaccines from its recommended immunization schedule after three infant deaths and a flurry of serious side effects. The BMJ article noted, “It is noteworthy that clinical trials have never demonstrated a reduction in all cause mortality with these vaccines, neither in high nor in low income countries.”

None of this information is offered about rotavirus vaccines on Wikipedia.

For an investigative journalist, who may sincerely care about exposing true stories on important health issues, Wikipedia’s vaccine biases contrary to the evidence needs to be explored more thoroughly. At this moment, the states of California, Maine and New York are aggressively stripping away our health freedoms. We expect our politicians, public health officials and the media to be deeply concerned whether something we put in our body can be potentially lethal. Since according to the Supreme Court’s own terminology, every vaccine is “unavoidably unsafe,” should we not be demanding a moratorium on all future vaccine mandate proposals and a repeal of those already in effect, until such time that independent gold standard clinical trials are conducted. Such trials have never been performed on any vaccine currently in the CDC’s immunization schedule that employed a scientifically defined inert placebo. Nor have any comprehensive studies been conducted to compare the overall health between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations.

12:30-1:30 The Gary Null Show – Google and other social media’s manipulation of our lives

Dr. Robert Epstein is the Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. The institute researches roles of parenting, stress management, maturation and the internet’s influence and manipulation of our lives. He is the former editor in chief of Psychology Today and has specialized in the psychology of maturity. He holds a doctorate in psychology from Harvard, has taught at the University of California at San Diego and was the founder of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies in Massachusetts. Dr. Epstein has been a commentator on NPR’s Marketplace and has written for the Washington Post, Time, The Sunday Times London, Parenting, and other magazines and newspapers. Robert is the author of 15 books, and his forthcoming book is “How Google and Facebook Ate Your Brain, and How You Can Get a New One.” The Institute also produced a documentary film, “The Creepy Line” which reveals how Google and Facebook impact the behaviors of billions of people worldwide. For more info about his writings on Google, his website is Free download:

1:30-2:30 The Gary Null Show – Middle-Class Abundance

The Gary Null Show – Middle-Class Abundance

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Today on The Gary Null Show Gary speaks on a long commentary on the state of the union of the US.

Free Download:

2:30-3:30 The Gary Null Show – The 5G Dragnet

Telecom companies are currently scrambling to implement fifth-generation cellular network technology. But the world of 5G is a world where all objects are wired and constantly communicating data to one another. The dark truth is that the development of 5G networks and the various networked products that they will give rise to in the global smart city infrastructure, represent the greatest threat to freedom in the history of humanity.

Free Download:

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1071 - 75th Anniversaries: Walkin’ the Snake on the Earth Island with Pierre Omidyar"

We have spoken repeatedly about the Nazi tract “Serpent’s Walk,” in which the Third Reich goes underground, buys into the opinion-forming media and, eventually, takes over.

Hitler, the Third Reich and their actions are glorified and memorialized. The essence of the book is synopsized on the back cover:

“It assumes that Hitler’s warrior elite – the SS – didn’t give up their struggle for a White world when they lost the Second World War. Instead their survivors went underground and adopted some of their tactics of their enemies: they began building their economic muscle and buying into the opinion-forming media. A century after the war they are ready to challenge the democrats and Jews for the hearts and minds of White Americans, who have begun to have their fill of government-enforced multi-culturalism and ‘equality.'”

Something analogous is happening in Ukraine and India.

In Ukraine, fascism in being remade as a heroic bulwark against communism and Russia. In India, it is being remade as a liberating anti-colonial, anti-imperial force...

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

1-2 Nader Hashemi “The Slide to War with Iran”

Program #HASN002. Recorded in Boulder, CO on May 28, 2019.

The U.S. and Iran are on a collision course. The name-calling and saber rattling are ominous. The New York Times headline reads: “Iran Calls U.S. ‘Desperate and Confused.’ Trump vows ‘Obliteration.’” Is Iran going to commit suicide by attacking the world’s most lethal military? Washington is exerting what it calls “maximum pressure” on Iran and on anyone who wants to do business with that country. For most Iranians the punitive sanctions the U.S. has imposed are a form of warfare, albeit the economic kind. The Iran nuclear deal was working just fine according to the UN when Washington unilaterally abandoned it thus triggering the current crisis and the slide to war. The attitude emanating from Washington is more like that of a bully: You do what I tell you or else. Respectful dialogue is what is needed, not hectoring and badgering. Record at KGNU.

Nader Hashemi is Director of the Center for Middle East Studies and teaches Middle East and Islamic politics at the Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He is the author of Islam, Secularism and Liberal Democracy and co-editor of The People Reloaded, The Syria Dilemma and Sectarianization: Mapping the New Politics of the Middle East.

Interviewed by David Barsamian. Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"

'Rights and Regs' with Ralph Nader, Part 2.


2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Alan Watts, “Self and Other” Part 1 of 4

‘A study of the inseparable unity between the experience of oneself and of something other, the voluntary and the involuntary, the controlled and the uncontrolled, the individual and the world, and of the synthesis of these ‘opposites’ in mystical vision” (AW)

All info:

1-2:00 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"


2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"

The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.

From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

3-3:30 Science Fiction Break

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711

That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)


Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,
North Hollywood, CA 91604

Saturday, June 22, 2019

June 24-27



KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate
but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.


Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at
and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.


"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.'
Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.


Last Friday Thom Hartmann was in town for his Saturday talk for KPFK at UCLA. He did his show at the KPFK Studios for the first time - and we
broadcast and telecast it to Free Speech TV live from 9am-noon. He invited me to do a cameo appearance - the result is on youtube.
I was the first guest, followed by George Dicaprio, Producer
of "Ice on Fire," a great film on climate disruption which is a must-see and which is not only a beautiful film but very instructive and which will change fear to hope on the subject. George is the father of Leonardo. You can see 'Ice on Fire' on HBO online
for free - go to and click on "free episodes." Thom and George:


"Reconciliation of Opposites"

Program Archive #BB0528.17

From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,


12-12:30 KPFK Board Election - We Want YOU!

Live with Grace Aaron (Pacifica National Board Director) and Ken Aaron, (KPFK Local
Station Board Chairman) with a reminder of the upcoming elections and an appeal to listeners to run and become a station board member. The quality of the stations' broadcasts and the health and direction
of the stations are dependent on the quality of the stations' boards. If you have ideas or complaints, you can be central to changes and improvements. We are listener-sponsored and listener-directed we are dependent on the intelligence, judgment, and action
of our listener-board members. "We
have a lot of work to do to improve KPFK and Pacifica so that it is on solid footing
financially and so that it's impact is increased."

Information about the election itself is at:

12:30-2 Dan Sheehan "The Trajectory of Justice in America" #19

Final Class: 'Strategic and Tactical Stories'

Recorded at the University of California, Santa Cruz June 6

Video at
and click on 'classes'

(Advice: Have a pen and paper at hand for a few short notes)

2-3 Lux Radio Theater "The Day the Earth Stood Still"

Starring Michael Rennie, Jean Peters, Paul Frees

Originally broadcast January 4, 1954, based on the 1961 20th Century-Fox Film.

3-3:30 Thom Hartmann, "Conversations with Great Minds" (2015)

"Professor Kevin O'Leary PhD, Research Fellow-Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine / Author-‘Trump and the Roots of Rage: The Republican Right and the Authoritarian Threat’ joins Thom. Even if he loses in
November - Donald Trump won't just end up as a footnote in history. The terrifying reason why in tonight's ‘Conversations with Great Minds.’ Plus Part 2 with Prof. O’Leary ‘"

Great Minds P1: Why Trump Won't End Up A Footnote in History

Great Minds P2: Libertarians Are For Freedom But ONLY For the Rich

Recorded in 2015 – the predictions of Prof. O’Leary will demonstrate the accuracy, validity, and precision of his analysis of our
political culture and situation.

Video: (page 1)

3:40- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 The Gary Null Show – 06.19.19

Why we’re not sleeping as soundly as we historically did., from University of Washiungton plus many scientific reports. Plus an important presentation on how wrong our entire thinking on healthcare is in this country. A whole new movement.

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Free download:

1-2 The Gary Null Show – 06.20.19

Fatty fish (not swimming in polluted water) and type 2 Diabetes plus many other articles from peer-reviewed journals. Then today reports from people who have changed their life 100 percent. Challenge to Wikipedia skeptics. (they have
been invited on the show but haven’t responded... yet.) More… Letters and calls from listeners.

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Free download:

2-3 The Gary Null Show – 06.21.19

How Turmeric stops cancer cell growth (Washington State University) Plus calls. 701 799-9976 A constitutional lawyer speaks out on the surveillence state. Plus life aboard a slave ship.

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Free download:

3-3:30 TBA

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1070 - Update on Hindutva Fascism and Socialists for Trump and Hitler (The “Assistance”)'

Wrapping up a long, complex series on fascist and apparent intelligence connections to the crop of self-proclaimed “socialists” who have emerged to dominate media and internet coverage in recent months, we review key points of “Boseian”
Indian fascism, the Hindutva fascism of Narendra Modi and the unappetizing possibility of the two conduits flowing together to make the world’s second most populous country a Nazi political, historical and cultural epicenter.

A recent New York Times piece encapsulated the significance of India, per se, noting the emergence and dominance of the Modi/BJP/RSS Hindutva fascism: ” . . . . ‘This is something that Jawaharlal Nehru had predicted,’ Mr. Mukherjee said,
referring to India’s first prime minister. ‘He said if fascism ever came to India it would come in the form of majoritarian Hindu communalism. That is exactly what is happening.’ . . . India is the second most populous nation, after China. It is a pivotal
geopolitical player; its economy is huge and everyone wants to do business here; and it has a long secular history. . . .”

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

1-2 The Gary Null Show - The rise of the New Authoritarians

David Renton is a British barrister specializing housing, discrimination and employment law and a political activist. Earlier he was an academic historian and sociologist specializing in fascism and right wing movements having taught at
Nottingham Trent University and Rhodes University in South Africa. His work is notable for providing a revisionist understanding of the rise of fascist and anti-fascist movements during the course of history. David is the author of several important books
on Fascism and the Far Right. His most recent is "The New Authoritarians: Convergence on the Right" which exposes a deeply disturbing trend in the rise of a new right-wing radicalism that is gaining strength in the US, UK, France and other European nations
and Latin America. He is a graduate of St John's College at Oxford and received his doctorate at the University of Sheffield. (June 17)

For Free download:

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"


2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Alan Watts “The World as the Self” Part 3 of 4

“The proposition of Indian Vedanta that one’s inmost Self (atman) is the universal and eteral reality (Brahman), and
how this differs from solipsism and subjective idealism in Western Philosophy. (AW)

All info:

1-2:00 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"


2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"

The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.

From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

3-3:30 Science Fiction Break

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711

That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)


Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,

North Hollywood, CA 91604

Saturday, June 15, 2019

June 17-20

June 17-20, 2019


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.

"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.

The next fund drive will begin Tuesday, July 23rd at 6 AM and will likely go for 3 weeks. As you know our cash flow is the main driver to the frequency of drives and the length of them.

Special Deals From Anyel (our General Manager)
PRIDE MONTH: For every DONATION OF $75 or more during the month of June, we will send you the Pacifica Radio Archives 50th-Anniversary Collection of historic recordings documenting the trials, tribulations, successes, and contributions of the LGBT spirit in our communities across the world as our thanks to you. DONATE NOW at

SUSTAINERS CIRCLE: We are offering Sustainers a 20% discount on tickets for the 60th Anniversary Gala and The KPFK Speaker Series: Thom Hartmann. This promotion ends June 30th at 12:00 AM and is only available for online tickets purchase. Join at

June 16: "The Useless in Art"
From Pacifica Radio Archives, #BB0529.16. 1 (800) 735-0230,


12-1:30 Dan Sheehan, "The Trajectory of Justice in America" #17
Week 9, "Strategies of Resistance: Mueller & Standing Rock"
Class held at U.C. Santa Cruz, Thursday, May 30

1:30-3 Dan Sheehan, "The Trajectory of Justice in America" #18
Week 10: "What are YOU Going to Do About Climate Change?"
Class held at U.C. Santa Cruz, Thursday, June 4

3-3:30 The Hidden Danger of Glyphosate - Part One of TWO, Interview with Professor Don Huber
By MariaMay 21, 2019 Newest Podcasts

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, patented by Monsanto in 1974. It is now the world's most widely used weed killer. About 100 million pounds are applied to U.S. farms and lawns every year, according to the EPA. Farmers sprayed enough of the chemical to cover every acre of cropland in the entire world with nearly a half-pound of Roundup, according to a 2016 study published in the Journal "Environmental Sciences Europe".
Roundup is used not only in industrial agriculture but on vineyards, golf courses, public parks and in schools, in road maintenance and by back yard gardeners. Curiously the more modest uses in schools and gardens have recently come to national attention.

In May 2019 a jury in Oakland, Calif., ordered Monsanto to pay a husband and wife more than $2 billion in damages after finding that its Roundup weed killer caused their cancer. This is the third jury to conclude that Monsanto failed to warn consumers of its flagship product's dangers. The juries were presented evidence that Glyphosate caused the breakdown of their immune systems and led to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Thousands of additional lawsuits against Monsanto, which the Bayer corporation acquired for $66 billion in 2018, are queued up in state and federal courts.
Monsanto's claim that Roundup was safe for human beings is now being challenged and the question raised - who and what else is impacted by glyphosate and the other ingredients in Roundup.

Don Huber is Professor emeritus at Purdue University. He studied Roundup and later the associated Roundup ready crops and the risks to farm animals begin fed roundup ready soy, corn and alfalfa beginning in 1974. He is the scientist who raised the safety issue of glyphosate in 2011 with the US Secretary of agriculture and made headlines all over the world. Hubers' warning was ignored by the Obama administration.

Don Huber says that the herbicide Glyphosate kills by giving plants a heightened form of AIDS. Glyphosate affects bacteria by killing some that are essential to the plant and to humans and animals that consume them; while at the same time strengthening pathogens that are harming plants and soil.

Don Huber was interviewed via a somewhat scratchy Skype connection by Uwe Alschner, publisher of the Vitalstoff Blog that focussed on nutrition in the European Union on June 2, 2018. From TUC Radio, 1 (707) 463-2654,

3:40- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:
You can receive Thom's daily Newsletter with tons of links to each story, video, document from
The day's broadcast. (free) Sign up at his website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Gary Null "Progressive Commentary Hour" June 11
Progressive Commentary Hour - Wikipedia's Culture of Institutional Bias
Wikipedia's Culture of Institutional Bias
by Richard Gale and Gary Null

Weekly, millions of people Google their concerns about their health and a large variety of illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, etc. They expect, with speed and accuracy, to find the current scientifically based and clinically proven information. The majority of people begin to approach a personal health crisis by turning exclusively to established medical, drug-based protocols. However, these treatments do not always relieve symptoms nor reverse disease. Certainly they do not prevent it.

Increasingly people are seeking second and third opinions. More often than not Google will take a person immediately to Wikipedia. There is an assumption and a reasonable expectation that the information we find on Wikipedia is 1) accurate, 2) soundly researched and referenced from high quality and reliable resources, 3) written by credentialed writers and editors with expertise in the subject, 4) unbiased, and finally 5) object and balanced. Therefore it is at minimal assumed that at least the content on Wikipedia is scientifically validated and would appear on the National Institutes of Health PubMed database for medical information and research. Whether it is pharmaceutical, surgical or radiological approach, or perhaps a more natural medical modality such as lifestyle change, nutrition, medical botanicals, Chiropractic and Chinese Medicine, it is expected the information will be accurately provided and described. Then using our freedom of choice and informed consent, we can select the medical route that we believe would be most safe and effective.

Unfortunately, our two year investigation into Wikipedia's treatment of health issues reveals exactly the opposite. In fact, there are many individuals with outstanding credentials who are terrified of having their biographies appear on the open-source encyclopedia. Once a person's biography is added they will never have control over its content. Often he or she will be faced with slander, character assassination and denigration about their careers and life's work. All efforts by attorneys and experts in their field will not be able to change a single syllable on a Wikipedia page. Their biographies are frozen as if confined in a Russian gulag for a political crime. They will seek redress by reaching out to the media; but the media too is fully compromised. They may seek open hearings on Wikipedia's back side to expose unfair behavior and misinformation but will be met either by deafening silence or censorship. They may even seek redress from the IRS or state's attorney generals for Wikipedia's gross serial violations of its non-profit status. Consequently, it becomes political and assumingly nothing will happen to correct the errors.

As a result, a relatively small group of uncredentialed, hate-filled individuals commonly known as Skeptics, empowered by Wikipedia's co-founder Jimmy Wales, have been using the encyclopedia as a social media platform to condemn all non-conventional and alternative medical therapies and its practitioners, even those who seek to benefit from these therapies.
There are hundreds of thousands of clinical trials, research papers and review analyses confirming the authenticity and effectiveness of these natural medical systems. However, for the Skeptics who control and edit these Wikipedia pages, knowing full well that they have Jimmy Wales' unerring support, the truth is irrelevant. Today Wikipedia succeeds the worst of McCarthyism's witch hunts in the 1950s where there is no proper channel for redress. Even attorneys representing the Silicon Valley titans, Wikipedia among them, have gamed the system.

Should we ask the media - 20-20, Nightline, 60 Minutes, the New York Times and all the other leading newspapers and magazines - why they fail to protect the American and global public from misinformation on a social platform and indulge in a shameful complicity to permit Wikipedia's deception to continue without proper review and public exposure? Yet none have the guts to undertake an objective investigation to uncover the truth.

Below is a detailed review about what we have uncovered. For deeper investigations about how Wikipedia is on all accounts an enemy of public health, we invite readers to read more thorough articles at
Free Download of full text & audio:

1-2 The Gary Null Show - Poverty In America - 06.11.19
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment
Free Download:

2-3 The Gary Null Show - Longer Overview of 5G

Deborah Kopald is an environmental consultant to physicians and attorneys on environmental related illnesses and has developed and overseen for the passage of legislative initiatives to protect the public from on cell tower radiation and wireless technologies. She is regarded as a lay-expert in non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, and is an adviser on telecommunication policies particularly with Wi-Fi technology and the environmental and health risks these technologies pose on citizens. Deborah is a Review Editor in the Radiation and Health section of the journal Reviews on Environmental Health and holds a degree from Harvard in economic politics and an MBA from MIT's Sloan School of Management.
Free Download:

3-3:30 Frank Cousineau, President, Cancer Control Society
Tying It All Together- Cancer Control Convention 2018
All info & DVD's:

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1069 - "Socialists for Trump and Hitler (The Assistance" Part 9, 'Walkin' the Snake in India'

In the conclusion to FTR #1068, we ruminated about the possibility of a post-World War II "Boseian" or "Boseist" underground in India. We also speculated about the possibility of a Serpent's Walk scenario, in which revisionist historical claims about Subhas Chandra Bose being the real liberator of India-not Mahatma Gandhi, would be a point of entry for the re-branding of fascism as "anti-imperialist" or "anti-colonialist." (An article in the periodical of the Liberty Lobby's Holocaust revisionist Institute of Historical Review makes that claim.)

In Serpent's Walk, the Nazi SS go underground, buy into the opinion-forming media and, after a series of terrorist incidents involving WMD's devastate the U.S., martial law is declared and the SS descendants take over. The Third Reich and the Axis go down in history as the "good guys."
In this program, we highlight the ongoing, operational legacy of Subhas Chandra Bose, its links to contemporary India and Germany, its presence in the German commercial landscape dominated by the remarkable and deadly Bormann capital network, and the networking between this Boseian underground and Japanese elements.

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:
Dave's website:

1-2 Chuck Collins, "Inequality: The New Gilded Age"
Program #COLC004. Recorded in Eugene, OR on April 17, 2019.
A conversation between Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald reportedly went like this: Fitzgerald says, "The rich are different from you and me." To which Hemingway responded, "Yes, they have more money." You bet they do. And now more than ever. The old Gilded Age pales in comparison to the current one. The wealthy of the late 19th century: Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and Mellon look impoverished in relation to the current crop of Bezos, Gates and Buffet. Inequality is at record levels. How has it happened? The attack on unions has hurt workers. CEO pay has gone through the roof. There have been massive tax cuts for the haves while the have-nots see their social safety net eroded. The enormous excesses of the first Gilded Age led to a populist backlash and the Progressive Era. Could we see a repeat of that today?

Chuck Collins is director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies. He is author of Born on Third Base, 99 to 1 and Is Inequality in America Irreversible?
From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Alan Watts "The World as the Self" Part 3 of 4
"The proposition of Indian Vedanta that one's inmost Self (atman) is the universal and eteral reality (Brahman), and how this differs from solipsism and subjective idealism in Western Philosophy. (AW)
All info:

1-2:00 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"

2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

3-3:30 Science Fiction Break

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)

Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,
North Hollywood, CA 91604

Saturday, June 8, 2019

June 10-13



KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.


Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.


"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.


I am back - actually never exactly been away. I found out on the weekend that my jury duty had been postponed or maybe will be cancelled - but since all arrangements had been made to take time off, I took time off. Strange - every day seemed like Sunday. Many thanks to 'Buzz' for sitting in the engineer's chair and occasionally adding his touch to the proceedings. It ain't as easy as it looks, i.e., sounds. Anyway, I was able to sleep during the day without being thrown in jail for contempt of court and got to hear most of this fabulous radio show!!


"'The Bhagavad Gita' - Song of the Lord"

From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,

Program #BB0528.15




UC Santa Cruz 2019

12-1:30 “How Did We Get Here? – Oil-Money-Power” (Week 8)

Continuing class recorded at U.C. Santa Cruz,

May 23

1:30-3 “Exploring Strategies of Resistance” (Week 9)

Continuing class recorded at U.C. Santa Cruz,

May 28

Dan Sheehan's Website:

3:40- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 The Gary Null Show – Including an Update on Vaccine bills in NY State legislature and Action to take

John Gilmore is the Executive Director of the Autism Action Network, a national, not-profit, grassroots advocacy organization that influences legislation and public policy on a wide range of issues impacting the autism community, including access to healthcare, health insurance reform, special education, vaccine rights and civil rights of the disabled. His organization works at the state, federal and sometimes local level to influence the lives of people with autism and their families. Founded as A-CHAMP in 2005, initial efforts focused on the partially successful campaign to ban mercury as an ingredient in vaccines. Mr. Gilmore has a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He lives in Long Beach, NY with his wife and two teenage sons, one who was vaccine injured as an infant and is diagnosed with autism. For further information, John’s organization’s website is and on Facebook.

Free downloadas;

1-2 Gary Null Progressive Commentary Hour

Death By Medicine, Revisited

(Introduction by Gary Null and Helen Buyniski)

By any measure, we are in the worst health crisis in American history. Out of a population of 335 million people, two thirds of us – adults and children both – are suffering from a wide range of health conditions, the majority of which are preventable. Our first effort at explaining how serious the conditions were and indeed to verify that they were real using only the mainstream medical community and the government’s official figures took several years with a group of highly qualified board certified physicians and academics with PhDs with deep experience in research scholarship.

Up until that point, no one had compiled all injuries and fatalities occurring as a result of medical treatment. The best that had been done was by Dr. Lucian Leape, a professor from Harvard who had written a groundbreaking report that had gone virtually unchallenged and unreported in the medical press. Later, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) would publish an article by Dr. Barbara Starfield showing that iatrogenesis was the third leading cause of death. Dr. Martin Makary reached the same conclusions over a decade later, publishing his findings in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). However, it was surprising and disheartening to find that with all the medical and scientific research expertise at these researchers’ disposal, they left out several important causes of death from their statistics. This showed gross flaws in their research methodology.

Our report was the most comprehensive to date published in the US. Once completed, we sent it for feedback and comment to more than 7,000 scientific publications, health reporters, and federal agencies. Not one single response was received. How is this even possible? We expected legitimate challenges and corrections; even admonitions would have been welcome. Instead, we got dead silence. Why?

Years have passed, and the state of American health has only worsened. The latest official reports show more heart attacks, more strokes, obesity, and diabetes including in children. There is more dementia, Alzheimer’s, and cancer than ever before. And yet we spent more on healthcare in 2017 than we’ve ever spent – $3.5 trillion, 17.9 percent of the nation’s GDP, and a number that is on track to further increase in 2018.1 So now we’re perplexed – if we tell people that we have the best healthcare system in the world, with the latest technology, the most pharmaceuticals and medical procedures, state of the art hospitals, and special treatment centers, we should have a population that is far more robust and healthy – but just the opposite is the case.

Then it occurred to us that we were also missing a very important piece of this puzzle. Why are we not preventing disease? How much is all this disease actually costing the patient, corporations, and society? The figures are both staggering and heartbreaking, as there is no discussion of this. We only become invested in a person after they are sick. We have only focused as a society on how to alleviate the symptoms of that person’s illness. When we compare our healthcare program and state of health and longevity with other developed nations, we are near dead last. How is this possible? Those individuals who’ve brought these dire statistics to our attention (Makary, Starfield, Leape, etc) have initiated no wider call for action. Nothing has happened. They too have been shouting into the void. This is a dialogue we desperately need. Our new article expands on the first to include a discussion on iatrogenesis, its causes, prevention, and most importantly how to resolve in part or whole all of these problems...

Free download: complete text and audio

2-3 The Gary Null Show - 06.05.19

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Unsalted tomato juice may help lower heart disease risk. Psychological placebos found to be as effective as medical placebos. Fasting-Like Diet Has Profound Effect On Autoimmune And Inflammatory Conditions Like Ms. Arctii fructus found to inhibit colorectal cancer cell growth. Lifetime risk of cardiometabolic mortality according to vitamin D status of middle and older-aged adults. Vegetable Extract Treats Autism Better Than Drugs.

Free Download:

3-3:30 Cancer Control Society Convention 2018 (continued)

Martin L. Pall, Ph.D.

“EMF Health Effects”

MARTIN L. PALL, Ph.D. has a B.A. degree in Physics, Johns Hopkins University, Phi Beta Kappa with Honors, 1962; graduated with 180 semester hours of credit in 4 years. Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Genetics, Caltech, 1968. Asst. Prof. Reed College, 1967-72. Asst., Assoc., and Full Professor, Genetics and Cell Biology and Biochemistry/Biophysics, later Professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, 1972-2008. Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, 2008. Received 9 international honors for research in Environmental Medicine. Author of 102 professional publications.

Research since 1998 focused on mechanisms of chronic disease; oxidative/nitrosative stress; inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, other mechanisms; environmental stressors causing chronic disease; regulatory systems acting to prevent chronic disease; chemicals acting to trigger chronic disease via excessive NMDA activity; mechanism of action of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs).

Pall has 8 publications on the EMF VGGC mechanism. The first of these, published in 2013 was placed on the Global Medical Discovery Website as one of the most important medical papers of 2013. It has been cited 180 times (as of August 2018). These 8 papers collectively show that: 1. Most non-thermal microwave frequency EMF effects are produced by EMF activation of the VGCCs. 2. A large number of effects are produced by such EMF exposures including: Many reproductive effects; many neurological/neuropsychiatric effects; attacks on the DNA of our cells; oxidative stress/free radical damage; increased apoptotic cell death; widespread endocrine (hormonal) effects; excessive intracellular calcium and cancer. 3. Each of these effects and in addition six other probable effects can be explained as being due to VGCC activation. In my 2018 cancer. 4. In my 2018 EMF-cancer paper, I discussed 15 distinct mechanisms by which VGCC activation causes cancer initiation, promotion and progression. 5. I have extraordinary concerns about 5G which are impossible to outline, so I will not try to outline them here.

Info and DVD’s:

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1068 - Socialists for Trump and Hitler (The "Assistance")", #8

(Concluding mini-series)

We have wondered about the ascent of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a political animal. We wondered whether she might be a "ringer," elevated and promoted by the far right and, perhaps, elements of the CIA, because she is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT from their standpoint. In fact, she is straight from the Amazon (ahem) mail order catalog: an outspoken Latina who fits neatly into the anti-Latin bigotry institutionalized in Trump's GOP, brands as a socialist (perfect for the Karl Roves and Trumps of this world), has stated her intention to work against Democratic incumbents with whose policy positions she disagrees, and demonstrated a lack of economic sophistication in her comments about Amazon's failed New York City Deal and in the presentation of the Green New Deal.

The ascent of AOC was effected in large measure by two overlapping organizations-Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress-both co-founded by Saikat Chakrabarti, and Indian-American, Harvard-educated, Wall Street and Silicon Valley multi-millionaire, and fan of major Axis collaborator Subhas Chandra Bose. Brand New Congress was co-founded by a University of Pennsylvania-educated Turkish American, Cenk Uygur, who has a history of denying the Turkish genocide against the Armenians, as we shall see. (Like Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League School.)

The radical Democratic newcomers are precipitating a war within the Democratic Party, ignoring the fact that the Democrats retook Congress as a result of victories by moderate candidates in districts taken by Trump in 2016...

Chakrabarti is fundamental to the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Chakrabarti was AOC's campaign manager and is her current chief of staff. Both Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress donated a total of $900,000 to a consulting firm also headed by Chakrabarti. Until recently, AOC sat on the board of one of them.

In a recent twitter video post defending AOC's mercurial social media activity, Chakrabartiappeared with a T-Shirt featuring a picture of Subhas Chandra Bose, an Indian nationalist who allied himself with both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. He has a habit of wearing Subhas Chandra Bose garb...

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

1-2 Aaron Gloantz, “How America Lost Iraq”

Program #GLAA001. Recorded in Houston, TX.

In Iraq, most of the corporate journalists, when they venture outside their heavily guarded hotels, travel with U.S. troops and base their stories on what the military tells them. Not so Aaron Glantz, who went to Iraq totally un-embedded. And what he learned initially was not what he had expected. Most Iraqis welcomed the Americans and patiently accepted the hardship and destruction as a final sacrifice on their way to freedom. But as the occupation dragged on, and as living conditions and the security situation steadily worsened, the Americans were no longer viewed as liberators, but as oppressors. Glantz’s eyewitness account gives insight into what is fueling the insurgency in Iraq. From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,

Aaron Glantz, a reporter for Pacifica Radio, has been to Iraq many times. He is the author of How America Lost Iraq.

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Alan Watts “The World as the Self” Part 2 of 4

“The proposition of Indian Vedanta that one’s inmost Self (atman) is the universal and eteral reality (Brahman), and how this differs from solipsism and subjective idealism in Western Philosophy. (AW)

All info:

1-2:00 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"


2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"

The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.

From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

3-3:30 Science Fiction Break

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711

That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)


Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,
North Hollywood, CA 91604

Monday, June 3, 2019

June 3-6

June 3-6, 2019


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.

"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.

The May fund drive is over - we didn't make goal. The posted subtotal is incomplete at $526,000+. An extra bowl of gratitude is due to those of you who were willing and able to participate. For a large and detailed presentation of what is going on and what will be going on in our changes, go to and read Anyel's (our GM) 'State of the Station."

I will be replaced by Buzz of Hollywood this week as I have been summoned to jury duty. The program will be about the same, but he'll be free to add some remarks and programming additions. "It's a chancy job and it makes a man watchful, and a little lonely."

The show did well considering we are still rebuilding the show from 12-3am (takes a long time to rebuild an audience) and on most nights we achieved four figures in pledges and topped out at over $6000 on the final night - and we got a nice handful of new subscribers. Great thanks to Buzz and Diane plus John B. and Jeff and Michael for coming in to answer the phones.

"Truth and Relativity"
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230, Archive #BB0528.14

(Roy is on jury duty)

12-3 Bobb Lynes & Barbara Sunday "Don't Touch That Dial!"

1. Bold Venture. 1951. Program #6. ZIV Syndication. . "He Who Laughs Last", Franny Lane, a comic's partner, has been murdered. Slate Shannon is framed for the killing. Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Jester Hairston, David Rose (composer, conductor), Henry Hayward (director), Morton Fine (writer), David Friedkin (writer), Nestor Paiva. (26:39)

2. Escape. November 5, 1947. CBS "Evening Primrose". A fascinating adventure with a strange assortment of characters who live inside New York's department stores. Pat Lowery, Elliott Lewis, Paul Frees, John Collier (author), William N. Robson (producer, director), John Dunkel (adaptor), Cy Feuer (music), William Conrad, Eleanor Audley, Lou Krugman. (29:30)

3. The Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show. June 5, 1949. NBC Phil is going to have his tonsils removed. Phil Harris, Alice Faye, Ray Singer (writer), Dick Chevillat (writer), Elliott Lewis, Walter Tetley, Robert North, Jeanine Roos, Anne Whitfield, Walter Scharf and His Orchestra, Bill Forman (announcer), Paul Phillips (producer, director), Jacqueline DeWitt, Theodore Von Eltz, Don Beals, Griff Barnett (Rexall druggist). (29:33)

4. Gunsmoke. October 28, 1956. CBS "Dirty Bill's Girl". Sponsored by: L & M. Rose, the card dealer in the Long Branch, plans to kill a man. Who and why? Rex Koury (composer, conductor), William Conrad, Parley Baer, Georgia Ellis, Howard McNear, Virginia Christine, Vic Perrin, John Dehner, Les Crutchfield (writer), John Meston (editorial supervisor), Ray Kemper (sound patterns), Bill James (sound patterns), Norman Macdonnell (producer, director), George Walsh (announcer). (24:49)

5. Best Plays. June 5, 1953. NBC "Autumn Crocus", Walter Slezak, Bob McKenzie (announcer), C. L. Anthony (author), Fred Collins (announcer), Earl Hamner (adaptor, transcriber), Elaine Rost, Robert Carroll, Margery Maude, Guy Spaull, Irene Hubbard, Lily Valente, William Welch (supervisor), Edward King (director), John Chapman (host), Carmen Matthews. (55:40)

Email Bobb: Email Barbara: SPERDVAC:

3-4 Lux Radio Theater (11/2/36)
Continuing our broadcasts of all the existing Lux programs from 1936 to 1955.

"The Virginian"
Starring Gary Cooper, Charles Bickford and Helen Mack.
'Based on the play by Owen Winter and Kirke LaShelle (1904) in turn based on the novel by Owen Winter (1902)

'Owen Winter's tale of a rugged cowpoke in love with an Eastern schoolmarm who experiences the usual inner conflicts when his best friend is found guilty of cattle rustling.' (From "Lux Presents Hollywood" by Connie Billips and Arthur Pierce)

4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711

(Roy on Jury Duty)

12-1 Gary Null Show Memorial Day Special
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. In this episode Gary does a special commentary on Memorial Day and what it stands for. Gary wants to give a special thanks.
Free Download:

1-2 The Gary Null Show - Immune System & Toxic Culture of Education
The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Some of the topics Gary talks about today Spirulina helps protect your liver and prevent diabetes - study, Breast implants are hard on the immune system: More women reporting rare immune system cancer related to implants, Healthy Habits Could Avoid 27% Of Cancer Cases, Faster walkers more likely to live longer, Ragweed compounds could protect nerve cells from Alzheimer's, Tai Chi Can Improve Your Blood Pressure And Other Symptoms Of Hypertension.
Free Download:

2-3The Gary Null Show - Spiritual and Buddhist Teachings and Ethics for Facing our Ecological Crisis
David Loy is a retired professor, philosopher, ethicist, a Zen Buddhist teacher, and a prolific author. He has taught philosophy at Bunkyo University in Japan where he lived for 20 years studying with his principle Zen teacher Yamada Koun Roshi and received dharma transmission to be a teacher. Later he was the Besl Chair Professor of Ethics and Religion at Xavier University in Cincinnati. David has taught at the University of Cape Town, Hebrew University in Israel, later a resident scholar at Naropa University in Boulder Colorado. His articles frequently appear in Rabbi Michael Lerner's Tikkun Magazine and Buddhist magazines such as Tricycle and Lion's Roar. He sits on the advisory boards of Buddhist Global Relief, Zen Peacemakers and the Ernest Becker Foundation. He earned degrees in philosophy from Carleton College, the University of Hawaii and received his doctorate from National University of Singapore, where he had also been a senior tutor of 6 years. He is the author of many important books that introduce Buddhism to secular concerns in our world. His latest is Eco-Dharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis. His website is
Program Download:

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711

(Roy is on jury duty)

12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1067 - Socialists for Trump and Hitler (The "Assistance")", Part 7 (of 8)

We have wondered about the ascent of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a political animal. We wondered whether she might be a "ringer," elevated and promoted by the far right and, perhaps, elements of the CIA, because she is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT from their standpoint. In fact, she is straight from the Amazon (ahem) mail order catalog: an outspoken Latina who fits neatly into the anti-Latin bigotry institutionalized in Trump's GOP, brands as a socialist (perfect for the Karl Roves and Trumps of this world), has stated her intention to work against Democratic incumbents with whose policy positions she disagrees, and demonstrated a lack of economic sophistication in her comments about Amazon's failed New York City Deal and in the presentation of the Green New Deal.

The ascent of AOC was effected in large measure by two overlapping organizations-Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress-both co-founded by Saikat Chakrabarti, and Indian-American, Harvard-educated, Wall Street and Silicon Valley multi-millionaire, and fan of major Axis collaborator Subhas Chandra Bose. Brand New Congress was co-founded by a University of Pennsylvania-educated Turkish American, Cenk Uygur, who has a history of denying the Turkish genocide against the Armenians, as we shall see. (Like Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League School.)

The radical Democratic newcomers are precipitating a war within the Democratic Party, ignoring the fact that the Democrats retook Congress as a result of victories by moderate candidates in districts taken by Trump in 2016...

Chakrabarti is fundamental to the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Chakrabarti was AOC's campaign manager and is her current chief of staff. Both Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress donated a total of $900,000 to a consulting firm also headed by Chakrabarti. Until recently, AOC sat on the board of one of them.

In a recent twitter video post defending AOC's mercurial social media activity, Chakrabartiappeared with a T-Shirt featuring a picture of Subhas Chandra Bose, an Indian nationalist who allied himself with both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. He has a habit of wearing Subhas Chandra Bose garb...

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

1-2 Ervand Abrahamian "U.S. and Iran: Four Decades of Hostility"
The danger of war between the U.S. and Iran is increasing. U.S. forces virtually surround Iran. And they are being ramped up. In classic gunboat diplomacy a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group is positioned off the coast of Iran. Imagine if Iran had a naval armada off of New York or had troops in Canada. Why would Iran risk an armed confrontation with Washington? U.S. firepower would obliterate it. The Secretary of State demands that Iran "behave like a normal nation." By that does he mean like the U.S. with its bases everywhere and almost $ trillion military budget? Why did the U.S. abandon the Iran deal which according to the UN was working? Instead of sending warships, missiles and bombers to the Persian Gulf, Washington should send diplomats. We should have dialogue rather than hectoring and threatening war.

Ervand Abrahamian is distinguished professor emeritus of Iranian and Middle Eastern history and politics at the City University of New York. He is the author of 'Iran Between Two Revolutions, A History of Modern Iran' and 'The Coup: 1953, the CIA, and the Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations.' From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711


12-1 Alan Watts "The World as the Self" Part 1 of 4
"The proposition of Indian Vedanta that one's inmost Self (atman) is the universal and eteral reality (Brahman), and how this differs from solipsism and subjective idealism in Western Philosophy. (AW)
All info:

1-2:00 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"

2:00-3:00 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

3-3:30 Science Fiction Break

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)


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North Hollywood, CA 91604

Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,
North Hollywood, CA 91604

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