Sunday, March 31, 2019

April 1-4


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.

"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they include program material which is not owned by Pacifica (or me)

'Ch... Ch... Changes'

'The Work of Sokei Ah-Sasaki'
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230, Archive # BB0528.09


12-3 Bobb Lynes & Barbara Sunday "Don't Touch That Dial!"

Bobb and Barbara are homeless due to the misbehavior of an underground water pipe which caused their home to be taped by the Fire Dept. as too dangerous to even enter. They escaped with just the clothes on their back (plus a coat that a clever fireman rescued with a long stick) Details in the Pasadena Review:

However they have planned to do a show (which of course MUST go on), but Bobb will be calling in the details at the top:
All April fool's" shows: 'Our miss Brooks', 'Suspense,' 'Gildersleeve,' 'CBS Radio Workshop,' and 'Theater Guild on the Air.'.

3-4 Lux Radio Theater, "Saturday's Children" (10/26/36)
We continue our quest to play all existent 'Lux Radio Theater" shows in order of date of broadcast.

Starring Robert Taylor and Olivia deHavilland. Maxwell Anderson's drama of a newly married romantic couple's struggle with the harsh realities of life. Both are on "Lux" for the first time. (From "Lux Presents's Hollywood" by Connie Billips and Arthur Pierce.

4-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
(I think Thom is due to be back)
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has printed copy at hand M-F 9am-5pm
(818) 985-2711


12-3:30 Gary Null shows
Including programs posted at his Progressive Radio Network (free downloads).

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has printed copy at hand M-F 9am-5pm
(818) 985-2711


12-1 Dave Emory, "The Christian West - Contextual Foundation of the Jim DiEugenio Interviews" Part 1.

Reviewing past material in order to refresh and reinforce understanding of the historical context and foundation of the recent Jim DiEugenio interviews, this program reviews information relevant to the concept of the Christian West. “The Christian West” is explained in the description for AFA #37: ” . . . . When it became clear that the armies of the Third Reich were going to be defeated, it opened secret negotiations with representatives from the Western Allies. Representatives on both sides belonged to the transatlantic financial and industrial fraternity that had actively supported fascism. The thrust of these negotiations was the establishment of The Christian West. Viewed by the Nazis as a vehicle for surviving military defeat, ‘The Christian West’ involved a Hitler-less Reich joining with the U.S., Britain, France and other European nations in a transatlantic, pan-European anti-Soviet alliance. In fact, The Christian West became a reality only after the cessation of hostilities. The de-Nazification of Germany was aborted. Although a few of the more obvious and obnoxious elements of Nazism were removed, Nazis were returned to power at virtually every level and in almost every capacity in the Federal Republic of Germany. . . .”

Against the background of Allen and John Foster Dulles’ long, overlapping careers as lawyers for Sullivan & Cromwell, as well as government operatives, we note the decisive role of cartels in precipitating fascism and the position in the political and macro-economic landscape of the events stemming from that.

Program Highlights Include: American recruitment of Nazi Eastern Front intelligence officers in August of 1944 (far earlier than generally supposed); The Gehlen “Org”‘s incorporation into the CIA with the consent of a Nazi chain of command that was still in existence; the role in the Gehlen Org of Eastern European fascist organizations including the OUN/B, the Romanian Iron Guard, the Croatian Ustachi, the Bulgarian National Front and the SS Baltic Legion; the incorporation of those same Gehlen-controlled Eastern European fascists into the GOP via the Crusade For Freedom (CFF); the pivotal role of Gehlen/Nazi/CFF personnel in the postwar GOP (Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush); the re-institution of Nazis in the “New” Federal Republic of Germany; the control of the “New” Federal Republic of Germany by an underground Nazi fuehringsring and a command center in Madrid; the role of Canadian nickel interests in John Foster Dulles’ cobbling together of I.G. Farben; Garrison investigative target Clay Shaw’s networking with Canadian nickel interests; the role of both Dulles brothers in frustrating the interdiction of the Bormann flight capital program; the [apparently successful] negotiations between OSS chief William Donovan, his aide Allen Dulles and representative of the SS to realize the Christian West concept; the role of Crusade For Freedom personnel in the assassination of President Kennedy; Garrison investigative target Clay Shaw’s friendship with Nazi Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht; Foster Dulles’ professional intimacy with Schacht; Shaw’s links to Permindex and the SS-linked Schroeder banking empire; the decisive role of Allen Dulles, George Herbert Walker (W’s great grandfather and the grandfather of George H.W. Bush), Prescott Bush, Sr. (the father of George H.W. Bush and the grandfather of W) in laundering U.S. capital investment in Nazi Germany and the return of those Nazi monies to the U.S.; Nazi steel magnate Fritz Thyssen’s close relationship to: Allen Dulles, Prescott Bush, Martin Bormann and the Schroeder banking interests; Allen Dulles’ “go-to” relationship with Senator Prescott Bush (senior) while serving as head of the CIA.

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

1-2 Sheldon Wolin, “The Inversion of Totalitarianism”

Recorded in Willits, CA on May 29, 2003.

Traditional totalitarianism conjures images of jack-booted storm troopers, death camps and Stalin-like regimes. In recent years a new variety of totalitarianism has emerged departing from the norm. Noted political theorist Sheldon Wolin calls it “the inversion of totalitarianism” and that it “represents the political coming of age of corporate power and political demobilization of the citizenry. Unlike classical totalitarian systems which openly boasted of their intentions to force their societies in a preconceived totality, inverted totalitarianism is not expressly conceptualized as an ideology, nor is it objectified in public policy.” Corporations have de facto power and have carried out a slow-motion coup d’état. How to resist? Wolin says it starts at the local level.

Sheldon Wolin was an important political scientist and award-winning scholar. Cornel West called him, “The greatest political theorist of and for democracy of our time.” He taught at UC/Berkeley and Princeton. He was the author of 'Politics and Vision and Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism.' He passed away in 2015.

From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has printed copy at hand M-F 9am-5pm
(818) 985-2711


12-1 Alan Watts, 'Future of Communications' # 3 of 4

'Modern methods of communication are extending our nervous system to cover the planet. How and why will such an extended nervous system operate? How will it affect the 'private person and our ideas of ethics and responsibility? How, to use Toynbee's word, will it 'etherealize' our entire society? " (AW)

All info:

1-2 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"TBA

1:30-2:30 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

2:30-3 Science Fiction Break

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has printed copy at hand M-F 9am-5pm(818) 985-2711

That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)


Something's Happening | | | Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,
North Hollywood, CA 91604

Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 25-29


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.

"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.


We raised close to $700k, but we had to go overtime to make (and exceed) our $650,000 goal. The next fund drive will begin May 1st. We (Pacifica Radio) are working off our multi-million dollar 9/11+ debt to the Empire State Building and Empire State Realty Trust peeps (see ) and are tightening our belts, changing some programming, and increasing our off-air fundraising and doing some long-overdue changes in our governance structures with a great board you have recently re-elected. You can still order the new limited KPFK 60th Birthday Shepard Fairey t-shirts and mugs online at We are so grateful to those of you who were able to contribute as we endeavor to increase our listenership again.

Bobb Lynes and Barbara Sunday of our old time radio show "Don't Touch That Dial" came home and found their South Pasadena house was being dangerously undermined by a leaking water pipe. Their home was taped as dangerous to enter and they 'escaped' with only the clothes on their backs. Here is an article from the So. Pasadena News.

March 24
The final half hour of Alan Watts' rare Q&A with the audience, never before broadcast until the fund drive, but last week the last segment was interrupted by the Sheriff's practice emergency alert message. So here the final segment (hopefully) not interrupted by the Sheriff.


12-1:30 Pema Chodron, "Noble Heart"
'A Self-Guided Retreat in Befriending Your Obstacles'

You can't get away from suffering. That's the good news, teaches Pema Chödrön. For at the core of your most painful experiences, perhaps more than anywhere else, you will find the seeds of your awakening.

On 'Noble Heart,' this beloved American-born Buddhist nun shows you how vulnerability is your greatest spiritual resource on the path through life's difficulties. The noble heart, Ane Pema teaches, is one that sheds its armor, opening itself fearlessly to both heartache and delight. Using special meditations and traditional teachings, Pema Chödrön leads you, step-by-step, toward a full realization of your true strength, the strength that can come only through embracing the pain of your own experience.

'Noble Heart' was recorded as it happened, within the peaceful shrine room of Gampo Abbey, Ane Pema's home on the cliffs of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Structured so that you can create your own retreat at home or at your meditation center, this complete curriculum brings you key teachings about how to recognize and cultivate the soft spot that is the gateway to your own noble heart.

Here is the promise of the Four Limitless Ones-maitri (loving-kindness), compassion, joy, and equanimity-and down-to-earth advice about how to draw strength from them every day, in any situation. Here, too, are the treasured teachings about the Six Paramitas: the Buddha's own map of the journey to enlightenment. Learn how to connect with your innately unlimited friendliness, and how it can grow big enough to contain the entire world.

With four complete meditations, unique heart teachings, and Ane Pema's trademark humor, 'Noble Heart' invites you to discover for yourself the compassion and wisdom that have established her as a leading voice in American Buddhism. Includes more than nine hours of direct teachings from this revered acharya (master teacher)

Session 11 of 12: 'Shunyata Meditation'
Groundlessness. Opening our minds The true nature of mind. Kind hearted attentiveness. The contemplation of equanimity. Living with an attitude of non-grasping. Threefold Purity Meditation. More.

Session 12 (conclusion) 'Bodhichitta in the World'
The power of connectedness. Limitless compassion. Relaxing with groundlessness. Dissolving the barriers. The dharmic habit. The bodhichitta slogans. More.

From Sounds True 1 (800) 333-9185,

1:30-2:30 Jack Kornfield, "The Jewel of Liberation" 7 of 10

For four decades, Buddhist meditation teacher Jack Kornfield has shared practical instructions for awakening the wise and compassionate heart in the midst of all we experience. The Jewel of Liberation presents 10 pinnacle dharma talks (teaching sessions) hand-selected by Jack from his personal collection to illuminate the pathways out of suffering and into the natural freedom that is both our shared birthright and our greatest gift to the world.

Reclaim the Seat of Dignity, Compassion, and Lovingkindness

Meditation is the practice of awakening itself; it is the fundamental tool the Buddha offered to quiet the mind and open the heart. We begin our retreat with an examination of the art of meditation and how it empowers us to see things clearly and be gracious with the flow of this ever-changing life.

'The Jewel of Liberation' continues with guidance in managing our troubles, the "weeds" that arise even as we cultivate the seeds of abiding happiness. Our retreat culminates with an inquiry into the "laws of life," the understandings we must have if we are to experience freedom independent of our circumstances.

The Possibility of Freedom Here and Now

"The sure heart's release is found nowhere else but in our own direct experience-for it is who and what we are," teaches Jack Kornfield. "The world so much needs people who are free in this way, unafraid to love every being." Here is his invitation for each of us to "be a lamp of freedom for yourself and for all."

Session 7 of 10: 'Genuine Transformation'
The body of habit. What brings about real change? What keeps chi alive? The transformation of identity.

Ten CE credits available!

All Info:

2:30-3:30 Happy 100th Birthday Lawrence Ferlinghetti!! (March 24, 1919 - )

"Lawrence Ferlinghetti, in full Lawrence Monsanto Ferlinghetti, (born March 24, 1919, Yonkers, New York, U.S.), American poet, one of the founders of the Beat movement in San Francisco in the mid-1950s. His City Lights bookshop was an early gathering place of the Beats, and the publishing arm of City Lights was the first to print the Beats’ books of poetry.

Ferlinghetti was a U.S. naval officer during World War II, and he received a B.A. at the University of North Carolina, an M.A. at Columbia University, and a doctorate at the Sorbonne in 1951.

In 1951 Ferlinghetti settled in San Francisco, and in 1953 he opened the City Lights Pocket Book Shop, which quickly became a gathering place for the city’s literary avant-garde. In 1955 Ferlinghetti’s new City Lights press published his verse collection Pictures of the Gone World, which was the first paperback volume of the Pocket Poets series. Allen Ginsberg’s Howl and Other Poems (1956) was originally published as the fourth volume in the series. City Lights Books printed other works by Ginsberg as well as books by Jack Kerouac, Gregory Corso, Denise Levertov, William Burroughs, William Carlos Williams, and foreign authors." ( from )

'Poets West Parts 1 & 2 '

The poet and founder of City Lights Booksellers and Publishers, major cultural icon of the San Francisco Bay Area and everywhere from there, still alive and kickin'.

Reading by Lawrence Ferlinghetti reading from his book, 'A Coney Island of the Mind' and from 'Pictures of the Gone World.' Hosted by J. Glen Evans. From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has printed copy at hand M-F 9am-5pm
(818) 985-2711


12-1 Gary Null, ‘Progressive Commentary Hour’ – 03.19.19

In this episode of The Progressive Commentary Hour Gary spends the entire show doing a investigative report on AIDS/HIV. In this episode Gary goes into his history on getting the truth out there on curing AIDS/HIV. Gary also played audio from Tri-State Healing Center testimonials on seroreconversion from members of the staff at the Tri-state Healing Center, and others. From Progressive Radio Network


NOTE: For those who have heard fallacious rumors about Gary and his
work based on the infamous 'Quackbusters' attacks, read what the
California Superior Court has stated about the credibility of the
so-called Quackbusters:

1-3:30 Various AIDS/HIV Program/Film/Conference

I have not reviewed the following segments but they will include testimonials from medical doctors and scientists besides Gary Null who have found non-toxic treatments to be effective - including “Aids is not a Death Sentence” Press Conference, Documentary: “The Pain and Politics and Profit of Aids” and maybe another Gary Null Show or two.

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has printed copy at hand M-F 9am-5pm
(818) 985-2711


12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1057 - Miscellaneous Articles and Updates"

1.–The State Department’s “Ministry of Truth” is going to be headed by a Fox News and CIA veteran, Lea Gabrielle. Designed to neutralize what the Powers That Be deem to be foreign propaganda, the blandly-named Global Engagement Center has been exemplified by its attempts to portray as “Russian disinformation” the verifiably Nazi character and political heritage of the OUN/B successor organizations wielding the police, educational and national security reins in Ukraine. ” . . . .

2.–Fox News rejected a national buy for an ad that was to run during Sean Hannity’s show. The ad promotes the Oscar-nominated documentary ‘A Night at the Garden, ‘about a 1939 Nazi rally in New York City. The ad includes the warning “It Can Happen Here” about the potential dangers of President Donald Trump’s brand of populism. … On youtube:

3.–The El Paso Trump rally manifested a contemporary iteration of “A Night at the Garden”. ” . . . . Trump’s rally in El Paso was in support of his border wall. In his State of the Union address last week he claimed, falsely, that border fencing that was built south of the city in 2010 transformed El Paso from a dangerous place into a safe one. Its Republican mayor lashed out at the president last week for his falsehood…

4.–Next, we have an update on Data Propria, the Cambridge Analytica offshoot created by Brad Parscale’s company Cloud Commerce. The GOP hired the services of Data Propria for the 2018 mid-terms. Data Propria employs four ex-Cambridge Analytica employees, including Cambridge Analytica’s chief data scientist. Cambridge Analytica’s former head of product, Matt Oczkowski, leads Data Propia. …

5.–Matt Oczkowski is now the running Parscale Digital in addition to Data Propria. Parscale Digital is the rebranded version of Parscale’s old marketing company. As the following article notes, Parscale sold his shares in Parscale Digital in August 2017, at the same time he purchased $9 million in stock for Cloud Commerce and took a seat on its board. August of 2017 is also the same month Parscale Digital was sold to Cloud Commerce. Thus, Parscale is a co-owner of Cloud Commerce which the owner of Parscale Digital. Now Matt Oczkowski, the former head of product for Cambridge Analytica, is running Parscale Digital…

6.–After a member of an “antifa” group was stabbed at a white supremacist rally, the FBI investigated the protesters, rather than the KKK. ” . . . . Federal authorities ran a surveillance operation on By Any Means Necessary (Bamn), spying on the leftist group’s movements in an inquiry that came after one of Bamn’s members was stabbed at the white supremacist rally, according to documents obtained by the Guardian. The FBI’s Bamn files reveal: * The FBI investigated Bamn for potential ‘conspiracy’ against the ‘rights’ of the ‘Ku Klux Klan’ and white supremacists….

7.–The FBI investigation into the motive behind Stephen Paddock’s massacre in Las Vegas has omitted Paddock’s links with the Sovereign Citizen movement, which we highlighted in FTR #1011. ” . . . . The high-stakes gambler responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history sought notoriety in the attack but left his specific motive a mystery, the FBI said Tuesday as it concluded the investigation of the 2017 massacre that killed 58 country music fans. . . .”

8.–This society has been sowing the Nazi and fascist winds for a long time. Failing to come to terms with the Nazi and fascist sympathies of American industrialists who financed Hitler, the incorporation of the Nazi SS into the CIA via the Gehlen org, and the incorporation of Eastern and Central European SS-allied fascists into the GOP has borne its inevitable fruit. Now it will be reaping the Nazi whirlwind. An extremely popular children’s lip-synching app called TikTok has incorporated murderously racist invective against people of color and Jews, in addition to sharing overtly Nazi propaganda.

9.–Even as officialdom and the media downplay or outright dismiss the Junior Prom photo from Baraboo High School, we should expect things to become dramatically worse. Time grows short. Tik Tok! ” . . .

10.–Announced Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris opposed the 2012 parole bid of demonstrably innocent Sirhan Sirhan, the patsy for the RFK assassination…

11.–With the New Cold War gathering momentum and Trump’s withdrawal from the treaty on intermediate range nuclear missiles pointing the world toward war, it is worth reflecting on the history and deep politics that brought this about. Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty has written about events in August of 1944 that are indicative of the coalescence of the “Christian West” concept that we discussed in AFA #37 and further developed in FTR #1009. Note that this was well before the official incorporation of the Gehlen “Org” into CIA…

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

1-2 Steve Ellner “The Open Veins of Venezuela”


Historically, Venezuela has been an ATM machine for U.S. corporations. Located on the northern coast of South America with a population of 32 million, Venezuela is rich in natural resources: diamonds, bauxite, gold, iron ore, natural gas and oil, especially oil. The election of Hugo Chavez in 1998 heralded in what he called the Bolivarian Revolution. It was a challenge to U.S. hegemony. After his death in 2013 he was succeeded by Nicolas Maduro who stood for election in that same year and won. Maduro was reelected in 2018. The economy is in crisis. There is runaway inflation. Supermarket shelves are empty. Many people have left for neighboring countries. The economy is being crippled by sanctions imposed by the U.S., Canada, and other countries. Ordinary Venezuelans are suffering. Washington is leading the charge for regime change in Venezuela.

Steve Ellner has taught economic history and political science at the Universidad de Oriente in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela for many years. His articles have appeared in The Los Angeles Times, In TheseTimes, The New York Times and other newspapers and journals. He is the author of ‘Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class Conflict & the Chavez Phenomenon’and ‘Latin America's Radical Left.’ ‘

From Alternative Radio, 1 (800) 444-1977,

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has printed copy at hand M-F 9am-5pm
(818) 985-2711


12-1 Alan Watts, 'Future of Communications' Part 2 of 4
'Modern methods of communication are extending our nervous system to cover the planet. How and why will such an extended nervous system operate? How will it affect the 'private person and our ideas of ethics and responsibility? How, to use Toynbee's word, will it 'etherealize' our entire society?
All info:

1-2 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"


2-3 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

3-3:30 Science Fiction Break

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has printed copy at hand M-F 9am-5pm

(818) 985-2711

That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)


Sunday, March 17, 2019

March 18-22


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning
and maintaining the website.

"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested
in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.

'Ch... Ch... Changes'

The fund drive ends Tuesday evening at 8pm. As of Sunday morning we were at about $621,000 so it looks like we'll make it to the $650,000 goal.


DEMOCRACY NOW! with Amy Goodman moves to 8 am
Risung Up with Sonali moves to 4pm
And Stephanie Miller debuts Mon - Fri at 6 am

March 24 (next week)

The uninterrupted end of an Alan Watts rare Q&A which had never before been broadcast.

During the last several weeks of the fund drive, we had been broadcasting a rare Watts direct Q&A with the audience which had never before been broadcast. Unfortunately this week, while we were broadcasting the last 15 minutes of this program, the Sheriff
interrupted things with an Emergency Alert Announcement over the talk. (This is an automatic announcement at different times of the day and night) To repair the damage, we will be broadcasting here the final half hour of that Q&A to allay the frustration
of missing those moments.


12-3 Special Old Radio Night
We will be offering and playing our old radio collection offerings!!! (on MP3 CDs)
Big collections for small donations ($50) as regular working adult subscriptions.
'New World A-Coming,' 'Destination Freedom,' 'Dame Detectives,' 'Authors Collection' and 'Best of Suspense.'

3:00-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

Fund Drive is Over!!

12-3:40 We need a good laugh - all comedy show. (classic comedians collection)

We received a donation of a new 5 LP collection of "The Golden Age of Comedy" from The Longines Symphonette Society from Art Kennedy. (The album is old but the LPs are new) We'll hear 3 1/2 hours worth to start:

Memories of Radio Comedy
Eddie Cantor & Bert Gordon ('The Mad Russian). 'Duffy's Tavern' with Ed Gardner (if Duffy is there). W.C. Fields with Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. Talulah Bankhead with Fred Allen. Ed Wynn. George Burns and Gracie Allen.

Children are Funny
Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks. Fanny Brice and Hanley Stafford as Baby Snooks and Daddy. Red Skelton as 'The Bad Little Boy. Nichols and May.

How to Laugh At Everyday Problems
George Burns. Milton Berle. Dick Gregory. Fred Allen and Oscar Levant. Betty Walker. Buddy Hackett.

Bigger Problems Are Even Funnier
Don Ameche and Frances Langfort as 'The Bickersons.' Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca. Stiller and Meara. Ernie Kovacs. Andy Griffith.

Jonathan Winters. Leonard Barr. Norm Crosby. Woody Woodbury. Frank Gallop and Lou Jacobi. George Gobel. Morey Amsterdam.

Maybe more -

3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:


12-2 Dave Emory, "For the Record # 1055 & 1056 - Interviews 24 & 25 with Jim DiEugenio about "Destiny Betrayed" (Conclusion of DiEugenio series)

These are the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth (concluding program) in a long series of interviews with Jim DiEugenio about his triumphal analysis of President Kennedy’s assassination and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s heroic investigation of the

The first interview begins with a telling editorial written for “The Washington Post” by former President Harry Truman.

Destiny Betrayed by Jim DiEugenio; Skyhorse Publishing [SC]; Copyright 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEugenio; ISBN 978-1-62087-056-3; pp. 378-379.

. . . . On December 22, 1963, Harry Truman wrote an editorial that was published in the Washington Post. The former President wrote that he had become “disturbed by the way the CIA had become diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational
and at times a policy-making arm of government.” He wrote that he never dreamed that this would happen when he signed the National Security Act. he thought it would be used for intelligence analysis, not “peacetime cloak and dagger operations.” He complained
that the CIA had now become “so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue–and a subject for Cold War enemy propaganda.” Truman went as far as suggesting its operational arm be eliminated.
He concluded with the warning that Americans have grown up learning respect for “our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over out
historic position and I feel hat we need to correct it.” . . . .

Former CIA Director (and then Warren Commission member) Allen Dulles visited Truman and attempted to get him to retract the statement. He dissembled about then CIA chief John McCone’s view of the editorial.

The focal point of the first two programs is the dramatic changes in U.S. foreign policy that occurred because of JFK’s assassination. Analysis in FTR #1056 continues the analysis of Kennedy’s foreign policy and concludes with riveting discussion of the striking
policy undertakings of the Kennedy administration in the area of civil rights. Jim has written a marvelous, 4-part analysis of JFK’s civil rights policy.

Discussion of JFK’s foreign policy and how his murder changed that builds on, and supplements analysis of this in FTR #1031, FTR #1032 and FTR #1033.

Lyndon Baines Johnson reversed JFK’s foreign policy initiatives in a number of important ways...

This awareness guided JFK’s Vietnam policy, in which he not only resisted tremendous pressure to commit U.S. combat troops to Vietnam, but planned a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam.

Perhaps the most important change made after JFK’s assassination was Johnson’s negation of Kennedy’s plans to withdraw from Vietnam.

LBJ cancelled Kennedy’s scheduled troop withdrawal, scheduled personnel increases and implemented the 34A program of covert operations against North Vietnam. Executed by South Vietnamese naval commandos using small, American-made patrol boats, these raids were
supported by U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin, which were electronically “fingerprinting” North Vietnamese radar installations...

. . . . Clearly now that the withdrawal was imminent, Kennedy was going to try and get the rest of his administration on board to his way of thinking. Not only did this not happen once Kennedy was dead, but the first
meeting on Vietnam afterwards was a strong indication that things were now going to be cast in a sharply different tone. This meeting took place at 3:00 p.m. on November 24. . . . Johnson’s intent was clear to McNamara. He was breaking with the previous policy.
The goal now was to win the war. LBJ then issued a strong warning: He wanted no more dissension or division over policy. Any person who did not conform would be removed. (This would later be demonstrated by his banning of Hubert Humphrey from Vietnam meetings
when Humphrey advised Johnson to rethink his policy of military commitment to Vietnam.) . . . . The reader should recall, this meeting took place just forty-eight hours after Kennedy was killed. . . .

. . . . Therefore, on March 2, 1964, the Joint Chiefs passed a new war proposal to the White House. This was even more ambitious than the January version. It included bombing, the mining of North Vietnamese harbors, a naval blockade, and possible use of tactical
atomic weapons in case China intervened. Johnson was now drawing up a full scale battle plan for Vietnam. In other words, what Kennedy did not do in three years, LBJ had done in three months.

Johnson said he was not ready for this proposal since he did not have congress yet as a partner and trustee. But he did order the preparation of NSAM 288, which was based on this proposal. It was essentially a target list of bombing sites that eventually reached
94 possibilities. By May 25, with Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater clamoring for bombing of the north, LBJ had made the decision that the U.S. would directly attack North Vietnam at an unspecified point in the future. But it is important to note that even
before the Tonkin Gulf incident, Johnson had ordered the drawing up of a congressional resolution. This had been finalized by William Bundy, McGeorge Bundy’s brother. Therefore in June of 1964, Johnson began lobbying certain people for its passage in congress.
. . .

National Security Memorandum 263

. . . . Johnson seized upon the hazy and controversial events in the Gulf of Tonkin during the first week of August to begin he air war planned in NSAM 288. Yet the Tonkin Gulf incident had been prepared by Johnson himself. After Kennedy’s death, President
Johnson made a few alterations in the draft of NSAM 273. An order which Kennedy had never seen but was drafted by McGeorge Bundy after a meeting in Honolulu, a meeting which took place while Kennedy was visiting Texas. . . .

In addition to noting that Hubert Humphrey, contrary to popular misconception, was an opponent of Johnson’s war strategy, we note that Robert McNamara was also opposed to it, although he went along with the Commander
in Chief’s policies.

After detailed discussion of the human and environmental damage inflicted on Vietnam and the strategy implemented by LBJ after Kennedy’s assassination, the discussion turns to Johnson’s reversal of Kennedy’s policy with regard to Laos.

The fledgling nation of Laos was also part of French Indochina, and Jim notes how outgoing President Eisenhower coached President-Elect Kennedy on the necessity of committing U.S. combat forces to Laos.

Again, Kennedy refused to commit U.S. ground forces and engineered a policy of neutrality for Laos.

LBJ also reversed JFK’s policy toward Indonesia...

LBJ reversed Kennedy’s policy vis a vis Sukarno. It should be noted that Freeport had set its corporate sights on a very lucrative pair of mountains in Indonesia, both of which had enormous deposits of minerals, iron, copper, silver and gold in particular...

Yet another area in which JFK’s policy outlook ran afoul of the prevailing wisdom of the Cold War was with regard to the Congo. A Belgian colony which was the victim of genocidal policies of King Leopold (estimates
of the dead run as high as 8 million), the diamond and mineral-rich Congo gained a fragile independence.

In Africa, as well, Kennedy understood the struggle of emerging nations seeking freedom from colonial domination as falling outside of and transcending stereotyped Cold War dynamics...

In the Congo, as in Indonesia, LBJ reversed JFK’s policy stance, and the corporate looting of the Congo resulted under General Joseph Mobutu, himself a beneficiary of the piracy...

In FTR #1033, we examined JFK’s attempts at normalizing relations with Cuba. That, of course, vanished with his assassination and the deepening of Cold War hostility between the U.S. and the Island nation, with a
thaw of sorts coming under Barack Obama a few years ago.

There is no more striking area in which JFK’s murder reversed what would have been historic changes in America’s foreign policy than U.S.-Soviet relations.

JFK had implemented a ban on atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, bitterly opposed by the Pentagon, In a June, 1963 speech at American University, JFK called for re-evaluating America’s relationship to the Soviet Union, and cited the U.S.S.R’s decisive role
in defeating Nazi Germany during World War II.

JFK was also proposing joint space exploration with the Soviet Union, which would have appeared to be nothing less than treasonous to the Pentagon and NASA at the time. After JFK’s assassination, the Kennedy family used a backchannel diplomatic conduit to the
Soviet leadership to communicate their view that the Soviet Union, and its Cuban ally, had been blameless in the assassination and that powerful right-wing forces in the United States had been behind the assassination.

Perhaps JFK’s greatest contribution was one that has received scant notice. In 1961, the Joint Chiefs were pushing for a first strike on the Soviet Union–a decision to initiate nuclear war. JFK refused, walking out of the discussion with the disgusted observation
that “We call ourselves the human race.”

In FTR #’s 876, 926 and 1051, we examined the creation of the meme that Oswald had been networking with the Cubans and Soviets in the run-up to the assassination. In particular, Oswald was supposedly meeting with Valery Kostikov, a KGB official in charge of
assassinations in the Western Hemisphere.

This created the pretext for blaming JFK’s assassination on the Soviet Union and/or Cuba. There are indications that JFK’s assassination may well have been intended as a pretext for a nuclear first strike on the Soviet Union.

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James W. Douglass; Touchstone Books [SC]; Copyright 2008 by James W. Douglas; ISBN 978-1-4391-9388-4; pp. 242-243.

. . . . As JFK may have recalled from the National Security Council meeting he walked out of in July 1961, the first Net Evaluation Subcommittee report had focused precisely on “a surprise attack in late 1963, preceded by a period of heightened tensions.” Kennedy
was a keen reader and listener. In the second preemptive-war report, he may also have noticed the slight but significant discrepancy between its overall time frame, 1963-1968, and the extent of its relatively reassuring conclusion, which covered only 1964
through 1968. . . .

. . . . In his cat-and-mouse questioning of his military chiefs, President Kennedy had built upon the report’s apparently reassuring conclusion in such a way as to discourage preemptive-war ambitions. However, given the “late 1963” focus in the first Net Report
that that was the most threatening time for a preemptive strike, Kennedy had little reason to be reassured by a second report that implicitly confirmed that time as the one of maximum danger. The personally fatal fall JFK was about to enter, in late 1963,
was the same time his military commanders may have considered their last chance to “win” (in their terms) a preemptive war against the Soviet Union. In terms of their second Net Report to the President, which passed over the perilous meaning of late 1963,
the cat-and-mouse game had been reversed. It was the generals who were the cats, and JFK the mouse in their midst.

The explicit assumption of the first Net Report was “a surprise attack in late 1963, preceded by a period of heightened tensions.” The focus of that first-strike scenario corresponded to the Kennedy assassination scenario. When President Kennedy was murdered
in late 1963, the Soviet Union had been set up as the major scapegoat in the plot. If the tactic had been successful in scapegoating the Russians for the crime of the century, there is little doubt that it would have resulted in “a period of heightened tensions”
between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Those who designed the plot to kill Kennedy were familiar with the inner sanctum of our national security state. Their attempt to scapegoat the Soviets for the President’s murder reflected one side of the secret struggle between JFK and his military leaders
over a preemptive strike against the Soviet Union. The assassins’ purpose seems to have encompassed not only killing a President determined to make peace with the enemy, but also using his murder as the impetus for a possible nuclear first strike against that
same enemy. . . .

With the GOP and Trump administration openly suppressing voting rights of minorities, African-Americans in particular, the stellar efforts of JFK and the Justice Department in the area of civil rights is striking. JFK’s civil rights policy was exponentially
greater than what had preceded him, and much of what followed.

The conclusion of the discussion in FTR #1056 consists of Jim’s discussion of his marvelous, 4-part analysis of JFK’s civil rights policy.

Destiny Betrayed by Jim DiEugenio; Skyhorse Publishing [SC]; Copyright 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEugenio; ISBN 978-1-62087-056-3; p. 261.

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
'Extinction Rebellion'

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
'Grounded! Behind Boeing's 737 Max 8'

“Samya Stumo was all of 24 years old, a coming leader from the young generation. Her mission was global health – not just diagnosis and treatment. Her mission was prevention. And she’d already had a lot of experience. She graduated the
University of Massachusetts, then the University of Copenhagen where she spent time in Africa conducting her studies to get a Master’s in Global Health. She also spent time in Peru. And she had peer-reviewed studies published in professional journals. She
was multi-lingual. At just 24, people who worked with her saw enormous leadership emanating from her sparkling personality. She had a way with people, a way to motivate them. She had enormous compassion coupled with intellectual rigor. She knew how to cut
right through a bureaucracy. She was very direct. It’s a terrible loss not just to us and the family, but it’s a loss to humanity. Think of the people whose lives she would have saved.” Ralph Nader on the loss of his grandniece, Samya Stumo, in the crash of
Ethiopian Airlines flight 302

William McGee is an award-winning travel journalist and the aviation advisor for Consumer Reports, who also writes a monthly travel column for USA Today. Mr. McGee also spent nearly seven years in airline flight operations management. He
has also written an exposé of the airline industry entitled, “Attention All Passengers: The Airlines’ Dangerous Descent and What You Can Do to Reclaim Our Skies.”

Colman McCarthy is a journalist, teacher, lecturer, pacifist, progressive, and long-time peace activist who directs the Center for Teaching Peace in Washington, D.C. Washingtonian magazine has called him “the liberal conscience of The Washington
Post.” Mr. McCarthy’s books include “I’d Rather Teach Peace” and “All of One Peace.”
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm

3:30-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar


12-1 Alan Watts, "The Goddess" Part 3 of 6
With Prof. Kim Mckell of the California School of Asian Studies

All info:

1-1:30 Jack Gariss, "Bio-Meditation"


1:30-2:30 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

2:30-3 Science Fiction Break

3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)


Monday, March 11, 2019

March 11-14


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning
and maintaining the website.

"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested
in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.

'Ch... Ch... Changes'

... began Tuesday, February 12, goal $650,000. Expected to end by March 10 depending on our daily totals. (818) 985-5735. Sustainers wanted and phone answerers wanted. We now expect to continue to the 19th.

"Fund Drive Schedule" means that our program schedule will vary in response to pledge calls - we work for more regular programming and less fundraising and that depends on whether the phones are lighting. NOTE: We will also be usually starting the Thom
Hartmann Program a bit early so we don't have to edit his program to accommodate his active listenership.

8-9AM Special Watts-O-Rama
(featuring bona fides never-before-played recorded live Q&A from audience)
From Pacifica Radio Archives, 1 (800) 735-0230,

Fund Drive Schedule

12-1 Pema Chodron, "Noble Heart"
'A Self-Guided Retreat in Befriending Your Obstacles'

You can't get away from suffering. That's the good news, teaches Pema Chödrön. For at the core of your most painful experiences, perhaps more than anywhere else, you will find the seeds of your awakening.

On 'Noble Heart,' this beloved American-born Buddhist nun shows you how vulnerability is your greatest spiritual resource on the path through life's difficulties. The noble heart, Ane Pema teaches, is one that sheds its armor, opening itself fearlessly
to both heartache and delight. Using special meditations and traditional teachings, Pema Chödrön leads you, step-by-step, toward a full realization of your true strength, the strength that can come only through embracing the pain of your own experience.

'Noble Heart' was recorded as it happened, within the peaceful shrine room of Gampo Abbey, Ane Pema's home on the cliffs of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Structured so that you can create your own retreat at home or at your meditation center, this complete
curriculum brings you key teachings about how to recognize and cultivate the soft spot that is the gateway to your own noble heart.

Here is the promise of the Four Limitless Ones-maitri (loving-kindness), compassion, joy, and equanimity-and down-to-earth advice about how to draw strength from them every day, in any situation. Here, too, are the treasured teachings about the Six Paramitas:
the Buddha's own map of the journey to enlightenment. Learn how to connect with your innately unlimited friendliness, and how it can grow big enough to contain the entire world.

With four complete meditations, unique heart teachings, and Ane Pema's trademark humor, 'Noble Heart' invites you to discover for yourself the compassion and wisdom that have established her as a leading voice in American Buddhism. Includes more than nine
hours of direct teachings from this revered acharya (master teacher)

Session 10 of 12: 'Joyful Exertion'
The nondualistic nature of the paramitas. Contemplation. The three kinds of exertion. The three kinds of laziness. Exertion without a hangover. Thich Nhat Hanh's poem on nondulaity. More.

From Sounds True 1 (800) 333-9185,

1-2 Jack Kornfield, "The Jewel of Liberation" 6 of 8

For four decades, Buddhist meditation teacher Jack Kornfield has shared practical instructions for awakening the wise and compassionate heart in the midst of all we experience. The Jewel of Liberation presents 10 pinnacle dharma talks (teaching sessions)
hand-selected by Jack from his personal collection to illuminate the pathways out of suffering and into the natural freedom that is both our shared birthright and our greatest gift to the world.

Reclaim the Seat of Dignity, Compassion, and Lovingkindness

Meditation is the practice of awakening itself; it is the fundamental tool the Buddha offered to quiet the mind and open the heart. We begin our retreat with an examination of the art of meditation and how it empowers us to see things clearly and be gracious
with the flow of this ever-changing life.

The Jewel of Liberation continues with guidance in managing our troubles, the "weeds" that arise even as we cultivate the seeds of abiding happiness. Our retreat culminates with an inquiry into the "laws of life," the understandings we must have if we
are to experience freedom independent of our circumstances.

The Possibility of Freedom Here and Now

"The sure heart's release is found nowhere else but in our own direct experience-for it is who and what we are," teaches Jack Kornfield. "The world so much needs people who are free in this way, unafraid to love every being." Here is his invitation for
each of us to "be a lamp of freedom for yourself and for all."

Session 6 of 8: 'The One Who Knows'
The true nature of mind. The one who forgets. Mara. The one who knows. Blindness. The middle way.

All Info:

3-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

Fund Drive Schedule

12-1:30 Dan Sheehan "Hacking Reality"

'Worldview Paradigm Theory & Boots on the Ground

For Effective Change-Makers'

(October 2018}

An important talk for anyone who is interested in the current campaigns for President. This talk was given in October but points out inside current plans and situations of the parties as only he has pointed out. (Yes he predicted the
election results for the House and Senate). There are great plans and much work afoot for progressives who want to be active in really changing the direction of or country. This talk is the 2nd segment of a 3-parter which will be broadcast after the fund

Dan Sheehan:

From Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library

Media Exchange Event Center

541-552-91191757 Ashland St., Ashland, OR

1:30-2:30 Clarissa Pinkola Estes, 'How To Love a Woman" Part 2 of 2

For all men and women who thirst to love and be loved by a woman, these words and stories of guidance from Clarissa Pinkola Estés are aqua vitae, the water of life for the soul.
Dr. Estés teaches that in love relationships, each partner challenges, nourishes, and transforms the other. To achieve this lifelong love requires an understanding of the mysterious internal cycles that fuel relationships.
Through irresistible storytelling, How to Love a Woman shows how every relationship fades and expires, only to be reborn in a fresh and strengthened form.

Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD, is an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). In addition to her international bestseller Women Who Run With
the Wolves, Dr. Estés is a managing editor and columnist writing on politics, spirituality, and culture at the newsblog, and she is a columnist at The National Catholic Reporter online.

From Sounds True, 1 (800) 333-9185,

3:00-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

Fund Drive Schedule

12-1 Dave Emory “For the Record #1053 “Interview #22 with Jim DiEugenio about ‘Destiny Betrayed’”

House Select Committee on Assassinations Assistant Counsel Jonathan Blackmer: “. . . . ‘We have reason to believe Shaw was heavily involved in the Anti-Castro efforts in New Orleans in the 1960s and [was] possibly one of the high level
planners or ‘cut out’ to the planners of the assassination.’ . . . .”

This is the twenty-second in a planned long series of interviews with Jim DiEugenio about his triumphal analysis of President Kennedy’s assassination and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s heroic investigation of the killing.

This program continues examination of the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

Eventually, the collaborationist mainstream media began an assault on Richard Sprague and the work of the committee. The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post began the assault, which quickly drew blood. . . .

As discussed in FTR #712, we highlighted DeMohrenschildt’s links to former CIA director George H.W. Bush, for whom CIA headquarters is named. In that same program, we covered Bush’s involvement in the JFK assassination. LIke DeMohrenschildt
and many of the White Russians who associated with the Oswalds in the Dallas area, Bush had roots in the petroleum industry.

Noteworthy in the context of Oswald’s presence in Dallas, is that this alleged traitor was employed by Jaggars, Chiles and Stovall, a firm that did classified work for the military, including projects associated with the U-2 spy plane!
That the “traitor” Oswald, who offered to disclose classified information about the U-2 and U.S. aviation operations to the Soviets could be employed by such a firm is unthinkable, IF we are to take the official version of Oswald at face value.

Ultimately, DeMohrenschildt handed the Oswalds–Lee and Marina–off to the “Quaker liberals” Michael and Ruth Paine.

DeMohrenschildt’s death was ruled a suicide, but the circumstances surrounding his demise are noteworthy.

At the time he died, DeMohrenschildt was networking with a Dutch journalist named Willem Oltmans, who began spreading disinformation after DeMohrenschildt’s demise. DeMohrenschildt was also networking with journalist Edward Epstein, who
pressed the “Soviets did it” meme for a time and whose behavior vis a vis DeMohrenschildt is questionable.

Prior to his death, DeMohrenschildt was undergoing psychiatric treatment, apparently including electro-shock therapy, from a Dallas physician named Mendoza. DeMohrenschildt’s widow thinks the treatments may have had something to do with
her husband’s death.

The physical evidence in connection with DeMohrenschildt’s death suggests the distinct possibility of foul play.

Most importantly, Blakey gave the intelligence services the right to veto what information would go into the committee’s report.

Near the end of his investigation, Blakey was on the receiving end of some questionable behavior from CIA liaison Regis Blahut:

Destiny Betrayed by Jim DiEugenio; Skyhorse Publishing [SC]; Copyright 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEugenio; ISBN 978-1-62087-056-3; p. 340.

. . . . Toward the end, when CIA liaison Regis Blahut was caught mishandling Kennedy’s autopsy photos while they were secured in a safe, the Agency offered Blakey four ways to do an inquiry of what had happened. ...

We note that, during the early phase of the HSCA’s investigation, George H.W. Bush was in charge of the CIA. George Joannides, who managed the DRE for CIA, was the Agency’s main liaison to the HSCA.

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

1-2 Dave Emory “For the Record #1054 Interview #23, with Jim DiEugenio about “Destiny Betrayed”

The interview begins with a telling editorial written for “The Washington Post” by former President Harry Truman.

Destiny Betrayed by Jim DiEugenio; Skyhorse Publishing [SC]; Copyright 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEugenio; ISBN 978-1-62087-056-3; pp. 378-379.

. . . . On December 22, 1963, Harry Truman wrote an editorial that was published in the Washington Post. The former President wrote that he had become “disturbed by the way the CIA had become diverted from its original assignment. It has
become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of government.” He wrote that he never dreamed that this would happen when he signed the National Security Act. he thought it would be used for intelligence analysis, not “peacetime cloak and dagger operations.”
He complained that the CIA had now become “so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue–and a subject for Cold War enemy propaganda.” Truman went as far as suggesting its operational
arm be eliminated. He concluded with the warning that Americans have grown up learning respect for “our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting
a shadow over out historic position and I feel hat we need to correct it.” . . . .

Former CIA Director (and then Warren Commission member) Allen Dulles visited Truman and attempted to get him to retract the statement. He dissembled about then CIA chief John McCone’s view of the editorial.

The focal point of the first two programs is the dramatic changes in U.S. foreign policy that occurred because of JFK’s assassination. Analysis in FTR #1056 continues the analysis of Kennedy’s foreign policy and concludes with riveting
discussion of the striking policy undertakings of the Kennedy administration in the area of civil rights. Jim has written a marvelous, 4-part analysis of JFK’s civil rights policy.

Lyndon Baines Johnson reversed JFK’s foreign policy initiatives in a number of important ways.

When the United States reneged on its commitment to pursue independence for the colonial territories of its European allies at the end of the Second World War, the stage was set for those nations’ desire for freedom to be cast as incipient
Marxists/Communists. This development was the foundation for epic bloodshed and calamity.

Jim details then Congressman John F. Kennedy’s 1951 fact-finding trip to Saigon to gain an understanding of the French war to retain their colony of Indochina. (Vietnam was part of that colony.)

In speaking with career diplomat Edmund Gullion, Kennedy came to the realization that not only would the French lose the war, but that Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh guerrillas enjoyed great popular support among the Vietnamese people.

This awareness guided JFK’s Vietnam policy, in which he not only resisted tremendous pressure to commit U.S. combat troops to Vietnam, but planned a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam.

Perhaps the most important change made after JFK’s assassination was Johnson’s negation of Kennedy’s plans to withdraw from Vietnam.

National Security Memorandum 263

. . . . Johnson seized upon the hazy and controversial events in the Gulf of Tonkin during the first week of August to begin he air war planned in NSAM 288. Yet the Tonkin Gulf incident had been prepared by Johnson himself. After Kennedy’s
death, President Johnson made a few alterations in the draft of NSAM 273. An order which Kennedy had never seen but was drafted by McGeorge Bundy after a meeting in Honolulu, a meeting which took place while Kennedy was visiting Texas. . . .

. . . . On August 2, the destroyer Maddox was attacked by three North Vietnamese torpedo boats. Although torpedoes were launched, none hit. The total damage to the Maddox

was one bullet through the hull. Both Johnson and the Defense Department misrepresented this incident to congress and the press. They said the North Vietnamese fired first, that the USA had no role in the patrol boat raids, that the ships
were in international waters, and there was no hot pursuit by the Maddox. These were all wrong. Yet Johnson used this overblown reporting, plus a non-existent attack two nights later on the destroyer Turner Joy to begin to push his war resolution through Congress.
He then took out the target list assembled for NSAM 288 [from March of 1964–D.E] and ordered air strikes that very day. . . .

In addition to noting that Hubert Humphrey, contrary to popular misconception, was an opponent of Johnson’s war strategy, we note that Robert McNamara was also opposed to it, although he went along with the Commander in Chief’s policies.

In the Congo, as in Indonesia, LBJ reversed JFK’s policy stance, and the corporate looting of the Congo resulted under General Joseph Mobutu, himself a beneficiary of the piracy.

In FTR #1033, we examined JFK’s attempts at normalizing relations with Cuba. That, of course, vanished with his assassination and the deepening of Cold War hostility between the U.S. and the Island nation, with a thaw of sorts coming under
Barack Obama a few years ago.

There is no more striking area in which JFK’s murder reversed what would have been historic changes in America’s foreign policy than U.S.-Soviet relations.

JFK had implemented a ban on atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, bitterly opposed by the Pentagon, In a June, 1963 speech at American University, JFK called for re-evaluating America’s relationship to the Soviet Union, and cited the
U.S.S.R’s decisive role in defeating Nazi Germany during World War II.

JFK was also proposing joint space exploration with the Soviet Union, which would have appeared to be nothing less than treasonous to the Pentagon and NASA at the time. After JFK’s assassination, the Kennedy family used a backchannel diplomatic
conduit to the Soviet leadership to communicate their view that the Soviet Union, and its Cuban ally, had been blameless in the assassination and that powerful right-wing forces in the United States had been behind the assassination.

Perhaps JFK’s greatest contribution was one that has received scant notice. In 1961, the Joint Chiefs were pushing for a first strike on the Soviet Union–a decision to initiate nuclear war. JFK refused, walking out of the discussion with
the disgusted observation that “We call ourselves the human race.”

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James W. Douglass; Touchstone Books [SC]; Copyright 2008 by James W. Douglas; ISBN 978-1-4391-9388-4; pp. 242-243.

. . . . As JFK may have recalled from the National Security Council meeting he walked out of in July 1961, the first Net Evaluation Subcommittee report had focused precisely on “a surprise attack in late 1963, preceded by a period of heightened
tensions.” Kennedy was a keen reader and listener. In the second preemptive-war report, he may also have noticed the slight but significant discrepancy between its overall time frame, 1963-1968, and the extent of its relatively reassuring conclusion, which
covered only 1964 through 1968. . . .

Those who designed the plot to kill Kennedy were familiar with the inner sanctum of our national security state. Their attempt to scapegoat the Soviets for the President’s murder reflected one side of the secret struggle between JFK and
his military leaders over a preemptive strike against the Soviet Union. The assassins’ purpose seems to have encompassed not only killing a President determined to make peace with the enemy, but also using his murder as the impetus for a possible nuclear first
strike against that same enemy. . . .

With the GOP and Trump administration openly suppressing voting rights of minorities, African-Americans in particular, the stellar efforts of JFK and the Justice Department in the area of civil rights is striking. JFK’s civil rights policy
was exponentially greater than what had preceded him, and much of what followed.

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
'Civil Disobedience to Combat Ecocide'

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
'The End of Ice'
Ralph spends the whole hour with independent journalist Dahr Jamal, author of 'The End of Ice,' his first person report on the front lines of the climate crisis.

3:30-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

Fund Drive Schedule

12-1 Alan Watts & Kim Nikell
"The Goddess" Part 2 of 6

All info:

1:30-2:30 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

2:30-3 Science Fiction Break

3:00-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)


Something's Happening | | |
Something's Happening, KPFK, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West,

North Hollywood, CA 91604

Saturday, March 2, 2019

March 4-7


KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on 'Listen Live.' Times are Pacific Time. Program times for "Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is legally Tuesday morning et seq.

Any program information not included in the program guide - guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at and click on 'what happened?' Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.

"Something's Happening!" (and the Sunday 'Alan Watts') are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on 'Audio Archives.' Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. "Something's Happening!" and "Alan Watts" are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica.

'Ch... Ch... Changes'

Things are a bit slow so we will be extending the fund drive, maybe until the 19th depending on the pledge rate. We will continue to keep as much regular programming on as possible - and note we are continuing to begin the Thom Hartmann show a bit earlier on most mornings to keep it as complete as possible. KPFA in Berkeley and Free Speech TV are experiencing about the same percentages of their goals.

Another 1 hour fundraising extravaganza featuring more Q & A with Watts which has never before been broadcast.
Pledge Line: 818-985-5735


12-3 Bobb Lynes & Barbara Sunday, 'Don't Touch That Dial!!'
In honor of Women's History Month we'll be saluting women in radio and women in history.

Blondie 11-17-48 ‘The New Car’

Candy Matson 7-7-49 ‘Cable Car Case’

Lest We Forget ‘Story of Jane Addams’

Cavalcade of America 5-4-42 ‘The Printer was a Lady’

Kate Smith Show
Email Bobb: Email Barbara:
SPERDVAC Old Radio Org:

3-4 Lux Radio Theater
Continuing our broadcasts of the entire existing list of programs in order of broadcast dates:
"The Curtain Rises" starring Ginger Rogers, Warren William. (Oct. 12, 1936)

Based on the play by Oskar Rempal. A humorous tale about a shy young lady who takes dramatic lessons for the opportunity enact love scenes with the handsome actor who is instructing her.

4- 6 The Thom Hartmann Program

Thom's Website:


12-1 Portable Water Filter Limited Offer
Dr. Nita Vallens with an updated interview with Dr. Roy Spieser of CWR on our limited portable water filter offer. Each portable filter will clean 300-500 gallons of water depending on the condition of the water used at which time the filter elements can be renewed and the cost drops to about 15 cents a gallon for bacteriologically and chemically purified water. In this time of purposeful Trumpian deterioration of our air and water protection and with the questionable safety of 40 percent of bottled water, this appliance takes on a new importance. We have access to a limited supply.

1-2:30 Clarissa Pinkola Estes, 'How To Love a Woman" Part 1 of 2

For all men and women who thirst to love and be loved by a woman, these words and stories of guidance from Clarissa Pinkola Estés are aqua vitae, the water of life for the soul.

Dr. Estés teaches that in love relationships, each partner challenges, nourishes, and transforms the other. To achieve this lifelong love requires an understanding of the mysterious internal cycles that fuel relationships.

Through irresistible storytelling, How to Love a Woman shows how every relationship fades and expires, only to be reborn in a fresh and strengthened form.

Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD, is an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). In addition to her international bestseller Women Who Run With the Wolves, Dr. Estés is a managing editor and columnist writing on politics, spirituality, and culture at the newsblog, and she is a columnist at The National Catholic Reporter online.

From Sounds True, 1 (800) 333-9185,

3-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:


12-1 For The Record #1051 Interview #20 with Jim DiEugenio about “Destiny Betrayed”

This is the twentieth in a planned long series of interviews with Jim DiEugenio about his triumphal analysis of President Kennedy’s assassination and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s heroic investigation of the killing.

This program deals with Oswald in Mexico City, one of the most important elements in constructing the cover-up of the assassination.

The Mexico City gambit entails “Oswald” ostensibly traveling to Mexico City to visit the Cuban and Soviet embassies, the latter involving “Oswald’s” alleged contacts with Valery Kostikov, the KGB’s agent in charge of assassinations in the Western Hemisphere. When reports of this were circulated in the American media on the weekend of JFK’s assassination, it appeared to many that the Soviet Union and/or Cuba was behind the assassination.

Ultimately, the possibility of World War III and a nuclear holocaust breaking out as a result of the assassination were used by Lyndon Baines Johnson to engineer a cover-up.

Destiny Betrayed by Jim DiEugenio; Skyhorse Publishing [SC]; Copyright 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEugenio; ISBN 978-1-62087-056-3; p. 359.

. . . . To say this deception about Oswald in Mexico worked well does not begin to do it justice. For at the first meeting of the Warren Commission, the former DA of Alameda County California, Earl Warren, came out meek as a lamb:

1.–He did not want the Commission to employ any of their own investigators.

2.–He did not want the Commission to gather evidence. Instead he wished for them to rely on reports made by other agencies like the FBI and Secret Service.

3.–He did not want their hearings to be public. He did not want to employ the power of subpoena.

4.–Incredibly, he did not even want to call any witnesses. He wanted to rely on interviews done by other agencies.

5.–He then made a very curious comment, “Meetings where witnesses would be brought in would retard rather than help our investigation.

In other words, as Johnson told [then Senator Richard] Russell, they were to ratify the FBI’s inquiry. There was to be no real investigation by anyone. The Mexico City charade, with its threat of atomic holocaust, had secured the cover up of Kennedy’s murder. . . .

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

1-2 For The Record #1052 Interview #21 with Jim DiEugenio about “Destiny Betrayed”

House Select Committee on Assassinations Assistant Counsel Jonathan Blackmer: “. . . . ‘We have reason to believe Shaw was heavily involved in the Anti-Castro efforts in New Orleans in the 1960s and [was] possibly one of the high level planners or ‘cut out’ to the planners of the assassination.’ . . . .”

This is the twenty-first in a planned long series of interviews with Jim DiEugenio about his triumphal analysis of President Kennedy’s assassination and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s heroic investigation of the killing.

This program undertakes examination of the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

The HSCA coalesced after a showing of the Zapruder film on television cued a dramatic increase in people who were interested in the JFK assassination. Representative Tom Downing of Virginia was instrumental in realizing the project.

Ultimately, respected Pennsylvania prosecutor Richard Sprague became the committee’s Chief Counsel, recruiting skilled aides like the late Gaeton Fonzi and Robert Tanenbaum. Networking with, among others, Pennsylvania Senator Richard Schweiker, Sprague, Tanenbaum, Fonzi et al quickly concluded that the Warren Commission was covering up the assassination and highlighted the ridiculous nature of CE399–the so-called “Magic Bullet,” which is the evidentiary core of the Warren Commission’s thesis.

Initially, the HSCA began doing some serious work, investigating and analyzing the New Orleans connections that Garrison investigated. In addition to the Shaw, Banister, Ferrie Oswald relationships, the role of David Phillips, aka “Maurice Bishop,” became a substantive focal point of their work.

Gaeton Fonzi’s work for the committee focused on:

The program goes into the discovery made by researcher John Hunt of the handling of the Magic Bullet, CE399.

Destiny Betrayed by Jim DiEugenio; Skyhorse Publishing [SC]; Copyright 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEugenio; ISBN 978-1-62087-056-3; p. 345.

. . . . And the proof is that both the Warren Commission and the HSCA signed onto the ludicrous Single Bullet Theory. A theory that has been rendered even more risible today than it was in the sixties and seventies. For researcher John Hunt has proven with declassified documents that the so-called Magic Bullet was at the FBI lab in Washington at 7:30 p.m. on the night of the twenty-second. But how could this be if that bullet was not turned over by the Secret Service to FBI agent Elmer Lee Todd until 8:50 p.m.? In other words, lab technician Robert Frazier had booked CE399 into his reords one hour and twenty minutes before it was given to him by agent Todd. But further, Todd’s initials were said by the FBI to be on this bullet he dropped off with Frazier that night. Hunt saw the blow up photos of the entire circumference of CE 399 at the National Archives. The FBI lied on this key issue. For Todd’s initials are not on the bullet.

All one needs to know about the efficacy of the HSCA is that it never took the time to do what John Hunt did. . . .

Eventually, the collaborationist mainstream media began an assault on Richard Sprague and the work of the committee. The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post began the assault, which quickly drew blood. . . .

For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:

You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --

Dave Emory's entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link:

Dave's website:

2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"

2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm

3:40-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:


12-1 Alan Watts,
Special for Women's History Month
"The Goddess" Part 1 of 6
Alan Watts with Kim McKell
All info:

1:30-2:30 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
From KPFA. Caroline's Website:

2:30-3 Science Fiction Break

3-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom's Website:

That's All Folks!

Roy rtuckman (at)


Lets Keep Roy's Show Live on the Air

Dear KPFK Listeners, It's been six months since Roy Tuckman left our world on April 20, 2023. Many listeners feel a tremendous loss and ...